This poll is 95% confident Trump wins.

This guy has a election prediction process that works and says Trump wins

This guy says trump wins with 87% certainty

Trump gets way more people at his rallies than Hillary. Trump has way more enthusiasm than Hillary. Trump has more people following him and talking about him on social media.

The 77777777 get blessed by kek predicts a Trump win

A fucking monkey in China kissed a cardboard cutout of Trump to predict who wins the election

Trump is destined to win. Fuck CTR, fuck the fake polls, fuck the media, fuck them all. We are going to MAGA

Other urls found in this thread:

>This poll is 95% confident Trump wins.

Even LA time admitted you have reweight their numbers as the poll's sample was wrong in the first place

>LA admitted
they admitted they werent shilling hard enough like you

Thanks for chinking the record.

source of reweighted poll

yea sure dnc shills will say that


Fact, LA time has always been the outlier poll for the entire election.
No other poll has Trump up against Hillary for any long duration of time.
Just that alone proven USC got it wrong.


You are not correcting anyone's record faggot

>doesn't like results of poll
>rewrites and decides what data poll should use
>claim poll now shows your side wins
>call it "reweighing"

holy shit, its called "changing the data"

fuck shills, come on, at least fucking try.

>No other poll has Trump up against Hillary for any long duration of time. Just that alone proven USC got it wrong.
what kind of retarded ass logic is that? thats like saying that the people who thought the earth was the center of the universe before Coppernicus came along were PROVEN correct based simply on the fact that there were more of them.
I just read this and all I see is that they think they got the sample demographics wrong, so they adjusted it to be more in line with the other polling organizations (which nobody here believes because they overestimate turn out for D voters and underestimate turnout for R voters).

You do realize that they were the outlier poll in 2012? You do realize that they were correct in 2012?


He's going to win.

Riight, cuz Romney won in 2012...

>Not realizing even a broken clock is right twice a day

The link shows they predicted Obama would win with a margin of victory of 3.32, which he later won with a margin of 3.85. Most accurate poll of 2012

not realizing how pathetic it is to have paid shills for your campaign

Also Styx has predicted a Trump victory for months and he still holds to it. I'll say this, there's a triple paradigm shift going on, the lamestream media is irrelevant. That's about all... peace out.

How does that analogy have anything to do with it? None of the polls account for the inevitable white male voter surge. Nor do they account for the black turnout decline.

>lol taiwan
fuck off gook we have a world to run

>None of the polls account for the inevitable white male voter surge.

Is there any proof of this or Sup Forums talking out of its ass again?

>"Hi! We're the LA Times. And because We're liberal faggots who endorsed $hillary, we don't like how our poll is so honest, so we needed to bring in an (((expert))) to make it more rigged, er, we mean, "scientific" like all the other media polls!... Yeah, scientific, they'll totally buy that."

Trump won

Jesus Christ you're stupid.

Shadilay, Styx, Shadilay.

>family guy reaction image
>this stupidity

if this a satire post, well done

That makes it super embarrassing that Hillary is now wildly underperforming.

I love your enthusiasm.

Too bad everything good that happens to me is inminent disappointment disguised as hope. I'm worried we're going to continue with this fucked up planet.

Even if that cunt steals this election I'm not resting until she is impeached for the crimes she has committed


I think what will really determine the election is how far the dems can go in rigging the election.

In a fair competition, I think Trump is easily ahead now but it's obvious to all parties that there going to be hundreds of thousands of fake votes tanking the swing states, Trump will need to win by a high margin to retain victory.

All assumption

that (((re-weighted))) poll still has them within a point tho

Well we just had that video released that showed Obama saying
>sure undocumented people can vote, voting is confidential
Even if Trump doesnt win, he will call BS and demand a recount. If they find 100,000 dead people or undocumented voted, I would hope it would make Hillary lose, but who knows theyll probably cover it up like her email scandal


What's the point of a poll when you change the weightings however you want

Don't you need a second poll to determine what the weighting should be?

Alot of the early voting data. In NC it's up 15%. Black voter turnout is down 15%


Exactly. Early voting is suggesting a landslide for Trump

Except maybe in Arizona, pretty much everywhere else in the country Republicans are absolutely smashing what they did in 2012

Here's a source.

Yeah yeah, we'll see if that's true in 45 minutes.

I put $1k on Trump, I want him to win by any means but I'd really like for him to win on election day so I get my $5k

>This guy says trump wins with 87% certainty


Same here. I want to see Trump dominate the electoral college. Seeing every news outlet btfo will be glorious

They said the same shit about Dewey, don't jinx this for us you rat.

yeah but a lot of the people going to Trump rallies are DNC shills/trouble makers. They're not there to support Trump


hes been using his predictions since the 1980's with 100% accuracy, that's a pretty good track record

We're forgetting one thing, the power of brain dead millennial cucks. Guaranteed theyre going to come out in force and vote for hillary and take the win. nothing would please them more than sticking it to white male patriarchy. They dont care about how corrupt she is, she has a vagina and thats all they care about. Between Hillary skating on breaking laws with her emails and cucks at the voting booth, she's gonna pull it off. I voted for Trump, and i hope he wins, but i aint gonna hold my breath. I'm just trying to look at this realistically.

