Is this essentially correct? Pic related


Oh boy alienating yourself from your family

gg dude, shame you're too autistic to keep your power level hidden

Wow ok fags guess I'll need to post a fucking hot chick to get a response

This shows a minor understanding of geopolitics, but little to no understanding of the Syrian civil war.
Sentence: 3 months of /sg/ lurking

Yeah we were having a pretty good discussion about climate change then I went full Alex Jones and he hasn't responded

What did I say that was wrong?

You're retarded, why the fuck would Russia go nuclear? The US and Russia are rational actors. It is far more likely that NK sends nukes to Seoul or Pakistan and India blow each other up, and we have virtually no say in those engagements since those countries are NOT rational actors.

We've had 60+ years of US-russian conflict and proxy wars, why do you think two smart countries would kill each other suddenly?

Bc they're tired of our shit.

Legit we fuck the world too much. They're a MASSIVE country. They have a "fuck it" button. Why not be an hero to put us in our place?

what do you mean russia has been involved with the hacking? you stupid cunt, that is not proven, assange denied it specifically, and only us govt shills ever said it anyway

little bit too pro america, essentially russia decided to play your geo political game and protect its interests in the region.

oversimplified and drawing incorrect conclusions. The US will never commit to a full ground-scale war in Syria because then China would be able to move on the south china seas without consequence.

The current US foreign policy in Syria is not about a sunni victory, it's about maintaining the destabilization of syria. Look at a map and look at all the destabilized regions that are now separating Saudi Arabia and Qatar from Europe.

oversimplified and drawing incorrect conclusions. The US will never commit to a full ground-scale war in Syria because then China would be able to move on the south china seas without consequence.

The current US foreign policy in Syria is not about a sunni victory, it's about maintaining the destabilization of syria. Look at a map and look at all the destabilized regions that are now separating Saudi Arabia and Qatar from Europe.

Like I'm going to take a country who was literally the world's largest landing pad (in WW2) seriously

Holy shit OP thats not even close lmao

Syria isn't invaded by Putin. As much of an asshole as Assad may be, he is the rightful and elected leader of the nation. We stuck our noses in there during our wonderful success in Libya, and started arming and funding the Free Syrian Army (FSA) which is a cover organization for ISIS.
When we've been conducting sorties in Syria, it was against Assad's government and military... Y'know, overthrowing democratically elected governments and deposing their leaders using terrorist organizations like we did in Libya, like we tried in Egypt... Etc.
Basically, Russia is ACTUALLY striking ISIS and the FSA in Syria and helping Assad.
We went in because Assad wanted to set up and oil pipeline to Russia and trade his oil in Rubles and Euros which violated our monopoly on the petrodollar.
It all ties back to the global establishments and world banks wanting gibs and shekels.

Funny how this shit can always be traced back to (((them)))

You mean fucking disturbing?
I used to seriously think all this Jew shit was just leftover crack from stormfags fleeing Sup Forums but realized after a few years of digging that holy fuck the buttons were right, the zionist jews own everything that grants power and the Zionist jews are tribal psychotic supremacy fucks.
Just look at how many pots all the /cfg/ threads uncovered over the last six months that it turns out (((Soros))) has his fucking fingers in.
The fucked up shit is how puppeteered our nation is.
And for fucks sake we've been in Libya and Syria conducting clandestine operations to arm and destabilize the governments and topple them since before 2010.
We've been in Syria the entire time setting up training and arming the FSA who happen to also be ISIS.
When people like me say WE, THE USA CREATED ISUS, it's because WE FUCKING DID.
Now don't get me wrong
We didn't literally manufacture and establish these organizations. But we trained and armed them. We told them help us and we'll set you guys up to be in power.

So wrong christ

Do some fucking research and don't rely on Sup Forums no one here understands complex geopolitics.

Gj op almost batting 1000

I'd like to motorboat that ass

>I derive all my understanding of incredibly complex middle eastern geopolitics from Sup Forums and infowars

Wew lad

Right lets get to work on this.

>ISIS was really the FSA all along

Nope. There was a real, strong democratic element to initial stages of the revolution which had its roots in the internet cafes and open forums which Assad opened in the first years of his rule. Most of the protesters were affluent students, they were not IS. IS barely had a presence in the West of the country, where the revolution began. Jihadist groups did however become the vanguard of the revolution after it became a civil war, as they had more established, robust military networks and more appeal among rural Sunnis. These jihadist groups were, and remain, distinct from ISIS. They often fight each other.

>oil pipeline

Proxy wars are not fought over something this trivial. Do grow up. This is about Sunni vs Shia, East vs West, Reaction vs Progression, not oil. Do not fool yourself into thinking America has more control over events in the Middle East than it does. The Syrian Civil War was not planned.

Forgit to add, Assad is neither democratically elected nor the rightful leader of his country. Unless you think Queen Elizabeth is the rightful leader of America.

I agree that FSA=/=ISIS but America did have a large role in the destabilisation of Syria, similar to the events in Libya.

You're so wrong. The legit Syria government asked Russia for help to deal with ISIS and that's what they have been doing. Putin's extended his hand to countless leaders asking for help just to be mocked and called a warmonger. Also Russia hasn't hacked or got involved with the elections.

>Trump wants to be allies with Putin
"no". He never said that. He said he wants to get along but we won't ever be allies.

>Sentence: 3 months of /sg/ lurking
fuck off /sg/ is the worst part of Sup Forums it's literally just putin circle jerking