Actually there is only about 5 acres of land in the US per person, and that was from math I did 3 years ago, literally, so now it is even less.
Without using dangerous farming methods and being COMPLETELY reliant on mined fertilizers, each human being needs about 5 acres of land to have food, including bread and adequate vegetables, as well as his or her other consumption needs met.
Keep in mind, this says nothing of other human needs, like:
1. A home
2. A little open space for kids to play or a flower bed
3. Public lands
It also doesn't account for these facts:
1. Not all land in the US is arable, or even habitable
2. We need to retain forest land, private and public, for wood production for firewood and lumber, paper, etc
3. We must retain wildlife habitat as well
4. Open space is crucial to recreation.
Finally, your simpleton, retarded, Sociology-tier argument doesn't even take in to account the principles of 'Lifeboat Ethics'. You must conserve resources to ensure there is enough for organic growth as well as 'hard times'.
Also, speaking as a healthcare professional heavily involved in community health, a TON of homeless people -and I mean almost every single one I deal with- is that way because of problems with drugs or mental health. You try time and time again to help them but frankly they don't want it. They relapse constantly, in and out of ED's and jail cells. Not all, but many. Many.
Some people just die, OP. It's fucking nature.