What happens to the Alt Right come the morning of November 9th?
What happens to the Alt Right come the morning of November 9th?
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hopefully it goes back to being comfy hitler posting
God i hope hillary wins . I fucking hate communists and left-wingers , but the alt-right is a cancer to the far-right . It destroyed it with its neo-populist zionist loving bullshit , with jews and faggots as its "speakers" .A literal fucking hijacking of the whole far-right , getting the cretins to support the guys who's biggest donor is a jewish led company and who publicly stated his support for israel ,the country that led to the shit in the middle east that eventually lead to the migrant crisis.
With shits like ukip taking the votes from the bnp and similar parties in the uk ,with afd taking votes from the ndp in germany and so on .
I so fucking hope hillary wins , just to see the fucking triggering from this right wing version of the feminist sjw "alt-right" cunts
either trump wins and all is fine or Hillary wins and they get dragged out of their homes into FEMA camps together with their family.
im planning to watch fox news and listen to XM 'partriot' all day. im going to laugh my ass off as they cry and call bullshit. their tears will taste so sweet. man i cant wait. wednesday is going to be good :)
Crawl back into the cracks from whence we came.
Having achieved their short-term goals, they fall back and dissipate just like GamerGate did.
oh and /r/The_Donald im going to be reading all the posts and comments. laughing and laughing and laughing :D :D :D
If Hillary wins, that means opposition allowing it to grow. The reason the "alt-right" ever came into being is because of the growing radicalization of the left.
The Gestapo is going to come and take us out.
Gotta clean house and get the traitors and degenerates undermining the cause.
Depends on what you determine to be the "alt-right." I believe the alt-right to be a group of counter-culture individuals who feel that they are not represented in politics -- which is true. However, this is usually true because those of the alt-right usually fit into areas that aren't affected by politics. They're white, unmarried, straight, cis-gendered, etc.. Why should politics affect them? They find Trump to be desirable because he's an outsider like them. They think it would be fun to fuck with the election.
Without Trump, politics won't matter to them anymore. They'll continue on with some shit, but they won't have as much power as they do now. In four years, the Republicans will put up a candidate that's more along their usual lines, another Jeb or Cruz or Rubio or whoever, and the alt-right (if they're still around) won't care one bit. Maybe they'll latch onto whoever the meme third party candidate is there at the time.
Here's your (you)
When I was a yung boi....
You cunts have no concept of incremental progress. I expect nothing less of low IQ autists i spose.
Milo hit's menopause, Alex Jones continues to sell super male vitality, Richard Spencer becomes a tranny, and Stefen Molyneux mysteriously dissapears never to be seen again.
Trump creates the throne of man and dubs us the "New Right"
Trump is the culmination of 8 years of Obama and identity politics. You really think that 4 years of Hillary and ever increasingly insane identity politics is going to cause us to level off?
You are certifiably bonkers.
right wing death squads that will kill any black or jew of course.
>Without Trump
This was starting long before Trump, ever heard of GamerGate?
You people don't seem to understand as long as the left continue acting this way, the "alt-right" will grow.
Probably not much. A brief period of anger and depression but it will still exist.
Trump will become a political martyr. If he doesn't get in, we never see his record in office so we can always tell people "what could have been".
They'll go back to their basements and continue posting on Sup Forums and Stormfront. Much alike how it was before Trump entered the race.
GG was a small thing and even though it still persists, it only persists on small pockets of the internet. It is nothing compared to Trump worship.
Without Trump, the alt-right is nothing; at most it goes back to yelling at some chick over video game reviews. How can that even compare to nearly meme'ing in the president of the United States?
And once Hilary beats Trump and the Republican party realizes they can't put up someone like Trump again, as I said before, they'll pick someone the alt-right doesn't identify with and they will lose their power.
nothing the AR was a label made by liberal faggots. no one claims it
I just hope that russia won't send troops to america to "help peaceful patriotic american protestors". Cause I ain't gonna die for your bullshit.
Because it's growing, it started with GG and has slowly building momentum, more and more are waking up to this new reality. That is your evidence that it won't end.
It grew because of Trump. It will slowly die because of Trump.
And as I said, it's not like it won't be around anymore. It just won't be so powerful as it is now.
Are you a RUS soldier?
Nahh, it started with the left acting like nazi's. It will grow if they keep it up.
the alt-right is just angry white people who live in the sticks. hate to tell you but every year there are less white people, and less people living in the sticks. the alt-right will probably get even more crazy, but there will always be less of them. first it was the tea party - which failed horribly. now it's trump. next time will be even more embarrassing. silly redneck white people. you so dumb and crazy.
Lock n load baybee
it spergs out on Sup Forums
It grows because they have someone running for president who they feel represents them. Without something like that, where are the people contributing to the growth gonna come from? What is going to make them stay with a movement that no longer as any power?
Nothing much. We carry on. Maybe party if Trump wins.
UKIP arent the alt right or even that right wing though. Their ENTIRE policy was Muh EU referendum. That's why they have no influence now.
