How do we eradicate millenormials?

How do we eradicate millenormials?

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& the infographic

Make cell phones actually cause cancer.

Glue a dildo to the bottom of a pool and just wait.

How are they defining multicultural?
Is it for people within tight ethnic communities like ethiopians, greeks or italians or is it just for your average american but with different skin colour?

>being loyal depending on what jew you give money to

>read newspapers daily
>watch TV daily
>read magazines monthly
>read blogs daily
>get news from TV and FB
>actually TRUST TV and newspapers

As a multicultural millenial, what the actual fuck. We're reaching normie levels that shouldn't even be possible

Ruins brands for them lol, tell them the children of *insert persons race here* are forced to work in sweatshops in that races home country

As compared to Gen Z, which does all the same things but doesn't trust any of it, and actively criticizes the corrupt news media.

The future is bright

Democrats actually believe that shit.

How the fuck can they be loyal to a brand yet not their country?

>millennials take brand loyalty seriously
Just last year there was an article saying millennials are the least brand loyal generation

Isn't Gen Z still in middle school?

Multiculti millenials are clear not diversed enough in brand names

They can't have it both ways

>Who participated in this study
>European - 10%

Ya there's no way.

Most people I talk to don't even watch TV anymore. As for newspapers all you need to do is go to one of those machines and see how yellow the paper is to figure out no one reads them anymore.

The oldest ones are now in high school and will be voting in the next election.

they're (((loyal))) to brands

meaning that if apple fires a gay person and then people post it on facebook, they'll be anti-apple for like a week straight until the next phone comes out

>80% usually introduce trends, artists, styles etc. to friends and family before htey blow up in pop culture
>80% of millennials think that they're fucking trend setters

those demographics, lots of laughs

>society is still materialistic

So much for socialism

>10% White

Gen Z is just graduated HS to middle school I think.

>Top 5 most trusted sources of information - TV 55%

>Who participated in thus study?
>60% female
>57% urban
>32% nigger
>60% democrat


>85% have some form of employment
I thought this was the generation that bitched about not having any jobs.

>10% white

>83% like it when brands agree with them
>78% think they have power over the brand

this is so sad and hilarious they are being played like fiddles, I wonder when will they realize that brands just play up to trends, the moment their feminist or whatever other stupid liberal struggle goes out of fashion the brand will drop them like they did to their original conservative consumers

Check the infographic - these are nigger and hispanic millenials, i.e. the dumber bunch.

please spare me, I am not like these idiots

I have to admit I take brand loyalty kind of serious myself.

I refuse to buy shit from apple or starbucks because I associate those brands with liberal scum

Target lost all my business over their transqueer bathroom thing.

I actively boycott companies that donate exclusively or majority to democratic candidates across all levels of government.

I try to limit shit I buy that's made in China and opt for American-made goods.

sad shit generation


That's not really loyalty.

>hispanics and europeans are mutually exclusive groups

I guess your right, I won't eat oreos because they are pro gay and give you bitch tits.

I always look for that made in the usa sticker

I avoid walmart as much as possible because its all fucking niggers there

I have my 3 radio stations that I listen to and wont listen to any others

Maybe us millenials are just autistic?

>tell your parents about some shit they don't care about
>totally knew about this before everyone

>5% pure blooded Indian
What demographic were they trying to represent with this?

that kinda sounds like the opposite of brand loyalty, for example, a true brand fanboy of Target would have looked for excuses to continue shopping there and perpetually cry about the bathroom thing rather than actually go away

This made me me smile.You heard it here first: In the original draft of Harry Potter a "muggle" was actually a dildo.

Good point. It's more of me just boycotting most things for political reasons and being neutral or having a preference to a few brands that might appeal to me better.

I suppose we are.

Who are these millenials with money? I thought we all agreed we wouldn't have that anymore.

also, avoiding chinese clothing just sounds to me like someone who actually puts effort into his purchase choices, even if most sweatshops today are not as bad as liberal media continue to depict them their products are still shit quality

The first waves of them are graduating, and talking to them they seem to be conservative, libertarian, and "alt-right epic maymays and watch Crowder and blaire white on YouTube" There's still hope but they could still become sheeple, at least right wing sheeple

T.gen z fag

This, niggers are very brand-cucked.

