Well? Which one would you rather have as president?
Well? Which one would you rather have as president?
Other urls found in this thread:
Trump. Libertarians are just a hobby ideology
Ron Paul. Is this even a serious question?
Ron and Rand
You two can resolve this peacefully...
Trump - immigration is more important than anything else right now
Trump is the wrecking ball we need
Why not both?
Trump/Paul sounds like a fucking god teir ticket.
>Trump smashes the lobbyists while Paul dismantles the banks and the fed
rond paul but the immigration issue is somthing that we all deal with on a daily bases. im mexican american my parents have been here legally since the the 80s you know how many death stares i get because people think im illegal
Ron Paul was our last hope and you faggots blew it.
What matters is that he's literally the only candidate in history besides Barry Goldwater and David Duke who's not a Zionist puppet/shill.
this, it wouldn't even matter who was P or VP.
One would get shit done behined the scenes and the other blast the globalist faggots publically
>hobby ideology
Why do lolbertarians get BTFO everytime I come on here
ron paul literally wanted to put the military all along the border
Ronny, I'll pick the candidate who's weird I can best trust every time.
This. America had two fucking chances to vote for him.
actaully you right ron paul would actually do somthing abought immigration
i would rather have ronald trumpaul
Ron Paul. He is Trump on steroids and muscle milk.
Ron, but I'l gladly take Trump. Classic liberalism>populism>neocons>neolibs
Ron Paul is also a lot less inconsistent. I'm voting for Trump and believe he would make a decent president, but Ron Paul has a great track record of staying on-point with his message and not changing his mind on really anything.
I love them both, but I'd take Ron if I could. Had plans to vote for Rand if it came to it but I voted for Trump.
My vote for Trump is revenge for what they did to Paul.
>David Duke isn't a Zionist puppet/shill.
Happening guy is like RMS for Sup Forums PFM for Sup Forums Zyzz for /fit/ BOXXY for Sup Forums Anno for Sup Forums Gabe for Sup Forums Ramsey for /ck/ Zun for /jp/ Art Bell for /x/ Stoklasa for Sup Forums Kobain for Sup Forums etc.
How is this even a question?
Only one Truly has the power to make anime real.
But his time has passed, it is too late for our 3D waifus. They would do us no good now.
We need the man who can make TDotR real.
I like ron paul but open borders and nuclear iran are fucking stupid ideas
Nice list. Contributing:
DFW for /lit/