They were left leaning with a right wing/nationalist policy. It's why Tories absorbed their vote right after.
Even more power and passion, best way to stop it is to cave, but I doubt that will work either since internet informatiunz is edumacating the poople
mass suicides
or FEMA camps.
>alt right
>pro jew
You have literally no idea what you are talking about, you band waggoning reddit fag.
Technically - yes. If the big war starts I will be drafted. But i do not serve in a military as if it was my job.
It grew because of people like the left being authoritarian. Oppression, restrictions, "hate speech" ect.
Jesus Christ, is that how I am viewed?
As an alternate version of an SJW?
I didn't realize there was a problem educating people with facts instead of opinions.
youre a fucking joke. we dont want anything to do with you.
Not true. Lots of our members are married and respectably employed.
It will just get louder. Pandora's box has been thrown open. We will be sure to have ample barely-cogent screeds featuring zero logic and inconclusive evidence for the entirety of Hilldogs 8 year presidency.
>alt right
No such thing.
We are national socialists.
A simple question: Would the alt-right be as big as it is right now had Donald Trump not been the Republican candidate for presidency?
Oh look, it's an episode of "Americans think the world is limited to the USA".
Alt right exists outside the US, fag.
pic related
This. Kosher rightwing is gay as fuck
Yes. I think so.
The war begins
Hopefully they all kill themselves.
It's not really their ideologies that bother me. It's their constant shitposting all over Sup Forums.
You realise the alt right is rapidly growing outside the USA, and that Trump is, to us, more of a sideshow, right? Our focus is Wilders, or Le Penn.
Besides, to the real alt right (Anglin, Spencer, Taylor and so on) Trump has always been merely a first step in the right direction. Complete cultural change is the end goal. Same applies to Wilders, Le Pen, Farage and the rest.
Tuesday night is gonna be crazy.
Tons of "I-I-IT WAS RIGGED!!! THE WHOLE THING IS CORRUPTED BAWWW". It shall be glorious.
No , you're the 1 that has no ideea what you're talking about .
Milo's a fucking jew .
Trump endorsed netanyahu and israel .
Trump's biggest donor is Renaissance Technologies owned by James Harris Simons , a jew .
Gavin McInnes is pro israel .
Do i have to fucking continue ?
What the fuck are you talking about the altright not being pro jew?
>educating people with facts instead of opinions
Exactly the same shit hillary supporters say. Every time some1 points some shit about trump people get triggered and start shouting "Shillary" , if you don't support hillary they either start shouting liar (cause obviously it's fucking physically impossible to dislike 2 people at the same time) , or start stating that it has to be one or the other . Except it fucking doesn't.
>but muh other candidate or >but muh other side is not facts , just cause one candidate is utter shit doesn't mean the other can't be utter shit as well . You don't have to support trump to vote for him as a against hillary vote , if you think the pro trump masses are any more reasonable than the pro hillary masses you're fucking retarded.
To be honest, I'm not so familiar with the alt-right outside the US. As I said, I associate the alt-right not necessarily with white supremacy, but rather with a desire to see oneself represented in the political spectrum.
Things like brexit and the anti-immigration messages I see in European countries that are being passed off as "alt-right" see more white supremacist to me.
Would you say that alt-right = white supremacy, or is there something more to the European idea of alt-right that I am missing?
>she thinks the alt-lite fags like Milo and Gavin are alt-right
>our members
fucking this
>Milo's a fucking jew .
And he's not alt right. He's an attention whore who jumped on the bandwagon.
Trump isnt alt right either. We just support him because he can give us a push in the right direction.
Gavin McInnes is not alt right. He's his own thing with Proud Boys.
None of those identify as alt right. Richard Spencer and Jared Taylor are alt right.
You are an uninformed retard. As Greh Johnson put it: the alt right is about 2 things, white etno nationalism and anti-semitism. If you dont espouse those 2 ideas, you are not alt right.
>As an alternate version of an SJW?
Sup Forums is literally the flipside of Tumblr..
I agree, gonna be fucking hilarious watching CTR crashing and burning.
>falling for the alt-right meme
>Would you say that alt-right = white supremacy
That is the literal goddamn definition, so yes. If you arent a white supremacist, you are some reddit faggot hijacking the movement.
The alt right is an umbrella movemenent encompassing a lot of ideas and people, but it has one uniting idea: white supremacy.
>lists a bunch of people who aren't alt-right
You're so fucking stupid it hurts.
I don't know about you folks, but I'm ready to smash some heads in myself.
Yeah. I'm from the official Dutch alt right organization Erkenbrand. We have a couple hundred members and are rapidly expanding.
Here, check out our youtube channel:
wrong, fuck off ctr falseflagging shill
So GamerGate was a movement about white supremacy?
Yeah, no. There's no Hillary supporters here for that to happen.
If Trump wins, Sup Forums will go wild with excitement.
