Why should I keep the faith?

Why should I keep the faith?

I've tried to live righteously, I've been shit on most my life and thought, I'll be happy when I'm older, I'll have a good job, I'll have a dog, I'll have a woman, I'll be fit, I'll have friends.

I've been praying everyday for a simple 8-5 deskjob that pays $15 so I can move out, afford a dog, cable, food, phone, medical, and not live in a slum. So I can finally start my life.

I've been working retail for 3 years now, my feet can't take it, I'm fucking fat now because I can walk it off after work like I did before, my hours are shit, I hate customers I can't grin and bear it no more.

And despite accepting the Lord at a young age, despite reading the entire Bible, despite being baptized life has not got better, despite going to church, despite confessing the faith when the opportunity is before me like when people say Jesus is dead or the like, despite last year my family dog and my last grandparent dying in the same week last year, I just said the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away, it just keeps getting worse and worse.
And just today I lost my credit card and a group of "friends" I pray for everyday rejected me for good.

So I have an ultimatum. Either he delivers me the job I've been praying for by Monday, or Trump wins the election AND I get the job I want Tuesday.

If not I'm done. I've never seen a real miracle, I've never heard his voice. I've never had a vision. I've never had an angel come down to talk.
He said ask and you shall received.
He said blessed are those who have not seen but believe.
When people back then could see him. People could grab his robe and be healed.

I think between 15 years of faith deserves a miracle, a voice, an intervention, some proof.

If not? Who cares? Why fear Hell with no proof? Why work for Heaven with no proof?

Other urls found in this thread:


You fell for the Christianism meme

you need to read the book of Job buddy.

and then read the gospels and see how much worse Jesus had it.

you're actually at a very valuable point.

for me, to live is Christ, to die is gain

When did Jesus ever promise prosperity to his followers?

"If the world hates you, remember, it hated me first."

You should be so lucky as to suffer.

>So I can finally start my life.

This is a mistake. You can't wait for "your life to start."

It's already started. It's going. And if you keep praying instead of doing, you're going to wake up one day and realize that you're too damn old to do anything.

Jesus isn't your personal wishing well. He's a model for how to live your life. And given that you're voting for Trump, I don't think you've really accepted that model as one to imitate.

If you got into "the faith" out of the belief that god owes you something, you were doing it very, very wrong.

You will suffer. Shit will suck sometimes. You will feel as if god has abandoned you.

Mother fucking Theresa thought God had abandoned her.

Pull yourself together.

>I've been praying everyday for a simple 8-5 deskjob that pays $15 so I can move out, afford a dog, cable, food, phone, medical, and not live in a slum.

for one, depending on where you live a desk job isn't going to get you this. Look for janitorial work in government facilities.

for two, cable? Internet maybe. fuck paying for cable TV though.

for three, slum? Nigga do you eve know what is a real slum? where are the slums in america? Shantytowns and favellas. where?

Jesus was literally tortured to death. Your life sounds bad, but c'mon. You aren't getting crucified.

when Jesus was on the brink of death, he cried out as you are: father, why have you forsaken me? he knew he was going to die.

he was quoting Psalm 22. check that magnificent piece of work, read it from start to finish.

everything may be truly shit. Jesus, perfect man, was killed by the truly shit world. BUT, He reveals a key in his outcry. the Psalm ends with "he has done it." He broke all the rules, He ended the cycle of shit

I'm not just asking for a job.

I'm asking for proof.

If not I'm done. I've never seen a real miracle, I've never heard his voice. I've never had a vision. I've never had an angel come down to talk.
He said ask and you shall received.

Which retail chain if you don't mind me asking? I just left my CVS job to work for a private company for $16. Last day is tomorrow.

Faith begets proof. Christianity is not a turn based rpg. You don't do x and get y.
The goal of faith is to love man and love god.

I recommend watching: "The Seventh Seal."

This urge to succeed and strive is a blessing from God. You are just stagnating in life but He is trying to get you to hate him to prove Him wrong.

If your friends don't like you they aren't real Christians. That is good. Its actually pretty glorious if you think about it, God has blessed you so much with a purge of all of this mediocrity, you don't even have to worry about having hanger on friends like addicts do, you can be free to be as awesome as you want to be. No limits. God is removing those from your life!

You should join a gym, go to college, get financial aid if you have too, do nursing or a medical field like physical therapy, you can then get a solid job, it will please the Lord. You will feel great because your pay will be 30 an hour.

You will witness Him flowing through you as you charm people you meet and get them to see your innate faith and goodness this will inspire them to help you.

