Do you remember how optimistic the year 2000 felt? How did we go from that, to this?
Do you remember how optimistic the year 2000 felt? How did we go from that, to this?
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These things here
I member 2000. Wasn't it great?
shut up
People in Israel don't even like them.
We got to this because of all the copyright BS.. Well not just that but referring to the cover of the magazine
We were all just overly grateful the world didn't end on Y2K
the bible says that the devil will be set free from hell after 1000 years. now imagine its a bit of an translation error and that it doesnt say after thousands years, but every thousand years.
like it went all upwards till around 1000 then the darkages came, 600 years of supression, witchhunts, crusades and technological stagnations, then it went uphill again for a few hundred years. 2000 was the next time he got set free. 9/11 happened the next year we invade iraq and afghanistan and fuck up more and more.
so how do we get the devil back into hell?
No, not really.
Remeber how optimistic 2014 was, how happy and carefree everyone seemed
Brother brat me to it
Next thread I'll win, you'll see
>back when ur freedoms where not violated cause some sand nigger protests
What happened to Napster is iconic for that time and shows how things changed.
Napster became the center of a huge legal battle, because in the end it's just a few kids and they collapsed.
Youtube followed the same model, but because of being a massive corporation rose from the ashes and to this day sells massive copyright infringement and makes money off it from advertisements.
look at the covers of time since 2000 and i am seeing a pattern.
we are reaching peak pandering and degeneracy
We grew up. Us, the jaded, the truth seekers.
Nah m8, i was born then
>Do you remember how optimistic the year 2000 felt? How did we go from that, to this?
9/11 happened? Then the 2008 economic recession happened.
Thanks, Bush. Thanks, Republicans. Thank God Obama at least tried to salvage this heap.
>How did we go from that, to this?
Too much political correctness, which keeps a sizable percentage of our population from recognizing our current existential struggle, which is against a resurgent islam.
Holy shit, who let the liberals in?
they're like fucking crows
it's only going to get worse, user
>white male celebrated on front of TIME
This must have been a while ago. Now TIME is an SJW circlejerk run by a jewish female.
Bush and Obama. Time to Drain The Swamp! Trump is the only solution.
I would even take 2007, hell I even pine for 2012 at this point
I graduated high school in 2000. Probably the best year of my life. Fuck the Jews for ruining the world on 911
Bawww they have a different opinion than mine. Make them go awayyyy. #Triggered
Bush and 9/11
And then Obama fucked it up by batting for the same team. (the elites)
>like it went all upwards till around 1000 then the darkages came, 600 years of supression, witchhunts, crusades and technological stagnations,
German education.
I member!
fucking christ
The bible also says you should send me tons of money.
George W. Bush
I was 2 years old in the year 2000 so I'm not going to remember shit
I remember 2000, my brother didnt go to Iraq yet
>fuck up expensive clothing to get a $0.50 trinket left behind
>Year 2000
Year 2000 was when most Americans realized their vote didn't count. We had the internet for over 4 years by that point, and all the information we ever really needed was already available. We did not use it to our advantage.
Nigger he's 18
Don't have to be a liberal to dislike George W. Bush and/or Republican Party
>Thanks, Bush. Thanks, Republicans. Thank God Obama at least tried to salvage this heap.
I will forgive you for being young and stupid.
Our ride was lost long before Bush. We had a chance to elect Perot, and we failed. That was the worst thing to happen to the US since the assassination of Kennedy, which Bush Sr. had a role in.
Napster lead to the downfall of the white man. An entire generation of children had access to gibsmedat entertainment without shelling out a single shekel. It made them weak.
I used to do chores all week just to buy a shitty Vinyl with only 2 good tracks.
It was a lean year, mostly because we were finishing the hundreds of pounds of rice my parents stocked up for Y2K
What if his birthday hasnt happened yet? 17.
If you like the Bushes, you probably shouldn't be here.
man, 2000 was the tits. there was like nothing to worry about.
The 90s were superior, 2000 was okay, but 2001 is when shtf and all went to hell.
Two stupid wars
>a shitty Vinyl with only 2 good tracks
Now a days good vinyls only have 2 tracks. Get with the times gramps
what is it going to take for people to really care that their vote isn't real? Ron Paul got fucked, everyone knew. Bernie got fucked, everyone knew. Trump will be fucked, everybody knows but CNN has shilled retards who think they're liberal.
we know our democracy is dead, but what the fuck can we do Sup Forums
Go to bed, grandpa. It's way past your bedtime.
Why do kikes do this? Does their greed know no bounds?
We had those, they were 7" singles.
I can't I am lonely.
The timeline was hijacked on 9/11.
We're starting to get back on track now though.
Sup Forums hasn't underage banned since 2011.
For a while people were genuinely worried that the clocks ticking over the millennium would have planes falling out of the sky and shit.
>be 13 in 2000
>My big bro joins US Army in 2001 before 9/11
>Contract signed! no backing down
>9/11 happens
>Fuck he actually has to go to war when he is done with training... fuck some terrorists up bro!
>2002, brother deployed
>stop hearing from him in June
>Learn in July he died
>Join up because angry
>Get kicked out due to broken ankle in training that didn't heal, wasn't even my fault
>Can never go fight for revenge for my dead brother
>Can never kill mudslimes
>Stuck working a desk job and playing video for the rest of my life
Gonna kill myself one day.
When's the next bus to Altoona?
yeah you should probably kill yourself, your life sucks
the Bush admin started that unnecessary war
do you feel any anger towards them
anger can motivate
Dark Ages started in the late 400's when The Western Roman Empire fell not 1000 you dumbass. And the Renaissance began in the late 1400's not the 1600's. I thought German education was supposed to be good.
>Ron Paul got snubbed
>Bernie got shafted
Why does this world suck so much? Anyone even remotely decent gets pushed to the side every time.