I know one. He's spoiled as fuck but he's a cool guy

I know one. He's spoiled as fuck but he's a cool guy.

Other urls found in this thread:


There is no generation after millennials, we were the last free race, and we failed.

Bunch of fags.

Millenials are so fucked in the head when it comes to sex that most of them don't have kids, or they had one and then they got divorced or became trans-sexual gender-fluid dragon-kin or whatever. What ended up happening is that the conservative families who stick to traditional values ended up having more kids.

Thus Gen Z is more conservative and better. Also the propaganda has just gotten ridiculous lately and I think they (as well as people in general) are starting to see through it.

High schoolers are on forums like this much more than the internet illiterate faggot millenials.

Why are millennials so internet-illiterate? Having it be such a big part of their lives, you'd think they'd get to know it better.

This is before they've been put in the college commie program.


How is it possible to get this out of touch with reality?

See you in a couple years!



Also we have all mostly learned to not trust the government or the media. 2 very important lessons most millennials have failed to learn.

>i was born in 2000

>born in 2000
Jesus Christ MODS PLS

Too late, "4Snag"

They grew up neck deep in PC like you cant say this, you cant think that.
Obviously they hate control and like Who ever opposes that

I hope you don't have a static ip.


Born with smartphone in hand, but too lazy to google something

Source: work in public school system

1997** Gotta go one higher kiddo.

>Tfw posting from the womb.

>Tfw doesn't have an age yet.

Feels good man.

they are based


>Thus Gen Z is more conservative and better.

You wish. they're the ones being raised to think trannies are normal.

What would someone born in 96' be considered?
I'm 20.

What was the post?

Did the mods ban the 10 year old?

And people born in 2000 ARE 10.

They are alright

You're a millennial you retarded faggot.

I'm a 23 years old Millennial and I already have a daughter.
You probably don't or didn't at my age.

I was about to say see you in x years.
>people born in 1996 are 20

You seriously can't just work it out?

>being raised
Ever tried selling kids "dont do that"?
Children always feel when being brainwashed and do exactly the opposite of what they are told.

Probably an underage poster.

>And people born in 2000 ARE 10.

underageb& was born in 2000
there is a high chance he is fucking 16 years old


I'm 20 but I've seen a lot of graphs where the cutoff is 95

>Ever tried selling kids "dont do that"?

Yes. It actually works if you give them a reason.

>implying you're that much older

My little brother was pro trump before I was so are a lot of kids in his school. Not sure if it's just a joke to them or what but the shit is annoying.

Wouldn't be as annoying if they could actually vote for him.

Millennial still.

>implying im not
Get off my lawn

They're the zombie generation. The gen that worships youtube gamers and gets all their news from facebook.

'98 fag here

It's pretty bad

I am gen z by one year (18 in 2016) and i agree, atleast in AUS people my age group are either anti-sjw or leaning conservative.

Right and that totally worked for people giving women rights, blacks rights and normalizing gays.
When kids grow up and all they have ever known is that "this is normal" they never will understand the mindset of the generation before them that disagreed with it.

Not hating on you, as long as your a good dad that's cool, but why did you have a kid? Accident? I just had my first kid but I'm 26 and we had him intentionally.

Yeah..... I suppose this proves millennials are retarded faggots who are bad at math? 2000 - 2016 = 16

Dont say your age fellow gen zer, the millennials are just jealous that their life sucks. Come back after your 30 day ban and shitpost as usual. We are gonna get drafted

→ → → → →
→ → → → →

Gen Z starts at 2000.

Most of them are children of Gen X'ers. Millenials don't have much children yet.

People who don't remember 9/11 are considered Gen Z.


'98fag here, can confirm.
The sophmores I was friends with before I graduated were the most redpilled people Ive ever met.

What did he say user?

98 too, agree

Stuck in the past nostalgiafag

Generation ZYKLON


Little brother is Gen Z. Him and all of his friends are very smart, skeptical and right wing.

It's kind of a mixed bag.

97-96 is bad. No salvation for them



I'd like to believe you, but anecdotal evidence doesn't count for much.

I hope you understand that you just threw your youth away

>all these anons from 98'

probably because they are exposed to more as they have grown up with extensive, high-speed internet access.

Millennials were the last generation to have basically all knowledge delivered through schools and traditional media platforms, at precisely the time when Marxist indoctrination was at its highest.

So, Gen Z are more able to access their own information and reach their own conclusions, and be sceptical of the zeitgeist.

>reality has a redpilled bias.

I had redpilled friends I HS too. It was great I wish I could find some in college.

