How close do you think this'll be?

How close do you think this'll be?

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>leaf post

why are canadians such faggots?

My mistake

MI Red. NM Maybe.



a fucking leaf

Ain't gonna be at all. Florida has seen record hispanic early voting, nearly 1 million, the majority of them going for Abuela over Trumpster. Same story in Nevada, so those two states are going to the hilldawg and Trump is locked the fuck out.

Gonna be a landslide dem victory.


He could be right, there's lots of spics there

New Hampshire and Nevada aren't looking so good right now.
But if he can swing PA and/or Michigan its a win.

>Floridian Hispanics
>being anything but republican

you niggas have been saying for like 1 week that NH has been going red and now you say its "not looking so good"? which one is it?

No fucking chance he's right. I 100% promise.

That's one of the most retarded things that I've ever heard.

New polls came out plus early voting

He's panicking about an outlier poll that shows Clinton +11 and had her up +7 a week ago, the same time all of the other Trump+ or tied polls were coming out.

Pay him no mind.

He's panicking about an extreme outlier poll that shows Clinton +11 and had her up +7 a week ago, the same time all of the other Trump+ or tied polls were coming out.

Pay him no mind.

Early voting indicates a Trump victory. You can't use it as evidence of him losing swing states but disregard him winning blue states.

He has already won MI. The blacks in Detroit havent requested or turned in ballots and its going to rain all day Tuesday.

Except Cuban American don't like Illegals and do not follow the same generalized Latino voting stereotypes Democrats like to plop All people south of the USA into the same basket into

Early voting is skewed so far in favor of Clinton in NV and FL it's pretty much done.

It will be close trump may even win the popular vote but the electoral college will shut him down
to actually win he would need a convincingly huge amount of votes

Very. We won't know until Tuesday.

calling it

NC darker red than SC

U wot

Can't find any poll from this month with him down in New Hampshire.

Drumpf isn't going to win both Maine CDs

>trump may even win the popular vote

No reliable poll has ever had Trump winning the popular vote. His only chance is to squeak out an electoral win like Bush in 2000.

Even if Trump wins all of the toss up states, Clinton will be at 274.

Very small chance that Trump will flip a dem state and he would still need to win all toss up states.

18% chance of a Trump victory.

35%, actually.
If a doctor said you had a 35% chance at beating cancer by taking a pill, would you say there's no way?

Most accurate so far desu

It's been all over the fucking news. Cubans at 49% Hillary and 43% Trump. Romney was at 70%.
Guess they're scared of being incorrectly detained for looking vaguely Mexican.


>Obama destoryed Romney in early voting Florida with 300k
>beat him at the end with 70k
>Hillary is beating trump in early voting by 30k

Florida will go red. Cubans Love Trump and hate anything democrat, blue, socialistic communism, and mexican.

Black people vote at 4:59pm.

FL is +1 million White votes compared to 12.

It's mostly South Americans, Puerto Ricans, and Mexicans there now. All voting in record numbers for based Hilldawg.

All the boomers retiring down there?

Not that close.

If he wins it will be by a sliver over 270 but thats all he needs

Obama lifted trade embargo nigger. Cubans are crips now

This looks most likely.
Everything hinges on Florida.

Don't believe people who say "____ BTFO IT'S OVER", they're probably just paid meme shills. If anyone was blown out everyone would know it, and pol would be way more dead.

This election isn't just exciting because of Trump shenanigans, it's also exciting because nobody knows what will happen no matter how hard they try to. This will be one of the closest elections.

Huge surge of Hispanic voters in Nevada, but pollsters have been saying Hispanic turnout will be the same in 2016 as it was in 2012.

>Take Nevada off the table, it belongs to Hillary.

Utah is going to McCullin

3% isn't a huge surge

>Everything hinges on Florida.
Which is exactly why Hillary is in the process of stealing it.

Election Volunteer Files Affidavit In Florida Describing Chilling Account Of Alleged Voter Fraud

she needs 271 delegates either way so yeah rip

That's his worst-case scenario. Up for grabs is CO, MN, WI, MI, PA, VA, the other 3/4 of ME, and maybe even NM.

cuban americans hate that

Screen capping your post so when you get BTFO On Tuesday

>tfw Canida builds a border wall to stop illegal American immigrants fleeing Trump's Thunderdome apocalypse

Rich boomers go to Cali
Middle class go to Florida


Hillary got BTFO in early voting (compared with Obama)

Florida is basically a lock.

can you imagine the butthurt if that actually happens?

>Utah is going to McCullin
Not according to the polling.

Most recent poll has Trump up by 5.

McCullin would have to pull off a helluva upset.

I think we shouldn't have shut down the mental asylums.

>Florida is basically a lock.
Again, not according to the polling.

And the theft.

BREAKING: Florida Election Employees Caught Faking 1,000’s of Stolen Absentee Ballots in Massive Voter Fraud Scheme

because they hate communism you retard.
lifting embargos helps the communist shit hole and they dont like that.


I'd like a president McCullin. Polygamy sounds great.

>I'd like a president McCullin.
Never going to happen.

>Polygamy sounds great.
You have to have one wife before you have two wives.
You have to have a girlfriend before you have a wife.
You have to leave your basement before you have a girlfriend.

Most people aren't thinking that broadly. They're just happy to have their shitty cigars legally.


That's why it sounds great. In practice it'd just be more opportunities to get cucked.

>make tons of fake ballots
>still losing according to the early vote

The Cubans are thinking that way you stupid faggot, that's the entire reason Cubans are Republicans

I wonder why the MSM hasn't picked up on this..


What will the next evolution of Trump's brainwashed tinfoil hat base be?

>>still losing according to the early vote
You're basing your opinion on old data.

Democrats take the lead in Florida early voting
Sat November 5, 2016

>thinking about cigars

thats cold bro
Toronto could always use more guilted whites

>I wonder why the MSM hasn't picked up on this..
I actually wonder why Sup Forums hasn't...

This is the most likely scenario for a Trump win. That being said, the stars would really have to be in alignment for Trump to win all 3 tossups (NV, NC, and FL, like winning 3 coin tosses in a row) and Hillary is doing slightly better in NH than Trump, which you gave to him in this map.


She needed a much larger lead in early voting in order to beat Trump


So I guess this is the first day on the shilling job for you huh?

Neither NC nor FL are tossups you fucking retard

Get a load of this guy

Probably the most accurate map I've seen