Was he the right choice?
Was he the right choice?
He's a good establishment pick for when Trump ultimately gets CIA'd. I'm thinking a week after Trump gets a clean bill of health, he'll mysteriously die of a heart attack.
Doc Savage was chosen because this guy was unavailable.
Who knows what the right choice is exactly.
I'm much more impressed than I thought I'd be. If they do nail Trump, I won't be totally unhappy with Pence as a backup.
He would've made it a lot easier on himself picking a more liberal vp
NO! The two fuckers haven't thoroughly discussed or agreed on anything. Trump looked like a fucking dipshit at that last debate when he admitted that him and his running mate disagreed and didn't discuss a key military point. He should have picked some PA cunt to at least try to get the fucking joint to go red. Indiana was already safe.
Of course
I don't really mind, he's a pretty comfy choice
total neocon globalist shithead
That's one of the best aspects imo. Even during a recent interview with both Trump and Pence at the same time they openly didn't agree about everything. But both had well-reasoned opinions.
Better than the usual Leninist way of running politics.
You don't want a fucking yes man as the backup president just in case Trump suicides with 4 bullets to the back of the head.
Need one with principle and standards and can argue for both.
He is too redpilled for normies. Pence is Trump on steroids
Nope. All he's good for is turning away voters.
fuck no
trump needed to pander to anti-establishment bernie bros or something but not a far right evangelical homophobe
i think he could have rallied his base without pence but he put all his eggs in one basket
He is pro-life, which means a higher nigger and retard population.
Too good maybe, had to convince my dad to vote Trump rather than write in Pence.
fuck off faggot go suck another dick.
Or at least a non-neoconservative.
Terrible choice
Pence is basically George Bush Sr under Reagan. An establishment, globalist elite neocuck pig. Pence is not a good guy. He is scum.
pence is the smoothest motherfucker i've ever seen
i thought obama was slick, but he's not even close to pence's level
Dude tried to get fag-marriage an arrestable offense. Seems pretty right to me.
>his base
You underestimate how much ill will the GOPe had towards Trump and how much they like Pence. Pence primary role during most of this campaign has been to bring conservatives on board with supporting a Trump presidency. He was one of the primary architects behind getting Cruz to endorse.
No he should have chosen Cruz or Rubio to get the hispanic vote / stop claims of racism
Some user pointed out earlier that by picking Pence, that puts a little bit less threat for assasination on Trump. Trump is a pretty liberal guy so they'd get a neoconservative instead.
He was a good pick. Also makes more of the conservative give their support for Trump.
Bullshit. The republicans are coming home because of him
Mike "Nail a Pinko to a Fence" Pence was exactly the right choice.
for the next 4 years he will be BTFOing communist shills and tranny genderqueers.