If Hillary wins, there will be tons of butthurt threads talking about corruption and cheating.
shaddup fagg0t, it does not. Its some made up Bill Maher shit.
Gamergate had nothing to do with the alt right. Faggots like Sargon were involved with that.
Sorry chum, but I literally represent the Dutch alt right. I'm not giving opinions, I'm giving you stated positions of an active alt right organization.
If Trump wins it takes over the Republican Party and begins The Great Whitening of our country.
If Hillary wins it evolves into Stormfront 2.0 and is forgotten about in a few years.
Trump smites them for being a blight upon society and trying to latch onto his presidential run for personal fame and attention
like all right wing movements it'll die for a couple of years and come back in an even more inflammatory and dangerous shape and repeat until it wins, causes a series of tragic stains on human history, and dies for good leaving room for an even more monolithic and strong left wing movement to replace it.
And then the cycle will start all over again.
>my views are everyones views im the boss bawwwwwww
nah, youre alone
When Hillary wins, basically, it becomes a saltmine for reasonable people as all the autists gnash their teeth in frustration and masturbate impotently to Japanese drawings. After a week or so, most of them will ragequit and never come back here. Then, us human beings will move in and it'll basically become Sup Forums or even Sup Forums as it was in 2007 or so, without all of the circlejerk drumpfkin bullshit. It'll be awesome.
>nah, youre alone
Got some hundred people on my side, actually. Endorsement from Greg Johnson, Millenial Woes, Devlin, Red Ice...
Here, watch our conference. Aussie cunt.
dude, you're not alt right. you're just a nazi. there's nothing alternative about your position compared to other supremacists of previous decades. you're all just degenerates.
We're not nazis. Socialism is for faggots. And nazis are too autoritarian. Towards white people, that is. I like freedom.
I personally see myself as an etno nationalist libertarian.
See, this is why if you lurk pol you'll notice comments like "the alt-right doesn't exist". "The alt-right" doesn't even know what it is yet, and should even be taken seriously considering it has hardly any influence. But in time, it will get to the point to where point won't joke about it, and that when it'll be to late, and I hope it doesn't reach that.
>muh no true scotsman
Literally feminist level argument
They speak for the alt-right community, they represent the alt-right community, most of the fucking alt-right community treats them like fucking gods but my god they're not real alt-righters , literally fucking sjw level arguments
Fuck the alt-right , i can't wait for this whole meme level politics version of the far-right to end and the far-right to take its rightful place back again in opposition of marxist anti-white loving feminist cucks instead of this bullshit other side of the same coin that the alt-right is.
>you're all just degenerates
No. You're the fucking degenerates. There's no need for a retarded israel loving cuckservative movement to take over the far-right natsoc (& similar ideologies) movement.
>They speak for the alt-right community, they represent the alt-right community,
Neither the alt right nor they themselves see them as alt right.
The real alt right are the people who started it. Richard Spencer, Peter Brimelow, Andrew Anglin, Greg Johnson. People like that. THEY speak for the alt right. Not some kikes who the MSM has decided to call alt right.
>rightful far right
Which would be what, nazism? We dont differ much from them except on economic issues. And maybe some autoritarian issues.
Nothing will happen. They need us to work so they can steal taxes off us.
Or at worst they'll keep us around to fight their wars. White men are by far the best fighting men.
We will probably be massively outnumbered from now on. The alt right was really the last chance but laughably too late. Tards.
You're one of the mainstream alt-lite faggots that thinks Milo is alt-right and super edgy xD. David Duke, Nathan Damigo/Identity Evropa, NPI, TRS, Red Ice etc. are the actual alt-right.
>a gay kike says he speaks for the alt-right, it must be true
>trusting a gay kike this much
>muh no true Scotsman
>look mom, I invoked a logical fallacy that was in the sticky, I'm so smart!
Okay. One more post...
What do you know about the situation in the U.S.?
Once Trump wins you race-war faggots will be outed and ostracized.
We are winning this whether you like it or not.
>outed and ostracized
Kek. First off, I voted for Trump, so fuck yourself. Secondly, I'm pretty openly racist in our pozzed SJW-tier military. I outed myself and nobody gives a fuck.
>I personally see myself as an etno nationalist libertarian.
that doesn't make much sense. you're cutting yourself off from trading with people based on their looks. where's the profit in that. the free movement of people usually brings wealth as well since it can be seen as another expression of self-optimisation by the free market - and larger markets without barriers as are international ones usually mean more freedom due to possibilities to trade. after all you're free to choose.
also most problems immigrant populations can easily be seen as resulting from failed social policies like social housing projects. The race thing sure enough aggravates these problems but doesn't cause them. After all even before the age of mass immigration there were scum.
that being said with the exception of the refugee crisis which is a humanitarian crisis that gets handled in the worst way possible and the religion of islam which is a dangerous authoritarian ideology which needs to be nuked and walled.
well anyway, being racist is stupid for a ferengi.
(if you're left-libertarian you're basically a communist)