America must be destroyed

Nationalism is for the weak

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Rounding people up worked and the wall worked too



You know Israel did literally what you are describing in the meme.

Why do you hate Jewish people?

what is this cartoon trying to say?

Progressivism is for the elites.

Its kinda funny how fucking GREAT their economy was after that too

Trump said he supports waterboarding. he said he "likes it alot". in case you are not aware of it, waterboarding is a form of torture in which water is poured over a cloth covering the face and breathing passages of an immobilized captive, causing the individual to experience the sensation of drowning. Waterboarding can cause extreme pain, dry drowning, damage to lungs, and brain damage from oxygen deprivation.

It's illegal by international law, and interviewer asked him about why he supports a form of torture that is internationally illegal and trump's response was "i dont care".

Trump also advocated for killing the families of his enemies, including children and babies.

He is a fucking maniac

We are going to gas all of you non-white parasites and create a paradise on this continent.


>still not knowing the God Emperor has a Tesla fucking time machine.

So even if big Don 'loses' tomorrow, he just used to time machine to cause hell.

All the establishment has is the LHC, which only shifts us all to a new timeline. And they're running out of viable timelines where HIllary hasn't gotten future us nuked.

I'd be more afraid of isolationism. Americas wealth lies in trade, and American interventionism is to secure trade. That's also why America has this huge ass military: because it's worth it.

you noggers all going to be poor like Mexicans.

Wiping out the Middle East and Africa down to the last child would make the world a much better place

nationalism is love of yourself and family

i was unsure of the Eternal Anglo meme but I dove in and now i really believe Oswald Mosley was on the right path.
am i misguided?

this is only maniacal to a person who thinks his enemies are the same as he is himself
kill the families of our enemies, I don't care, they'd do it to us, they'll understand

Er, no it isn't, retard.


Is this the only argument you faggots have?

Good luck with your shit post user.


It's saying that the Reich always comes back with the right conflict. It has been on the same cycle as long as they have walked this rock.