I think you are having a positive epiphany and shouldn't try to look down on it but don't use it to throw God away and do what? Just feel like shit more?

Use this toward positive growth and you'll see great rewards.

Start your own business, learn to code, don't sit back and wait for shit to happen. Grab life by the balls and do it yourself.


Being a Christian isn't about gibsmedat from God, it's about becoming a better person and enduring the suffering of this world with Christ. This world is short, and It's not all there is as materialist hedonists would make you believe. We're here for a reason, and struggling will always be a part of this life.

You can't bargain with God, nigga.

His plan for you is so amazing, you cannot possibly imagine it.

I can't prove anything to you but I was in a similar position you're in now.

>religious upbringing
>rebelled at 17
>atheist, then agnostic, then apatheist
>then studied lots of other religions
>spent most of my adult life with my back turned on God
>age 30, humble myself and ask for Him to take me back
>"I was always here"
>I picture myself as a child and Jesus is holding me
>instead of an innocent child, I'm drunk, holding a bottle of booze, cigarette hanging out of my mouth, tatted up, trying to get away from him
>start reading the Bible again
>Prodigal son blows my mind
>38 now
>married, 3 kids, own home, 6 figure career, healthy, sane
>still know life is shit but also know walking with God places you above most of the shit

Read Ecclesiastes, user. Most red-pilled book in the Bible

>mfw still no dog

>I think between 15 years of faith deserves a miracle, a voice, an intervention, some proof.

We deserve nothing, but he's given us the hope of eternal life in Jesus, this is grace.

If you're living for the shit in this world, you're not loving God. God doesn't want your works in exchange for his blessing, he'll bless you if you trust him. Ultimately, we're living for the next life, if we suffer persecution throughout life then he'll remember how we kept our faith through that persecution.

I'd recommend reading Job again, you're pretty much him right now.

Endure it.

That's the purpose of life.


Endure the judgemental audi driving kuntez and the entitled snooty bitches. Endure their gaze. Endure the shit they dump on you day in and day out and their misplaced pity.

Endure the parasitic asshats we call politicians and ceos, and the hordes of smelly rubes from dictatorships they bring over to compete with you to grow their "economy" so they can go heli skiing.


and know that lesser humans would kill themselves in your shoes.

You're a self pitying pussy.

Op I am so sorry that you have been going through so many trials and hardships. I am going to pray for you, and those words probably do not mean much but I am going to do so. You know sometimes I believe Christians suffer the most, and it is because Jesus did so too, and if you look you will find many as you know from the bible that have also like Job, and Matthew who gave up being a prominent tax collector to follow Christ.

"If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you."

John 15:19

This world is tough but it is stacked against us because this is Satan's playing field and the world is under his influence but that does not mean we cannot make a difference with God's help.

I am going to pray for you to have strength, and to keep your faith because Op without hope what do we have? Everything fades away but not hope, faith, and unconditional love.

I just recently found employment as a commercial cleaner/janitor. I did not want to do this as someone who has a college degree and numerous certifications but before I applied I saw this verse-

But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant.
Matthew 23:11

So I applied. I literally just wanted to not wake up anymore after several days of not hearing anything back, and I was giving up on life and that was when my phone rang for the interview. I got the job and things are slowly turning around, and I prayed many times telling God whatever you want me to do I will do. Lord I will serve you I said and I think he is helping me along but God speaks to everyone differently Op so just keep seeking and listening for a response. Best to you user and God Bless you- just please do not give up on God.

I'm sorry you've gone through this. John 20 does say blessed are those who never see but still believe. Your reward may not be on this earth but will be in heaven. I'd suggest getting involved with a good church. I've made amazing friends at mine and served God through worship and plays and other sorts of things. I'd also suggest getting involved with a missions trip. You get to serve others, Serve God, and have an amazing life experience. It could completely change you and God could open up new doors for you. Stay strong. The world is not your friend and may lead to pleasure in the short term, but destruction in the end.

>So I have an ultimatum. Either he delivers me the job I've been praying for by Monday, or Trump wins the election AND I get the job I want Tuesday.

Luke 4:12

>I think between 15 years of faith deserves a miracle, a voice, an intervention, some proof.

Matthew 12:39

tl,dr: if this isn't bullshit copypasta, read your fucking Bible.


Also this. Ecclesiastes got me through depression, primarily by showing me that I wasn't that depressed, the world really is mostly bullshit.

this tbqh

OP, God pulled me out of the world when I was around 19. I lived as an athiest, for myself and for the pleasurable things but I was always left feeling empty and in need.

