>legitimately support Trump
>use Sup Forums to shitpost Trump stuff
>all of a sudden this board became pro-Clinton overnight
What happened?
>legitimately support Trump
>use Sup Forums to shitpost Trump stuff
>all of a sudden this board became pro-Clinton overnight
What happened?
Other urls found in this thread:
welcome newfriend.
we woke up
What's CTR?
You now support someone who is a war criminal and a rights infringer?
good goyim
>wow am so surprise
Like 98% of this board is contrarians. Trolls trolling trolls all day every day.
You have some massive jew on the radar.
Sup Forums isn't pro-Clinton and there is no fucking CTR on Sup Forums.
It's called trolling and shitposting, you fucking redditoma cancer cell. Holy fuck, how fucking new are you people? It's like Sup Forums is full of people who haven't been here more than a year.
Crash team racing, it's a shitty video game paid for by the Clinton Foundation.
no no i support clinton now
not sure who you're referring to
I should have known. Maybe we took the Trump support out of control.. :/
This is the biggest siege CTR has ever undertaken. Now in these final days. What matters most is to not lose faith.
The shill posts are designed to make you doubt yourself. Don't. You can feel the truth in your gut.
Lots of liberals use Sup Forums as a shitposting board because they want to see the tears if Trump loses since that Obama/romney collage came out
I've been here since 2007, friend. I don't use Sup Forums every day though. But I come here to shitpost Trump stuff because there's nowhere else I can go. On Twitter my account is banned.
I should have known. I don't know why I used to play that game.
Why do you support Clinton, friend? She's evil.
Yes indeed - what happened? YOU were born with a fully functioning human brain.
What did you do? You took your lead from a board filled with lady boys replacing geo-politics with jew-fearing conspiracy therorizing.
Now you seem shocked? You have a problem here.
if you just now noticed the shills you havent been here that long OP.
don't lie to us. we can tell when you do.
I'm voting for Trump without a doubt. I live in New Hampshire. I think we'll win it if we really bring everyone out to vote.
Nothing grinds my gears more than nasty self-entitled liberals. Sometimes I wonder why empathy has gone down. I honestly believe they are the cause.
no she's not
no need to be so passive-aggressive friend, I was only asking a question
I spent the past few months out of the country and without Internet access. But I've been following election stuff.
nah you're going to lose
kill yourself
Why is Clinton not evil then? Did Trump say mean things?
Is this the new way to be if you're a Clinton voter?
I honestly wish I was back in Bolivia now.
Jokes on them. Already voted.
i never mentioned trump
you said she's evil, can you prove it?
Memes happened.
>Ironic shitposting is still shitposting
>Ironic memes are still memes
Triggering Drumpfkins is SOOOO FUN!
It's a combination of shitposting and CTR shilling. Do NOT let them dissuade you.
Shills are working overtime because the day of rope is upon us
All the media is here, and I'm sure the Feds are too.
We Big League.
>lets 40,000 people die in a terroist attack that she lead
>not evil
It was me. I've been studying systems, and introduced a little radical novelty into Sup Forums to see what would happen as an experiment. And I guess it pretty much *********worked******** I'll fuck off soon, because I'm out of ideas, but I'm really addicted to shit posting, so maybe you're stuck with nu-pol.
haven't heard about that
>literally all this corruption
That's all you need, nigger.
Correct the record
Clinton foundation spending money to make people shitpost on here
I wish i was joking
You didnt use your brains.
Link 1 pro-shitllery thread. Just one. Retarded ctr.
thought she was cleared of all wrongdoing
Trump's shills are working overtime
Working ovetime tonight
CTR knows that Sup Forums can do most damage than most other places, hence CTR concentrates its shilling efforts here
'tis easy
>Trips speak the truth.
OP, CTR is in full swing and will continue here on election. What we say is truth and wise. Praise kek and never doubt again.
>>most damage than most other places
*more damage than most
Fuck it, I'm going to bed, take care!
>all wrong doing
Foundation is still being investigated. Also, Comey himself said she had indeed broken the law and shared sensitive information on unclassified documents in an unsecured server. He just said to not indict her, even while saying she did those things in the same sentence.
CTR doing overtime before election.
Remain was here too, I remember their bs clearly.
Same here.. I'm 100% behind Trump, but 90% of my posts are anti-Trump. What if CTR actually never existed and we have been trolling each other all this time?
Trump is losing so BIGLY that Sup Forums finally decided to back a proper candidate. It's damage control so that they can claim they were only pretending to support Trump when he inevitably loses and the entire website collectively laughs at Sup Forums.
Sup Forums is the only outright pro Trump place on the internet that has easy access to shitposting.
The_donald has a team of mods and they do a lot of work in cutting off a lot of negative talk which is why they're an echochamber, there's really no other place on the internet to discuss Trump's presidency properly. I read quite a few liberal sites to see what the other side is saying and you see them talking about Sup Forums and laughing at the people here all the time
He's been saying "Big league" this whole time and I never even noticed
Mkay CTR
CTR desperation.
CTR is here trying to save clintons campaign
its not going well for them
shut up
Hillshills and CTR shills trying to site disrupt a site that exists to site disrupt itself. They're even trying to co-opt pepe AFTER claiming that he's a white supremacist symbol. We know how to take care of that though.
Loli scares ctr
Use the SS lightning bolts, more people see that in games.
There ya go. Spread it.
I need to do this one with a better font. but this kind of meme could have potential.
Those three annoying dots should be gone.
They're called sig runes.
this after she was cleared of all emails we agree ITS HER TURN!!!!
People getting paid to do this shit for hrc. Someone on twitter solved the everything i assume.
This place is called Politically Incorrect but all the politically correct are voting for Clinton! You expect us to believe this horseshit?
Nothing happened you stupid false flagging faggot. Go back to /qa/ and complain about gr15 for the 80th time today.
We haven't. You assholes better explain board culture to us fast, or prepare for an eternal September.
The Clinton campaign and its many allies are doing everything that they can. Wikileaks and Twitter are both down presently as well.
we support winners not losers
>we support wieners