so i've got a project to tomorrow and where I have to make up a refugees journey and my partner is the qt girl that I know fairly well, I'm a normie irl and I think she might be pretty redpilled, it was her idea to make our refugee die and not make it to Britain, and she debated in class about how it is hungary's right not to let in refugees. how to I test the waters to see how redpilled someone is.
So i've got a project to tomorrow and where I have to make up a refugees journey and my partner is the qt girl that I...
Right because following the footstep of hungary is the right choice. No wonder why you have many other European nations being more compassionate because not all refugees are barbaric as you like to think. In fact, MOST are just there to flee away from danger - no one wants to hear you racist views about refugees in presentation. Either get with it or gtfo you racist.
Trudeu, you mad dog. Keep 'em tasty pastas coming.
the only thing that a woman can be "redpilled" on is their role in the family and society.
ask her what she thinks about women staying at home to take care of children and the house
OP please tell me you are yanking our chains. I cant believe something so petty and pointless could be included to curriculum.
Sure in Sweden or Germany. But the States? wtf?
If you are doing this make sure you portray the migrants as cowards running away from their responsibilities. And let them discuss how much theyre looking forward to smooching off the taxpayer and that they wanna move to a sanctuary city so they can literally get away with murder.
Dude fuck that area of redpilling it's not even helping to save the white race
>t. Shill
How am I a shill
>proper functioning family and family values aren't important to western society
kill self. plz
They're important to western society sure but they aren't required man we have to focus on more important issues than something normies will view as taking away the freedom of women
it's probably the single most crucial issue plagueing modern western society
which apparently you don't care about
because you're too busy praying and hoping there'll be a race war
just drink bleach now please
I thank your gf for her imagination
Hiding how redpilled you are is a sign of weakness. Unless of course it is to ensure employment.
Although keep in mind flashing your redpilledness to people who dont care is a sign of faggoty.
I care about my race surviving more than I care about your ideal society
Dude, you're gonna be a refugee. Just rape her. If she screams, she's being racist. It's perfect!
did i hear normie?
go back to your containment board stormnigger
there are far FAR more important things than keeping your kids melatonin levels down
Have the refugee end up in Poland or russia. And see how your qt wants to end it
You do realize that to have an ideal society you need ideal people? I can't believe you care more about what a woman does during the day than you do how much violence goes on or how many people are working. If you honestly believe that women being kept out of the workforce all together is actually the "most crucial issue plagueing modern society" you should go back to /r9k/ to have fantasies about women being child bearing objects bent to your whim