There's enough resources and land in this country to provide everyone with a mansion twice over

There's enough resources and land in this country to provide everyone with a mansion twice over .

There is enough food produced in this country to feed the entire world multiple times over.

Yet millions are homeless and starving .

Just goes to show the greed and failure of capitalism

Other urls found in this thread:Ʈtre

you're acting like this godless faggot invented computers

Because a minority of starving homeless people is better than a majority being homeless and starving

>There's enough resources and land in this country to provide everyone with a mansion twice over .

But is everyone capable of building that mansion for themselves?

or did you think someone else was going to build it for the.. for free?

go back to studying faggit, you're never going to pass year 9 otherwise.

He invented the theory which is the most important aspect of it. Sure he didn't design an OS, but he layed the foundation. Faggot. Comp Theory is some of the most interesting shit out there. Turing machines are the very foundation of computers

Yeah, Alan Turing was a brilliant mathematician, but calling him the "father of computer science" is a bit of a stretch.

He suffered from a lot of mental problems, those people are often very gifted with patterns.

With that being said, I wouldn't be waiving around the fact that he was a gaytheist as some sort of justification for you being ignorant.

Turing's contributions are overstated.


Well yes, but how can you ensure that those same resources will be produced next year without competition in the market?

Actually, it goes to show that the market is not free enough for us to reach 100% employment.


Where are these resources going to come from?
How long could America feed the world for?
If America *could* feed the world, how much will each individual get to eat?
What do you define by a mansion?
Where are you getting these numbers?


>You like the Big Bang Theory, 'Hubbles' Law, 'Hubbles Constant and the idea of an expanding universe?
>Thank this celibate, Roman Catholic Priest.Ʈtre

This so much

>Just goes to show the greed and failure of capitalism
because every communist country had the ability to feed its entire population, right?

And where would incentive to work come from?
Who's doing the working if there is no incentive to
"Yea lets just deforest America and build millions of mansions for everyone and somehow get people to work the farms growing the food and raising the animals."
Why would people work if they were given everything from the start and everyone was and will always be equal?

We will never sustain such a population

What people fail to realize is he had a team of people doing the same work as him and who had similar ideas as him before they even met him. He is by no means the "father" of computers. That's like trying to say one person and one person only is responsible for the nuclear bomb or spaceships. Just plain lunacy.

And if you're basing your view of Turing from the movie, you're an idiot. Is it any coincidence they waited to make it until everyone from that project had died? Hollywood is always trying to re-write history.

Lets also remember things that were invented and created by heterosexual men, like everything.

Everyone will because in my infant, inexperienced, apathetic, vidya addicted mind the world is a perfect place!

Even though I'm defrauding the state and my parents by staying at home all day and never working.

Forget that though, just think about how perfect everything be in muh dreamz.

Actually there is only about 5 acres of land in the US per person, and that was from math I did 3 years ago, literally, so now it is even less.

Without using dangerous farming methods and being COMPLETELY reliant on mined fertilizers, each human being needs about 5 acres of land to have food, including bread and adequate vegetables, as well as his or her other consumption needs met.

Keep in mind, this says nothing of other human needs, like:

1. A home
2. A little open space for kids to play or a flower bed
3. Public lands

It also doesn't account for these facts:

1. Not all land in the US is arable, or even habitable
2. We need to retain forest land, private and public, for wood production for firewood and lumber, paper, etc
3. We must retain wildlife habitat as well
4. Open space is crucial to recreation.

Finally, your simpleton, retarded, Sociology-tier argument doesn't even take in to account the principles of 'Lifeboat Ethics'. You must conserve resources to ensure there is enough for organic growth as well as 'hard times'.

Also, speaking as a healthcare professional heavily involved in community health, a TON of homeless people -and I mean almost every single one I deal with- is that way because of problems with drugs or mental health. You try time and time again to help them but frankly they don't want it. They relapse constantly, in and out of ED's and jail cells. Not all, but many. Many.

Some people just die, OP. It's fucking nature.

computers have turned the world into a huge fest of faggotry and we'd be better off without them

Yeah, I agree with you, don't know why you're replying to me with that.

