Officeworks store raided and ransacked by Googles. This may not even make the TV news in Australia.
Youths raid Officeworks in South Yarra, stealing headphones and speakers
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It was freeeee shieeeett and stuff
Need some more archers like in Sydney
>Wattle Grove home invasion: Homeowner shoots intruder in buttock with bow and arrow
Lemme guess.
Those useless Sudanese and Somali fucks from Apex?
don't let those niggers into kiwiland senpai
Fifteen youths of African appearance marched into the South Yarra store on Saturday afternoon and stole products including headphones and speakers.
These fucking cunt establishment politicians and policce and media keep trying to downplay all this shit.
"Oh they are just YOUTHS" they say. As if that makes it better or something.
Deport them all.
Police believe the groups of youths are in their teens and mostly male.
“We think they’ve used public transport to get around and there is no suggestion of any organised crime,” Insp Griffin said.
“At this stage we’re looking at it being youth crime related.”
He described the crime as “brazen”.
“It’s certainly appears that they’re not too bothered about getting caught and certainly proud about what they’ve been doing,” Insp Griffin said.
“Witnesses stated that they were waving around stolen property about their heads, clearly very happy with what they had stolen.”
Police are currently looking at CCTV to help with their investigation and warned copycats would feel the full extent of the law when caught.
The gang left the store cheering and holding their stolen goods above their heads, a witness said.
The incident wasn’t the first time the South Yarra store had been targeted, according to staff.
We had a nice country here once.
How many niggers does it take to fuck up a whole city?
Melbourne is giving us the answers.
And the answer is not very many.
What makes the tragedy worse is that Victoria was mostly boong-free - so, of course, they had to import foreign niggers.
Wasn't South Yarra a wealthy area a few years ago?
Are googles going to start attacking the areas where people who keep letting them in live?
South Yarra is full of Greens voters, who are responsible for the nigger infestation, so who cares. If it spills over into Toorak them it might be a problem.
Yes and it was them not having proper abo experience which made them naive about the issue and allowed them to form their rose-tinted PC worldview.
Greens voters
>these evil white people
>why can't we have communism
>white people are making refugees angry, we need to bring more in
>oh no's, my car was stolen by Apex gang, it was my fault
>house is burned down. We are to blame for the refugees bad behaviour
I want to stone those Greens with the biggest rock I can find
ah yes hmm
>Chris, who witnessed the South Yarra raid, told 3AW the group was very confident committing the brazen robbery.
>“One did a little jig a dance in front of me,” he said.
>“They were happily ransacking the shelves.”
>Once outside, Chris said the group was cheering and hollering in the carpark, raising the items they’d taken above their heads.
It is like a fucking racist parody.
>They definitely got the lowest price
Easy to have them turn quickly.
>We were going to offer free education, but we've had to remove that possibility becauase otherwise we would be unable to fund refugees and cover the damages caused by the same
>To support more refugees, we've decided to raise the price of schooling
Probably the only racist thing is that you're noticing the way blacks are acting.
At least they said African appearance
Don't worry about that. We have learnt from your mistakes. Sure were overrun by chinks and poos, but barely any lebbos purple darkies.
I'm feeling like these guys need to up their game. Plenty of people either haven't heard of them or just assume its larrikin boofheads running amok. Thing is it ain't the 70s anymore, and fucksticks like these wouldn't learn from a beat down from the cops.
Reckon its just a matter of time before a shopkeeper or member of public gets killed by them. Then we might start seeing proper action taken against em.
Youths are always causing problems
> lebbos OR purple darkies
Stupid auto correct, I didn't just try to make up a whole new ethnic group
You let in way too many pacific islanders though m8. You had a big enough problem just with the maori.
How the fuck do these people even get there when your country is so serious about immigration they have that camp on Nauru and put up posters warning "no way no one comes to Australia" ...?
I honestly have no idea. Our legal immigration system is garbage though, that's for sure.
We are tough on people coming uninvited by boat m8.
But we fly in tens of thousands of these cunts by invitation.
and in fact the worse we treat the ones coming by boat, the more the government compensates by bringing in more by plane to deflect criticism about our human rights record.
True that.