When bad things happen in my life, I remember that God is there for me. Jesus died for me.

Everyone suffers OP but God helps you through it. You must endure it.

Life without God is always worse than with God. Trust me.

God bless you, user.

May the peace of God that goes beyond understanding be with you.

"wahhh why won't God give me free shit!!!!!111one"

This is why the west will collapse, the material world view of the degenerate westerner is idolatrous af

Because it's right. Because it's Truth. Because nothing else matters.

Also, this.

>And given that you're voting for Trump, I don't think you've really accepted that model as one to imitate.

And Jesus answering, said to them: Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's. And they marvelled at him.

Mark 12:17

ITT social rejects and failures at life coming to term with it by accepting a collective superstition

We've got eternal life, what've you got to hope for?

>all I can hope for is a second chance at life

Maybe fix yourself, loser.

The premise of the OP is that if life is bad for you, then God either isn't real or worthy of your loyalty. That's entirely an emotional argument. People are reminding him that this is to be expected sometimes and that it is only temporary compared to the eternal life which awaits some. This helps a person see past their emotionally driven feelings/argument, and more clearly recognize what is truly going on.

Keep hanging in there, OP! And as others have said, go to a good Bible oriented church and you'll find solid reliable lifelong friends to help you through emotional distress!

Keep faith because we're obviously headed toward a brighter future, with all the info that's come out in the past month, let alone the last week. The globalist cabal knows their end is near, just look at all the corruption presented on the world stage. There's no way their oppression will continue. That being said they won't go down without a fight.

Plus there is much more to be uncovered once Hillary is taken care of, thats the juicy stuff

maybe put a little more faith in the almighty kek for now..

Hope it's okay to use this thread to ask this: how do I humble myself to believe in and accept Jesus again? i know it should be stupidly easy but, the whole already being a believer in the past thing really adds to my stubbornness about the whole thing.

plus, i'm so very very full of doubt and uncertainty. there's, for example, the fear that it's all a gamble like i pick Jesus and then it turns out i end up in hell anyway the Islam version because, (godforbid) the Muslims were the rights ones all along or something.

why does it have to be so tough to believe again?

>I'm asking for proof.


walk / take a bus around, volunteer, go buy a homeless person lunch

to humble yourself really means step outside your world and do something for others or put yourselves in someone else's shoes and sacrifice something your fortunate to have .... doesn't mean you have to start getting rid of stuff but consume less, mindfully

find one way to humble yourself everyday and you'll start getting those spiritual reliefs almost instantly

>to humble yourself really means step outside your world and do something for others or put yourselves in someone else's shoes and sacrifice something your fortunate to have

Like a first world nation?

For the first question, I find that being humble is easiest when one loves the truth more than one's pride. (This is also true of how to be a good scientist.) That way, when you encounter good evidence that you were wrong, you don't feel bad about changing your mind; in fact you feel good because you know you've moved a bit closer to the truth.

As to the second question, a great book on that is "Cold Case Christianity." It's a book written by an atheist homicide detective who became a Christian when he analyzed the gospels and found that they had the various attributes of reliable eyewitness accounts.

sounds fake af


If Jesus wasn't a magic man who could turn water into wine and walk on water


don't care if you keep the faith. When our country collapses, I'm going to make you wish you had.

A word of warning to rest of you; if you have something I want, and our country collapses, I'm going to take it.

>Like a first world nation?

Like i said, put yourself in someone else's shoes. Are a lot of us lucky to have been born in this country? Absolutely.

Unfortunately, society has been corrupted to make people worship material items and thats why americans look like nothing but douchebags to the rest of the world.

However there are still many of us that believe in a brighter future for our world and as it stands right now America is the last hope.

I'm not sure if your comment was a shitpost or not. But your right, if America doesn't humble itself and realize how lucky we've been then our nation will be sacrificed and there will be no chance of us leading the way to a brighter future.

turn to kek faggot kek wills it in the name of kek, pepe and meme magic amen

>I'm not sure if your comment was a shitpost or not.
You have no idea how serious I am about the treason of Christians selling out our nations to third world hordes because of their feefees, user.

Grats, you are witrh 99% of the media.

Guys serious question here. Is the devil in cahoots with christianity?

