The darkness has come for you Sup Forums. Now it will swallow you.
Trump Rape Video Being Published Tomorrow
I already saw it, it was called the debate.
>tomorrow morning
>"victim" number 15 will surely be effective
>rape video
Accusation without evidence recorded of video*
Every time.
Trump stepped on and bullied little people all his life. Now he's fighting an even fight, and losing like a pussy coward. HRC needs to investigate and destroy him after the election
>email number 30327 will surely be effective
Guess i better get on the bus and vote for her 100 times now.
Will this be another one of these?
>Woman accusing Trump of raping her at 13 cancels her plan to go public
Dumb CTR poster
well I would check email 20327 to show you where you're wrong, but wikileaks was taken down by your monster leader.
OP still faggot
OP blown the fuck out
Its not a rape video.
She's been posting videos made by the "victims" where they talk about the alleged rapes.
>day before election
Yeah I'm sure this is legit
top bantz
Rape porn is illegal. She will be arrested if she posts it.
Thank you for Correcting The Record, your monthly subscrpition to has been renewed
/neet virgin has spoken
It's too late. One day before the election isn't enough to cause ANY damage whatsoever. Everyone has decided already 24 hours before election time.
It's not a rape video. It's an "accuser video," aka a Clinton Foundation employee explaining how Trump once eye-raped her (violently and without remorse).
>all the crimes communicated and evidenced by email are just labeled "emails" in the minds of liberals
Nixon was 40 years too soon... I could imagine him now, "The American people are sick of hearing about my damn audiotapes."
You are fucked regardless of Trump winning or losing. We still have our guns. There are enough of us to ruin your life just as you have ours.
Hope it was worth it for you to betray your Americans brothers and sisters of all races just to elect a corrupt candidate.
Unless it actually shows him raping someone nobody is going to care.
Holy shit
easy billy bob don't go all rootin shootin on us now
If the video is so damning then why wait so long to release it? Might as well have released it sooner so he would be arrested right?
Wait, how does an anonymous woman get death threats?
In all seriousness though, she seems terrified that he might have a semblance of a chance and is making shit up in a pathetic attempt to sway voters.
So wait, either
>Liberals lie and there's literally nothing
>New rape porn
Implying you don't just go back to playing in the woods with your toys while quietly whining to your redneck friends about how corrupt the president is. You're a pussy. You won't do shit.
It will almost certainly be a taped statement?
I think the Clinton campaign is in panic mode right now. We will see.
Tough fight to finish it tomorrow, and it'll be tough for it to get traction in the news cycle with the FBI news. In a weird way, Comey did Trump a favor here.
lmao! muh guns!
say that to my face and not online and see what happens fucker
>If the video is so damning then why wait so long to release it?
Because she's terrified of coming forward after witnessing Trump's capacity for whipping up mindless, bloodthirsty mobs.
>easy billy bob don't go all rootin shootin on us now
Who said anything about shooting anybody?
I do not support murder and destruction. It's why I don't support Hillary.
If you want an accurate sense of how much shit is currently pouring out of the sides of her diaper, just realize that she is hosting a get-out-the-vote event in Philly tomorrow with: Hillary Clinton, President Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, Bill Clinton, Chelsea Clinton. And people didn't think PA would go red.
that's a final celebration rally
Theoretical threats for a theoretical person?
Your mother will be butchered by an immigrant on November 10th.
>You're a pussy. You won't do shit.
Never said I was going to kill anybody, retard.
>lmao! muh guns!
They don't pay you enough to act this retarded.
I love how you guys are implying I'm a redneck when I'm just anti-war. What has happened to liberals?
Hope Trump sues Bloom, her mom, and their fake assault victims turning them into paupers. These types of antics will make it tougher for real victims to be believed in the future.
Thank the slimy Dems for turning back the hands of time for all women.
Jokes on you my mom is in prison you stupid faggot
100 emoji
I hate that term "watch this space", it sounds retarded.
>muh november surprise
>one day before the election
derp billionare celeb tv star
no accusations until oct 2016
Backpedaling out of a stupid statement. You're just like Trump!
>the darkness...
Fuck off you child fucker
Twitter down?
Yeah, seemingly has been for a little while.
Neck yourself, you fucking Kike
it had to be dominos
if they steal they will regret it
trump is a relatively nice guy
>reality TV star for years
>also otherwise prominent media entity
>people claim he's racist
>best they can find is him talking with Lil Jon confused about the term "Uncle Tom"
>a phrase leftists use daily to describe black people who disagree with them
>Trump Rape Video Being Published Tomorrow
in HD or blue ray?
>Backpedaling out of a stupid statement. You're just like Trump!
You cannot enslave an armed populace.
Go murder more Arabs for no reason while claiming everyone else is Islamaphobic, faggot.
>Hope Trump sues Bloom, her mom, and their fake assault victims turning them into paupers. These types of antics will make it tougher for real victims to be believed in the future.
>Thank the slimy Dems for turning back the hands of time for all women.
This is the reason the cancelled the press conference, so they could drop the video later. They have absolutely nothing and are counting on Trump not to sue this phony and her dumb lawyer back to the stone age. He will though. These two are completely fucked. I hope they live the rest of their lives on the streets.
>fuko, ex-navy seal the post
Report her of self harm
Trump loses = uprising
oh my goodness
The only way this would hurt trump is if he is getting fucked in the ass
Anything else and he is asserting dominance. His approval ratings among women will go through the roof
Thats what they don't realize...Trump is the olive branch, if they do not accept it the next angry white guy will not be as nice.
>Trump loses = uprising
It would be the same if Hillary lost, but with much more violence from the supposed "progressive" side.
You stupid goy have no idea what you're meddling in, do you?
I am in control here. I talked to this website's owner this morning and paid him a lot of money to shut you idiots up.
Stop discussing this man and delete these threads. All the mods got the scoop from the owner, they are working for me at the moment. I am talking with them on IRC collecting the IPs and other details from threads like these. This one will be deleted shortly.
Stop making these threads and forget what you've learned today. Any more interference and I will have to take "other" actions.
You have been warned, don't fucking cross me or my organization again. This isn't a stupid fucking game or anime cartoon, idiots......
There will be no further communications between me and the users of this site. Consider this your last and final warning.
>Black turnout down 40% in NC
>Can't even beat the Republicans in early voting in Florida
The Emails were EXTREMELY effective and humiliating for your criminal cunt candidate.
Lisa Bloom (((?))) raped me. Watch this space.
time difference. The "information super highway" is overloaded and people don't absorb any of it.
things that didn't happen for 500, Alex
>rape videos
These are not a thing. Even if they were a thing the media wouldn't broadcast them.
Hahaha I'm a Trump supporter but holy fuck I lol'd. FPBP
Yeah, nothing will happen.