Gen z can confirm, all of my friends and a few people my age I've talked to have far right/fascist views and don't even realize it, what happened was the media went full SJW and now it's back firing really hard

You do realize it has been nearly seven years since 2010, right?

>Millennials were the last generation to have basically all knowledge delivered through schools and traditional media platforms,

The fuck are you talking about? Millenials were the first digital generation and the first to get their news primarily from the internet, and they still turned into cunts.

Nah. As someone who did his fair share of drinking a partying through his 20's let me say it's massively overrated.

Having a family brings it's own happiness, you'll understand when your older.

Can confirm
>Grew up with internet
>been typing since i can remember
We all learned our own ways to type, and can do it extremely fast, AND we all know the best place on the internet to search for anything, whether it be stolen information, porn, news, or redpills

>millennials are fucked in the head
The fuck did you expect from a generation raised by single mothers?

worse than millenials

Not an accident, had her 3 years ago with my girl and we decided to raise it.

I'm through college, have a trade job and I earn a decent salary for both my girl and my daughter.

My wife's at home and studying part time and taking care of the kid.

It's really not that hard to finance a kid nowadays, people are just too individualist and I blame the internet.

But we still went through school with little to no internet access, relative to today.

Don't you remember all the Holocaust and Civil Rights/"history" classes in school?

I guarantee that 90% of Sup Forums are millennials

Nice meme, kid.

It's actually 2010 and anyone who denies this is WRONG.

In college, I have no friends as all are liberal numales playing pokemon go and league of legends. I cannot deal with women my age anymore but since hanging out with teenage girls is illegal in America, no girls for me anytime soon legally unless i get out of this country or become lawful.

Well I'm enjoying my youth now and I can't imagine having a child at that age I just feel you should be able to enjoy the good years cause you're never getting those back

You can't watch porn and be redpilled. Porn is Jewish mind control.

Said the retard children who have their every technological convenience only because a millennial invented it. How much does it suck to suck?

This is going to be fascinating. I'm not old enough to have witnessed the punk revolution in the 1970s, but I imagine Gen Z are going to mirror that same spirit against authority.

Might get some good tunes out of the deal, as well.

>But we still went through school with little to no internet access

No we didn't? My school library had internet access. I had my own computer.

for anyone born before '95, the internet and the stuff available was much less prevelant in terms of content and availability.

Millennials already has their opinions moulded by their lefty teachers and mass-media by that time.

And Sup Forums is a very small part of the population.

>Well I'm enjoying my youth now and I can't imagine having a child at that age I just feel you should be able to enjoy the good years cause you're never getting those back

>I just feel you should be able to enjoy the good years
no life is about struggle you only enjoy overcoming adversity

Really? watch me. (Finds porn parody titled "9/11 was an inside job")

>for anyone born before '95, the internet and the stuff available was much less prevelant in terms of content and availability.

That was only true up to the implementation of broadband.

>Millennials already has their opinions moulded by their lefty teachers and mass-media by that time.

And that's only gotten worse. I haven't seen any definitive proof that Gen Z will be any better, only anecdotes and wishful thinking.

Gen Z can't remember a time without Internet. Being raised with Internet has made education more expansive and easier allowing a smarter population.

They're less dreamy and more serious than Millenials. They actually focus on going to college and were raised through the Market Crash and Two Wars (Afghanistan-Iraq). Terrorism, School shootings and police brutality has made them more insecure.

i was born in 2001 and love trump lol

Watch this instead.



I was born in 94. We had regular Internet access in schools since about 2003 and almost everyone had a computer with Internet access in their house by 2005.

You're just some borderline underage fag who doesn't know shit about anything. Stop talking and kill yourself. Or so 5 minutes of research...

You'll learn that good wives are all gone by your 30th anniversary.

Life is full of sacrifice.

96 fag here and yeah it is definitely shitty, most of my peers are liberal virtue signaling retards who pay too much attention to political satire shows and social media. I fucking hate the degenerate mentality of most of them.

FN get's the majority of it's support from youth. Non-whites will probably remain majority leftist, but you can expect whites to take a hard turn right.

>Being raised with Internet has made education more expansive and easier allowing a smarter population.

Are you fucking kidding me? The internet has only created more narcissism and misinformation.

this anyone who is the class of 2012 or earlier are cucks. Class of 2013 and onward is what i hope that they are gradually uncucking themselves

>I was born in 2001

Get out fag. This is an 18+ board

not necessarily, they see through bullshit more easily than millenials

No that was just before normies flooded the internet. I was born in 92 and started browsing the internet extensively around 5th grade at my local library