And rally turnout isnt a sign of anything, Hillary's rallies were ghost towns, but look at her numbers from early voting.

I dont think the younger crowd will be as big of a problem. If Bernie was running then id say youre right, but
Bernies loss left a bad taste in the mouth of young democrats, and how easily he rolled over on us was insulting too. I donated to bernie, and now he's telling me to vote for hillary. Welp, he can go fuck himself because im voting for Hilldogs opponent to make america great again. Also voting for legal weeeeed son!


I have the actual winning numbers here.

> California
> Blue

Odds on are back to 5:1 if you're confident enough

every time i lose hope i remember the 777777 post

Kek the god of chaos will make Trump win

you have girly handwriting

That doesn't even make any sense.

Trump is at his highest right now with no crossover in the adjustment, and yet his previous surges have crossover in the adjustment.

This is actual made up bullshit.

>The poll weights respondents partially based on self-described 2012 vote

This is using 2012 metrics as a precedent when the demographics are completely different this time around, it's why so many other polls have been wrong and is actually why their original poll reflects this current election better in comparison.

California is libtard capital of the US.


>Given the unique features of the poll, any one is a potential factor in its frequent outlier results, but the three most discussed possibilities are as follows:

>1. The poll weights respondents partially based on self-described 2012 vote; due to well-known ex post recollection bias towards the winner, this has the effect of overweighting Romney voters who now are less likely to support Clinton;

This criticism makes sense. So it would be interesting to see what the USC poll would look like with the weighting corresponding to self-reported 2012 vote removed. That is what the guy wanted to do, but ultimately if you read on he actually changed a lot of weights using other census data... To me it seems his goal was just to make the USC poll match the RCP poll averages, and so he used re-weighting based on half-assed justifications to make it so.

oh word?

We still need the 99999999 and 100000000 gets to secure the win for certain. But I'm afraid we won't reach them before the election.


Mojave Wasteland

>polls have a varying degree of worth based off how representative they are


Nickelodeon's Kids Pick the President poll has an 83% success rate. They voted for Hillary.

how many hours exactly till we find out the results?

The poll was probably rigged.

Trumps gonna win, gonna put Hillary, Bill, Podesta, Lynch, and Comey in prison, he's gonna MAGA! PRAISE KEK! HAIL TRUMP!


>shills so BTFO that they have to refer to children's polls

wew, topkek

trips of truth. we all know hillary is never going to be president.

those are the fucking idiots that let felons vote and protect brown trespassers.

This fails to account for the mass voting fraud that will be occurring I assume


Ron Paul had more people at his rallies than that other guy who got the 2012 republican nomination. Those things mean nothing. There are plenty of voters who don't attend rallies, and there are plenty of rally attendees who won't bother voting.

Just understand that Hillary has a stranglehold on the perception of reality for most Americans, by controlling the narratives that get repeated every single hour of the day on most forms of mass media. All you can depend on for getting Trump elected is:
a) word of mouth
b) internet outreach on social media or other forums of discussion
c) that the people actually care about the issues that affect their lives - like job retention and economic policies - instead of doing what they do 99.9999% of their lives, which is care about the pageantry and having "their guy" win just because it's "their guy" (or girl, in this case).

The electoral college is all that matters and you're Bernie levels of delusional if you think Clinton hasn't bought or threatened them.

That would be nice if it weren't rigged anyway.
Please vote but remember that there's too much at stake for them to not risk a civil war.

I think A and B are covered.

Are the cucks seriously unskewing polls?

I will guarantee that if Trump wins the popular vote and Clinton wins the electoral votes, there will be a civil war.

godspeed america-kun

Hilary Clinton is destined to win. Satan is supporting her. You might as well accept it sooner than later.

All very good points but Trump has a nazi frog on his side.

I don't think rally attendance mean nothing. A candidate with strong rally attendance means at least that his base is well intentioned to vote. We can't extrapolate who is going to win solely based on that but certainly if Trump were having less success in his rallies we would be thinking his chances of winning were slimmer.

Whereas it's true that Hillary has a hold on the perception of reality, a wide margin of americans report believing the media is biased in her favor - I believe the percentage was in the 75%, for both dems and reps. So the Trump message that the "media is rigged against him" did get out.

So you like LA Times? This is their Electoral Map. Mind blown yet? Racist fucks

fukken saved

are you a trap. show us your dick


Not really, cuck faggot. Rule #1: 90% of liberal sources are bullshit.

I didnt know obama visited china recently


The OnLY poll you fucks like is from LA do realize they also post an electoral map right? Just like one? GTFO

>A fucking monkey in China kissed a cardboard cutout of Trump to predict who wins the election
i need this money

can anybody deliver?

I don't like the Sup Forums from the la times bro. Again, I trust no liberal sources. Suck your wifes boyfriend and wait for election day.


there will be recounts and other shit if it looks like Killary is winning

Trump will win in a landslide though, even with her vote rigging

they're scared now


The Poll is USC. It isn't the LA Time's poll, just they are the ones that use it on their site. So the LA Times map is irrelevant.

How come where clinton was ahead in original shes behind on reweighted

>perfect illustration for why I don't trust liberal polls and sources

thanks for confirming britbro