But at least they're stupid savages and easily contained. Just not good in a one on one situation. Still rather them than these Africoons.
Yes, sub-saharan Africans are the worst migrant group, closely followed by muslims or all types. And you have done well to avoid those groups.
This 2bh, I'm sick of dumb cunts like Reclaim Australia only ever talking about Muslims, it's gotten to the point where I cringe at the word Muslim or Islam because I've come to associate it with whiny pathetic "patriots". Quite frankly, Africans can be the first to fuck off.
Now we undersrand the reason America is the way it is.
You can't have Africans living amongst Europeans and expect to keep your 1st world European norms. Your city will degenerate to African norms, group robbery, group assault, riots etc.
Yes the muslim issue has come to the fore with the cucked conservatives like Reclaim because they do not have the courage to be full-on racists.
Islam is convenient for their slippery cowardly positions because they can always say "Islam isn't a race" and thus deny being racist.
The more I observe, the more I am coming to the conclusion that being an out and out unapologetic racist is actually going to be the more effective position on the right, and these "mu sharia law, muh halal" types will get squashed.
We had the solution. We need to admit that moving away from the White Australia was a mistake and return to it.
>"mu sharia law, muh halal"
lmao yeah fuck that. In all honesty halal food doesn't bother me when compared to all the other issues we're facing in Australia, and isn't even really that much of a problem as long as it is always optional and not mandatory. As for shariah law, we won't have to worry about that for a very long time. What we need to deal with now is cutting off the flow of immigration and sending them back.
Oh shit we forgot to buy set squares for the VCD exam tomorrow and it's past closing time, time to raid that shit
Halal food is a problem and it shouldn't exist in this country.
But it is just a symptom of the much bigger problem which is the immigration to this country of people from undesirable races and religions.
Tbh it really depends on what part on Africa they're from. I've found that Africans from Ghana, Senegal, Ethiopia are very traditional and friendly. While Africans from Somalia and Nigeria are absolutely terrible.
I'm from Flemington in Melbourne aka little Africa so I can speak on the matter.
>not a problem
slaughtering animals while theyre conscious for a horse shit religion...
I meant that it isn't a problem compared to the other problems we are facing at this moment in time
>I'm from Flemington in Melbourne aka little Africa so I can speak on the matter.
I would rather let the stats do the speaking than your pozzed anecdotes. I doubt the groups you mentioned would have good outcomes in this country in any respect when compared to the average.
Literally doing little jigs as they haul off stolen shit, bit surreal ain't it
They obviously hadn't done their research on the audio quality.
Little jigs doing little jigs.
Victoria must really be enjoying that cultural enrichment
Was not on TEN news, I wonder why...
Btw triple j is currently doing a segment on the alt right
I agree.
>"This country shall remain forever the home of the descendants of those people who came here in peace in order to establish in the South Seas an outpost of the British race."
This quote always gets me. We never should have abandoned that policy when it was working so well for us.
I knew a few Africans in Japan. I agree the Ethiopian and Ghanaian people were nice, but the fucking Nigerians holy shit were they fucking terrible.
Do the stats break it up by African countries? I guarantee 95 percent would be by somalians.
>>Once outside, Chris said the group was cheering and hollering in the carpark, raising the items they’d taken above their heads.
That's fucking Monkey behaviour, these cunts are literally fucking animals
>of African appearance
>South Yarra
>~5km from City center
on Hack?
Fuck I hate that cuck show. Although the host destroyed some black woman who was saying that black people can't be racist which was the only time I didn't want to punch him.
Send us Text (0011) 0439 75 7555
guys please text in to triple j
Holy FUCK, he literally just said that white men are the greatest
Fuck my sides
the cucks are on
>send racist texts supportive of the far right to a leftist organisation so they can pass them on to the police
Yeah no thanks.
you can use sms services online you dumbo
Muslims invented Algebra. WTF Triple J?
