So if I like Obama should I be voting for Hillary? Or is she completely different than him?

So if I like Obama should I be voting for Hillary? Or is she completely different than him?

I live in New Hampshire so my vote kind of matters.


I am not baiting. How? Because I liked Obama? He was better than Bush so fuck you.

Our economy is a lot better now. He made some mistakes yea and was not perfect but he is a likeable guy.

Do you want to go to war with Russia?

Vote Hillary. She knows what she is doing.

Not Baiting, what exactly did you like about Obama?

How is our economy better?

obama fucks kids

You should vote for Barney Sandals he will give you many colleges.

Nah, nah, no, I mean, no, probably, yeah.

This is the slowest recovery since the great depression. It's hard not to go up when you start from the bottom.

Additionally, presidents have very little impact on the economy during their term. It takes longer for the effects to be realized.

Try the quiz on

I'm not sure if there's a reason not to trust the site's results, but I'm sure someone will set me straight if there is.

Obama wants you to vote for Hillary and so does Bernie Sanders.

Hillary is basically 4 more years of Obama, just with less credibility, proven traitor to your country and the only thing that makes her stand out from others is that "im a wimyn!" - If you voted for Obongo to get a first black president, then Hillary would be your ideal pick, she won't improve anything but you can say you voted for 'progression'.

Obama has been relatively cautious in his foreign policy, Libya bombing was Clinton's intitiative; Obama was privately against it.

Clinton is far more hawkish on foreign policy than Trump.

t. someone who has hated Republicans all his life

>don't want Trumpite redneck nazis running rampant like an armed version of BLM
>don't want to go to war with Mother Russia for Hitlery's chessboard schemes
What do, Sup Forums?

I don't think they would draft me out of all people.
by experience?
Improved relations with rest of the world. aka did not act like a retard like bush. Did not get us in any major wars. Stayed out of a lot of issues really.
We recovered from the recession. How is the economy not better than it was 8 years ago? TEll me this.
I don't think Trump will fix it though. I really don't agree with his whole trickle down bullshit.
I don't care. They are democrats so obviously are going to say that

you should vote hillary you fucking white male. You are going extinct you white piece of shit and you better vote hillary or you are fucking racist. Fuck you and maybe if you are a good boy you can lick my semen off your white moms pussy when I am done with her.

Obama was an awful president.
Followed through with none of his promises and just did what Bush had done.

Democrats generally aren't on Sup Forums.

Or Republicucks for that matter, until recently.

>Stayed out of a lot issues really

Didn't he bomb Libya to the stone age? causing more instability in the middle east, and is choking Syria from dealing with their own civil war with those sanctions?

If you like Obama you should be killing yourself.

It depends on what your priorities are.

Hillary's policies are generally like Obama's, but more ambitious and further-reaching -- and further left. But she herself is less charismatic, personable, and reasonable than Obama. And she's much more willing to go to war than Obama was. She also carries a ton of corruption baggage, more than any other US politician today.

Trump's policies are of a different kind from Obama's, but also from Bush's (aside from the general idea of tax cuts, although Trump's are larger and across-the-board). I'd encourage you to look into his policies yourself to see what you think of his proposals. In general he's a centrist from an American perspective; the big thing he offers is reform to the establishment, which he and his supporters see as being corrupt, abusive, and bloated. Trump's character is divisive, mostly because no one can really settle on exactly what his temperament is like, so he's a bit of a wildcard.

I hope that helped a little.

>but he is a likeable guy.
Only thing you can say about him. He's a charismatic guy, down to earth. Far more likable than Clinton.

Actual policy and economics though? Simply a continuation of everything Bush did. Because of him we've seen two middle eastern nations collapse, the movement of millions of people, the worst relations with the Second World since the 70s and above all else, no change, a complete betrayal of his entire promise.

The world is more ideologically and politically unstable because of him and his weakness.

If you're a Social Democrat who likes the idea of Globalism, go ahead and vote for Hillary. If you're a far left Pinko or anywhere to the right of Bush, don't vote for her.

>I don't think they would draft me

Nigga, war with Russia would trigger WW3, I don't think they'd give a fuck what kind of condition your body is in. Everyone counts.



>recovered from the recession

It's still recession. Rates are still at an all-time low and the fed is flirting with negative rates. (((Bankers))) are dumping money to jumpstart economy. Once EU goes boom, everyone feels the heart again

>So if I like Obama should I be voting for Hillary

No, you shouldn't even have the right to vote.

>I don't think they would draft me out of all people.

THAT's your concern?

What an egocentric jerk.


Check em.

politics in this country isn't about left vs. right any more, its globalism vs. nationalism

if you want to put America first, vote Trump. if you want this country to keep being raped by rootless internationalists, feel free to vote Clinton


you'll probably vote Clinton OP, but remember this post.


>>don't want Trumpite redneck nazis running rampant like an armed version of BLM
if you honestly think this is happening/will happen you are indoctrinated

The problem usually isn't matching the candidate with your opinions it's having really shitty opinions.

Hilary will basically just be a less likable version of Obama, most expect her to extend his policies.