OP, being a Christian is a process of redpilling. We are full of expectations and tendencies that go against God and keep us far from Him. Over time I've realized that nearly everything I've wanted is not what God wanted.
Prayer is not about getting what you want, but bringing you closer to God so He can give you what you need.
I've wanted that woman, those friends, for years too, and I have no idea when they'll arrive. But I stopped caring when I realized that God really, truly wants the absolute best for me and won't settle until I can give the best for Him.
You do not deserve a miracle or anything else, but you already have one--a human body, an eternal soul, and a loving God who is physically incapable of giving up on His believers.

Go and find me some instances of the media attacking Christians for what I just said please.

Christianity has become corrupt that for sure.

I wont be able too because they would never take a Christian's side to being with.

Youre praying for materialistic things
Thats not how it works
Pray for your life to be happy and healthy

>Asking God to do something only Satan does

Thats not how it works user. I used to think the same way.

Every ying has a yang
Every white has a black
Its just natural order of things

credit cards are usury
your friends were clearly not your friends
i have lived in my car before
owner of a lonely heart is much better than owner of a broken heart
you could afford a dog
retail is bad for everyone, there are so many people who work in retail you aren't the only one

once i worked 2 retail jobs while living in my car
i still love Jesus

Final Redpill is Jesus is Lord.

Small is the gate and narrow is the way. Few find it.

Thanks for confirming you were talking out of your ass then.

Austria shouldn't even exist. It's the Belgium of Mitteleuropa.

How am I talking out of me ass exactly??

Neville Goddard, my nigga. You didn't have faith to begin with. It's not a matter of what you "deserve," it's a matter of what you accept as true.
>Mark 11:24
>Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

I'll look into that book. Thank you.

Thank you. I will make a point to be doing at least one of those things on a weekly basis before the year is over.

A related thing I'm struggling with is whether or not I should start attending church before I truly believe again. One part of me thinks something might "click" if I go to church and that would be the main step to me believing again but, another part of me thinks it could actually push me further away if I "don't like" what's being said in a sermon.

I think you are talking out your ass faggot. Trying to blame your mistakes on me.

You saying I'm with 99% of the media. I asked you to provide evidence for the media sharing my position. You didn't.

Thanks for your input, England.

Well your shitskin people can suck my cock. You wont hve it so great in my homeland.

>replying to the same post twice
>no u
You sure showed me.

Can God speak through numbers user? I keep seeing the number 7.

On a random webpage it said your lucky number is 7

God created everything in 6 days and rested on the 7th

>My mom was born on 06/07/1960


It's not a coincidence.

My moms license plate for her car has two 7s

Heck even your post right now.

user, you cant make this shit up, What does it mean?

You're not American. Don't expect to have all the answers as I do; an American.

Are you just pretending to be retarded to paint Christians in a bad light or are you for real?

Maybe you need to rethink about your view of Christianity. You sound a little depressed, honestly, not that that's related, but maybe something you should get checked out.

But as far as Christianity, I don't think it's about seeing miracles, literally hearing a voice in your head, or having visions.

Life is a miracle, my friend. Listen for God in the wind and the rumbling of thunder, and see him when you look to the mountains and behold the sky. Prayer and reading are great ways to connect to God, but it doesn't have to end there.

Your little country is going to crumble to desert people. I'll be damned if that happens to mine.

Fuck you OP, you didn't thank people for giving you dope support and reply to anyone who replied to your shitty OP fine man, you can go ahead and fight randoms in here though. Such a bitch.

You see no light at the end of the tunnel. just what your pathetic being wants.

So vague--why are you full of doubt and uncertainty? You already know the muslims are not the right ones, so why bother with the hypothetical? You are a brain in a bioreactor machine living in a near infinite universe. There is a Bible that explains it all flawlessly and tells you exactly why God did it. You can live for God or deny God and live for yourself. The outcome is life or death. Decide now my nigga

Life is entirely luck. Believe what you want if it brings comfort. I've seen people mangled and killed at every age.
T. Medic fag

Too late for that, goy.


you sound like a loser. here you go. join the winner's club.


write out goals like "I earn $15 dollars an hour."
write out plans to achieve them.
work on them every day no matter what.
fix your health. think about your goals throughout the day. dump trash media and listen to motivational stuff instead.

get on an upward spiral and out of your rut.

They're desert people and they control pretty much every aspect of your country. You already lost. The only thing you can do is go on an imageboard and shill for yet another one of their tribesmen as a "solution".

It's hilarious.


Because your real creator kek gave you dubs.

Maybe something someone (or more than one) has spoke to his heart (or soul, if you prefer) in such a way that he needs to take time to mull over it instead of just immediately jumping back with protest or acceptance in response.

i know personally that at least a few replies in this thread have given me a lot to think about in these coming days.

speaking of which, thank you guys.

