Prove me wrong

Prove me wrong.

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That's where your wrong, kiddo.

Fuck off do your own research you scummy shill


fucking niggers man, they cant do anything right

I am legitimately concerned that Clinton will try to steal this election and the country will erupt into civil war. They are pedophile satanists. Absolute evil. We're practically fighting against evil incarnate.

Spam this in every nerd virgin CTR thread

Live in PA? Have a car? Want trump to win? Have a car? Volunteer to drive the amish to the polls today! They vote over 90% republican!

>HOWEVER, even practicing Amish people can ride in cars and busses, but are forbidden to own one. ...


az, nc and texas are not red dude lol

Real map coming through

I was being generous.

Maybe if only white dudes voted.


I predict major anomalies with exit polls in Arizona.

Washington is D11 R1

there are supersaturates gone rouge

only one is confirmed many possible

haven't you heard, this election will have mostly white dudes voting for Trump

It's not the niggers. It's the faggots, hippies, and communist in San Francisco and the illegals in LA

Actually, they will likely vote for Johnson, they have said. Not that removing that one will hurt Trump, but don't get your hopes up about them voting for him.

Also, bastards, figure out people who need to be driven to vote for Trump. in PA they are needing people to drive the amish, and I'm sure there are plenty of other places which someone driving people to vote is the difference between them voting or not.

polls show trump is way ahead in FL, OH, NV, CO, NM, and tied in MN, PA, and IL

If Minnesota ever went red tears of joy would run down my face and I'd have faith in this hellhole once again

There. I've proven you wrong

Still not giving up on North Carolina.