Based Aussie Libertarian bro


if you've done something amazing, 20 years after you die the New Yorker prints an article claiming your wife did it and deserves the credit

>thank turing for computing science
>completely ignoring the men who created the near unbreakable code
>see this guy is special though because he was gay XD
know what else penetrated turing besides gay cock? cyanide

>picture about homosexuality
>OP types how capitalism is to blame for homelessness and starvation

Could you at least try?


I agree actually.

I wish we lived in a world without the information age or even without the industrial age. I wish I was something simple, like a stone mason or a shoemaker.

>probably can't understand a single page of Turing's work
>talks shit about Turing

>notices someone else assuming
>makes assumptions about them

>probably gaytheist commune dreamer
>has some sort of CCCP propaganda hanging up in room
>lives with parents

Stop shilling this faggot.
Polish already designed early computers to crack German war codes.
When Poland was taken over they shipped the computer over to England where the Brits improved it to crack codes faster.
He didn't invent, he improved.

That's LITERALLY not true.

First of all, providing everyone with a half a million dollar home would cost....... Over half a million dollars. The resources alone taken to pay for that would be the death of so many habitats and eco systems. The concrete produced would require more oil than the US already has (which is low by even Danish standards), and the cost to run each mansion every day, the power bill would be so high that it would require a LOT of energy, energy that is literally impossible.

Secondly, there is as much food on the market is as sustainable BY the market, meaning that that there's not too little or too much; there's just enough food. That's how businesses make money, by being sustainable.

Money is not a good measure of wealth, despite conventional wisdom.
The rich upperclass often live below their means; most of their money sits in the closet to be unused. Even though it technically exists on the market, if everyone with over a billion dollars were to go out and spend all their money in one night, it would cause the worst inflation that anyone has ever seen. When someone's money is stagnate for too long, it loses its value in the market, but this is why rich people have more of it; in the event that something goes wrong, the rich capitalists will use their capital, pump money into the system, where they know it will benefit the market; government forces can't make that kind of decision, and have been repeatedly proven incompetent because of the economy today.

no b-b-but in our gaytheist socialist commune pipe dream resources to build things don't cost anything because everything is shared by everyone!!!!

god ur fuggen dumb capitalist typical scum faggot jew

>I hate gays and atheist , so let me try to discredit and misrepresent the work of a gay atheist

You guys are such insecure pieces of shit .

Good thing you at least subconsciously realize this which is why the only place you spout your abhorrent views is on Sup Forums .

Not really. Von Neumann laid the foundations of modern computer architecture. Turing was a mathematician interested in computability and the decision problem. His work was great, but Konrad Zuse built a more sophisticated machine in 1943. Which was bombed by anglos.

>people deserve things they didn't work for

I'm convinced the purpose of the left is to be as anti-human nature as possible. They want to give out free shit, which creates weak people, while also weakening those who were already strong by taking things from them. They're pro-gay, which lowers birth-rates. They're anti-gun, and thus anti-defense, something everyone should have a right to, and has had a right to in any free society since the dawn of time. They want higher taxes, which is literally just taking away people's wealth, and trusting the government to properly and justly use it.

Oh look it's the
>I have no answers for anyone, so I'm just going to make a vague reply that I had already made up my mind on before I even made this thread

die in a fire


>thinks "your abhorrent views" can't be posted anywhere other than Sup Forums
>on Sup Forums

gaytheist socialist commune pipe dreamer detected

Arent all atheists gay, but not all gay people are atheist?

Rofl nice try capitalist scum, thats another common misconception that gibmedats make weak people. Everyone knows that if you don't work for anything and are a lazy sack of shit you'll be super bold and strong in every way.

Let me tell you about my dream, I have a dream that we can all be forced to live together in a gaytheist socialist commune pipe dream. We don't need money, we can just suck each others cocks all day. This will finally end muh struggle against wage slavery!


I'm an atheist and I have no problem with gays, but this

>You like X?
>Thank this person who was Y for inventing X!

What are they trying to say? That I tacitly approve of Y because I like X?

If I like Lostprophets does that make me a pedo?

I mean the guy who discovered fire was probably a rapist, should we stop using technology to prove we're against rape?

>OP really was a faggot