In the context where algebra is identified with the theory of equations, the Greek mathematician Diophantus has traditionally been known as the "father of algebra" but in more recent times there is much debate over whether al-Khwarizmi, who founded the discipline of al-jabr, deserves that title instead.
there was a thread here a while ago from a bodyguard of ACTUAL melb organised crime who was posting pictures of a nig they captured and were performing "home dentistry" on.
apparently the dumb niggers tried to carjack the granddaughter of melb calabrian mafia.
they got FUCKED.
it's just the piss weak cops who do nothing, the citizens are at boiling point over this. even actual organised crime detests them.
btw if you cunts want the name of the judge who lets tons of them off, search "jane patrick".
she's insane.
Never going to happen, not with the cuck factories that are Sydney and Melbourne.
This place is only going to get worse as the younger generation starts gaining more influence in our politics.
I give us 10 years before we start looking like Europe, unless some big global happening occurs and people have no choice but to stop sympathizing with barbaric shitskins.
What the fuck would "youths" even want from Officeworks?
They are trying to use niggers to provoke violence. Let the niggers steal while you call police. We're slowly taking back power globally from the evil #JohnMolesta kinda people, we're winning.
Make viral. I shit on Styxnigger too and hate his thread spamming but he isn't entirely a faggot.
Headphones, apparently.
MSM is openly calling them Africans. We're breaking the conditioning.
Fortunately Melbourne voted for this so I have no sympathy. All I ask is the Africans are dumped in Green electorates.
Fucking pisses me off so much when I read shit like an 18 and 19 year old African youths were sentenced to Juvenile Detention.
They are fucking adults, send them to prison
and just watch them get thrown in jail for protecting themselves
fucking hate this cucked country.
lol abbo thread
dats raysis
They're connected to Soros. You may get your chance.
Agreed. But there's no denying that he fucked up. He didn't even use a broadhead. Cunt wouldn't have gotten away if he had.
Cops are only as "weak" as the politicians force them to be. Cops could stop 90% of street crime overnight if you took the cuffs off of them.
no you see the word is arabic
so they invented algebra
kind of like how the south china sea has the word china in it
so it's owned by china
>read headline bare bones info
>ill bet it was niggers
>it was niggers
We signed up to the UN refugee program decades ago. We take in 14k a year, for some reason we chose to take in 2 of the worst types of nigs that nog on each other.
Most of those Africunts are mulsims too.
Using Mulsims is a good choice because you can't be accused of being racist, only hating the most hated ideology
I dunno mate, every halal item you buy gives money to saud camel fuckers that use it to build mosques here.
Half are sudos, but mostly those 2
True, but what happens in Saudi Arabia doesn't really concern me compared to Africans and Muslims swarming into our cities. I've already said that if I had the choice halal would be banned, and it's definitely something we need to work on doing, but people like Reclaim Australia who put it at the forefront of their ideology need to get their priorities sorted.
Well Wesfarmers that own Officeworks would be the first to demand mass immigration.
Well deserved.
beats by dre
Trying to find it in the archives, do you remember if it was it in a nigger hate thread? Or did he make his own thread?
I love officeworks.
Such nice people and they have evrything.
Yeah, they basically can only live in regions where halal meat is available otherwise they'd have to go vego
They's just start slaughtering sheep in their backyards.
"COPYCATS WILL FEEL THE FULL EXTENT OF THE LAW" and yet these fucking monkeys get away with it. this country has really gone to shit. we're becoming as bad as germany and sweden in our cuckedness by these refugees.
stupid fucking leaf cant even read the article.
At least catching niggers should be easy for the police since they stick out like sore thumbs.
How many of them are there in Victoria? In the right age range?
Should be easy to identify them.
The problem is that the courts are so fucking soft on them.
i heard that on the radio today than followed by just let them steal and let the police handle it almost wanted to break my radio in two. Lets just let people steal and the police i guarantee wont follow up on what they class a petty crime fucking lawless degenerate society
Officeworks may not have had any other expensive brands. In a lot of these sorts of stores, I often only see cheap bands and Beats, because Beats are the only 'quality' headphones a lot of people know about and will buy.
>just let them steal
yes, and if they also decide to rape and murder you and your family, just let them go ahead. the police can deal with it later
this is actually what those people believe
BS, probably just a freudian slip.
i would happily kill anyone who laid a finger on my family and i would make sure that i dont get caught. Lucky my family don't live anywhere near these degenerates, thank god for small rural towns the lifeblood of this country.