You dont deserve shit thats not how god works.

Dude be happy for what you have.
I have a friend who works a shitty cashier job at a grocery store. Cant pay the bills, he had to choose between eating and paying rent. He just lost his internet connection last month becausr he simply cant afford it. Yeah, hes that fucking poor.

I feel for you man and you probably deserve better, but asking god to give you favors is simply not how he works. Life is much more mysterious than that. If that was the case many people I've loved would still be alive. The faith... it comes and goes, but deep down a little bit is always still there.
Dig deep user I'm rooting for you.
In the end we all need to stick together.

I'm going on the imageboard to spread the word. People are waking up to thi corruption in our government now.

YOOOO SOMEONE ELSE LISTENS TO BRIAN TRACY HERE?! Fuck yeah my brother! Scratch with the turkeys or fly with the eagles!

>God doesn't give me free stuff so I'm going to betray him
That's not how it works. God will help you help yourself, but you sound like a pretty disgusting human being, not a saint, so don't expect any miracles. You deserve everything bad that happens to you.

Religion is a way to teach morals to the uneducated. If you're smart enough to start doubting it, you're smart enough to understand morals without them being explained with stories and threats.

Faith is not the cure, it is the medicine. The cure is whatever we choose to contribute to the world. Know that you are not alone in the struggle against a world that doesn't seem to care for your piousness.

I've been more and more exposed to opposition against the faith recently, but at the same time, I've been getting more intensely involved with prayer and contemplation. I'm starting to notice things, maybe even starting to think that miracles are real, but I don't want to get into all of that.

The one thing I do know is real is the struggle. Don't let your hope come down to Trump or Wikileaks or any other vague magic bullet. Improve yourself. He is revealed through self-reliance and contemplation--two things our society discourages.

>Thank you. I will make a point to be doing at least one of those things on a weekly basis before the year is over.

DAILY basis user, even if its the smallest thing like seeing a piece of trash across the street and going to pick it up. As for the church thing instead why don't you read other spiritual literature. Look into buddhism or daoism. The funny thing about "faith" and "believing" is when you're searching for it you almost certainly won't find it. But when you just let go and walk a noble path magical things happen. Don't sit around looking for "the miracle" because you might miss it.

>One part of me thinks something might "click" if I go to church and that would be the main step to me believing again but, another part of me thinks it could actually push me further away if I "don't like" what's being said in a sermon.

It happens to me regularly that the sermon contains something I don't agree with. (And I've got a relatively good pastor.) The first question I ask myself is "do I disagree with it because it's wrong, or because I *wish* it was wrong?" In most cases where it's wrong, it's just because the pastor is speculating but presenting it as certainty. Nevertheless, he often makes points worthy of consideration. And I've met so many people there who are genuine believers, and solid good friends, when I previously had few friends.

Most people believe what they believe due to social proof. Something is easy to believe if your friends believe it and hard if your friends disbelieve it. And the world at large disbelieves it. This is not a reliable way to figure out what's true one way or the other, but once you've figured out what's true, being around other believers helps doubt due to social proof feel less impactful.

And when you want only truth and not some guys opinion, just read the guys who could speak with God: Jesus and the prophets.


Stop pretending to be smart. You're not even smart enough to understand there is no morality without God. There's no logical basis for a morality. You have no way to teach morality or persuade people to be moral. They'll just say, who made you an authority. The only thing that's important is being happy and avoiding the consequences of being bad. You're not very deep in philosophy if you think otherwise. Cultural marxism won the argument on that issue years ago. Most atheists understand that and act accordingly. Hence the world of shit you see around you and when you switch on the tv.

I'm going to tell you something from my own journey and hope it helps brother.

You need to start dying to yourself more and living in Christ image.

Show compassion, volunteer, meet with a lonely friend of yours who could use a positive image and outlook on life. The more you do this and live in this, you begin to fall in love with the deeper sides of life.

Promise you'll start to feel more content after a few weeks of this. Sounds stupid but look into Zen Buddhism and Ram Dass and only use what matches up in scripture. There's so many similarities to seeing the oneness on all rather than the self in those teachings and same with all of us brothers and sisters in Christ and for those who are poor hungry jailed or lost is alike to Christmas himself and dying to our own selves.

Not an argument.
Oh, and you didn't answer his question.

Ignore that shitskin shill. We really have to start thinking about our respective states.


> I'm fucking fat now because I can walk it off after work like I did before
You don't become fat because you "can't walk it off"
You become fat because you consume more calories than your body uses