Do any girls even exist that aren't attention whoring snapchat using fucks?

Do any girls even exist that aren't attention whoring snapchat using fucks?

Member the 80's?

Literally all of them are sluts nowadays that send nudes to random people

fucking all of them, they all try to steal dudes with gfs and shit and like

fuck man every single college aged girl is a whore

The vast majority never send a single nude to a stranger. Most women have never had sex outside of a relationship. The math just don't support your statement

>implying girls exist

Not millenial women man

And you believe the women who tell you such?

Fucking retards believe that women are sneaky pieces of shit.

i believe you have that ass backwards

The vast majority of women have sent a nude photo to someone they weren't in a relationship with, and I would estimate a subset as large as 40-50% have sent one to someone the didn't even really know (snap chat, webcam, etc)

>most women have never had sex outside of a relationship

Holy shit dude.

They are though. You have never been in contact with a sneaky woman. Holy shit, I've had them pretend to not be normies and be total sluts in reality

Dude with fucking snapchat like 70-80% have sent nudes to total strangers. If we're talking attractive women, nearly 100%.

trying to give the most conservative estimate possible lol


Sorry about that, I meant to say "aren't sneaky pieces of shit"

They do here but most are shit for other reasons

Are you a virgin? Even before all this snapchat shit almost every chick I knew was sending me her nudes over shit like AIM and ICQ and IRC.

Decent women exist, that they aren't part of your social circle says more about you than it does about them.

Do any of you guys who honestly believe things like 'all millennial women are sluts' or '100% of women send nudes and have sex outside of a relationship' or 'all women are sneaky pieces of shit' have or have ever had a stable, healthy, long-term relationship with a woman? Just curious.

Also this really belongs in /r9k/ imo

Go ahead and look up the statistics. Your fee-fees don't matter, facts do. In America, fewer than 1/4 of women have had sex with a partner that they were not in a relationship with. The average number of sexual partners for women over their lifetime is 4.

Hey, they do. Thats all i can say...

Again, holy shit dude.

No man could ever believe that. This is total bait. You just about had me there lol

>No man could ever believe that.

these stats are based on self reporting

sluts are like fourt-----no just four mhm

I doubt there are any in west

Hell, even in here I can sometimes find those snapchat whores with trendy shit bought by daddy's money

Yes don't worry goyim, nothing is worse than it used to be. Everything is the same! Don't be silly, watch this funny cartoon instead.

Unfortunately this thread will get pruned since it's not about Trump or HIllary. We've already had a million threads about them today, but we need to make it a million and one. Sorry OP

Bumped for self interest.

>being this naive

god I hope you are underage with that naivety. or just very old. its getting worse and worse with each generation, and there was always sneak fucking. While the most autistic simply had fun and learned at youth camps and scouts and whatnot, a large portion was sneaking at night and fucking.

do you understand how to get such? man, If you go to jail and ask around, you'll find out its full of innocent people

Hell, you see pic related? its a good example that I know of. Out of every female I know, this one has the best reputation, an artist that tries to appeal to kids and whatnot, very open-minded etc, goes all cuty-cute and high moral ground, great values, etc.

Little do SOME retards (she even got numales to whiteknight for her and secretly call them "boys") know that she fucked with 3+ (certain number not exact) boyfriends/husbands of her friends, even plummeting one of them into deep depression due to it:

the moment her friend got out of the country for a few months, she fucked around with her friend's boyfriend and destroyed their relationship. her friend knows that he cheated on her, but doesnt know with who. Do you know how she greeted her friend when she came back? Hugged her by behind and said some shit like "I missed you so much, friend".

Not saying there arent any pure girls out there, I know a single one myself, she and her husband fell in love back when they were young, very good, simple, faithful people. I honestly sometimes wonder if they are real.

oops forgot pic

Literally all that's required is "hey, im doing a survey, and i have a question. have you ever had sex outside of a relationship?" and girl says "no." im sure most of the women that were asked in your ((survey)) weren't being honest because image is the single most important thing to a woman

that is perfect

why did I choose to add a pic and such to this you might ask? well, I could have chosen a better picture of her, but I chose that one exactly for two reasons:
- show the type of work she does
and the second most important comes with this picture:
-it shows exactly what I am talking about. look at the kid in front. autistic stripes, actually interested in the art and character (was asking her about it). now look at the kid in the back, clearly interested in the cleavage, kid 2 knows what its all about, kid 2 woke up. Kid 1 is you. at youth camps to learn. Kid 2 gets pussy

What a nasty ass bitch. Probably smells horrible and has saggy tits with massive pancake areolas.

And what the fuck is in that bottle?

>did any of you win Russian roulette
Fuck you, we're not playing, especially when the 'prize' is a roastie whore.

>what is an anonymous survey

not really. some don't use snapchat but they take selfies when doing anything, even mundane shit. it's always the same pose. the same side of their face.

i just laugh. their vanity is cute.

she actually can look pretty fucking good when she tries, even had some pinup style photo in the past but dont have it and honestly not caring to search for.

Just looking terrible cause no use taking care of your appearance for the day when you are gonna be painting, especially no use treating your hair. I believe what's in the bottle is simply water to dillute the paint (already mixed with a lot)

hmm no, there are plenty of girls with no or maybe one picture on facebook and who just generally don't engage in social media, but you wouldn't know of them because yeah you pay attention to attention whores

>grils on internet
hi newfag

It might surprise you how people lie even in those.

You have no idea how paranoid some are. It also helps with training your front. Again, I come back to this oneYou see how I wrote the "boys" part? well in this case its the type that likes to stab even her best friend, there's a certain peculiarity about her profile description. she describes herself as "someone who refers to herself in the third person", yet anyone that knows her, knows she never did so.... or did she? the trick is simple, she's actually refering to the fact that the good person is a front. that person that she sells herself as, is not herself, essentially a third person. she writes that in order to gain pleasure from rubbing it in people's faces without them realizing. (she does this even when using an alias)

You have no idea how sick some people are. Ask anyone with a basic knowledge of psychology if a person would lie in an anonymous survey. they are likely to laugh at such a question due to how obvious it is