All my kiddos are Gen Z. My oldest kid is a sophomore. Anyhoo they're all redpilled for the most part (six kiddos). Oldest is racist as fuck too it's hilarious. They openly scorn nigletei in stores and spics and shit. I need to start taking video.

>trusting tv

>niggers are brand cucks
Niggers will kill people over Jordan's because Nike owns their souls. Ftfy

Oh and adding to what I posted. They have no inkling that I browse Sup Forums and we do not use racial slurs around them or at all in the home. This is all organic from growing up on Youtube and the Internet. I think Tay still lives on because all these kids mostly seem based unless they were cucked purposefully by their parents.

>brand loyalty

I'm dead serious kids in high school are talking about gassing the jews and passing around hitler memes like candy. I've seen it. Good times are coming.

>digital diets
You have got to be shitting me lol.

thats not the same kinda of brand loyalty, thats being a patriot

In highschool, can confirm. First generation to be redpilled early on. Nationalism, christianity, and memes. The holy trinity.

Gen z here, my school was full of Trump stickers and "hillary 4 prison" shirts.

Worst case scenario Gen z will rise from the ashes.

Not really surprising considering the situation they're in, liberals didn't think shit through at all.

I guess the forbidden fruit theory is true, millenials were rebelling against their conservative parents and seniors, now gen z kids are rebelling against their liberal ones

Saw kids wearing MAGA hats at my old high school for spirit week, my brother included.

Why are people posting anti-millenial stuff? Are they Gen X (Generation before us) or Gen Z (1996 and after)? Or just self-hating millenials?

Millenials have some SJW's, but the rest are getting fed up with them a bit. It's just that the SJW's are so loud. Also Gen Z seems promising - heard they're socially conservative, but maybe that's because of more minorities = more social conservatives.

I have two in High School. Freshman and sophomore and they constantly complain about the teachers being cucked or some hippy leftist trash. Leftists are all up in the schools spitting this marxist commie stuff and they're redpilling the kiddos. Brings a tear to my eye.

That's very true.
Yea Florida here it's all Trump. There was some Bernie though back in the primary and at the schools.

Self-hating millennial here.

>Millenials have some SJW's
Millennials are by far the most SJW and marxist/progressive of any generation before them.

We were also raised the most coddled with "everyone's a winner!" style of delusions

You're goddamn right. I have my Trump bumper sticker, MAGA button, and the schools are filled with leftie hippies. Cucks run rampant, and we all try to redpill as many of our fellow freinds as possible. We all know knowledge is power, and the more we wake up the better, Facts, Logic, and americanism, not globalism. Also most millenials are tranny hugging white hating fags.

Yea. Pretty sure I fall into Gen X which is good. The worst millennials are the ones born in the late 80's and 90's imo.

As a millenial myself I can confirm its millenials shitting on other millenials, we are the worst fucking generation

Whenever I see one of those kids their liberaltard mother makes them dress like girls I imagine them growing up to be wifebeaters

"Source buzz marketing group"
Without a doubt they just made a stupid check list that their dumb minions filled in and thought it was scientific.


I've always gotten on better with people either 5-10 years older or 5-10 years younger than me

I thought millenials didn't have money? Yet they are buying luxury goods while living with their parents?

Its like black people getting sick of niggers.

>tfw when every nerdy or rocker girl in high school became a stereotypical feminist in college

I want off this generation

Nah man, this is the beginning of the cyberpunk future we asked for, where corporations replace governments and nations. Let it happen.

I'm 81 so I'm on the line and I identify with gen x more.

I blame boomers more than millennials since i think they are the ones that ruined millennials. Millennials are just sheep.

I think gen z will save us.

Also #notall of course

I'm just waiting for my neon sign ridden corporate dystopia already.

Thank you millenials for helping my dream come true.

See you in the shadows ;)

Well, when you don't have to pay rent and utilities, plus a CERTAIN GROUP OF PEOPLE are giving out loans like fucking candy, makes it pretty easy for derpy millenifags to go chasing shiny things

They're a whole new generation of consumers to keep the fat cats happy. Most white people seemed to have stop giving a fuck. In the corporate offices you're looking at roughly 50% Asian/Indian and 50% European mix. All the Euros just fucking chill. They don't give a fuck. While all the ethnics blow money on suits, houses, huge TVs, playing golf on weekends and all sorts of ultru-consumerist foolishness. They're so impulsive it's no wonder they run their countries into the ground.


butthurt gen Z get out, you are too young.