48 hours left

So Sup Forums who's favoring who in your area?
Orange County in California is highly in favor of Clinton

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Jewish colony of New York
The city is full of Clinton supporters upstate Trump it's safe to say we are going blue

Orange County accounts for the largest portion of money given to the Republican Party. Get your shit together.

North Orange County I suppose is blue and South is red? All those nice houses CDM and Newport aren't owned by Democrats. Are they?

I'm pretty sure all the money comes from Villa Park. It's blue as fuck here in Diamond Bar

While staying in Florida, I can barely find a single Hillary sign, while Trump signs flow in by the hundreds.

I'm in fullerton it's a conservative city no one I've met including all the old people who live near me want hillary.

It's a nice place since they shoved all the mexicans to anaheim next door.

Fairfield county CT

Seen a lot of trump signs and almost no Hillary signs but these idiots always vote blue, even when it's screwed us over the last 4+ years.

48 hours left and youtube.com/watch?v=r2w7dk_HocY thundercuck does this shit again

The People's Republic of Seattle. Trump's name might as well not even be on the ballot here. He has zero chance of winning.

This is a troll. Born and raised in OC, only moved up to LA about 4 years ago. OC is red as fuck.

In Phoenix we do two things:

1. Hold Mohamed drawing contests in front of terrorist mosques
2. Vote Trump and Arpio

Population wise we're completely outnumbered by spics.

People virtue signal like fuck out here.

>OC is red as fuck

Seattlefag here. While I don't think Trump will take the state, I think he will get WAY more votes than most of the folks around here think. There's a lot of secret Trump supporters here. Most have been using the code "Jill Stein" to hide that they're voting Trump.

You'll lose friends immediately here if you mention that you're voting that way, and this place is so wired to social media that you really can't mention shit to your friends or post pro-Trump memes.

I'm sure he'll win eastern WA.

Catawba Country, NC.
Going full Trump. No doubt about it.

Henry County, VA is a Trump county

But Martinsville is cucked and is going to Shillary

OC fag here.

I know multiple people who have had property vandalized when they put up Trump stuff. I see a few Hillary signs in the neighborhood but a lack of either in general.

The vibe I get is either total apathy or Trump.

Tomorrow I will bait the line and try to get catch the lady down the street who has apparently been stealing Trump signs.

A critical mass of people know that if Clinton "wins" it's fucking stolen.

>Lane county OR

so damn blue our football team wore blue instead of our school colors a few weeks ago

I voted for trump but there was a crowd around the ballot box by the EMU shouting "HILLARY! HILLARY! HILLARY!"

funny . . . seems only yesterday they were shouting "BERNIE! BERNIE! BERNIE!" and screaming about how much they hated Hill . . .

I live almost on county line of DuPage and Cook County in IL, and you can clearly tell when you pass the county line from the yard sings.

Cook county is heavily Clinton, DuPage is heavily Trump, and so I would imagine most other counties in IL are also in favor of Trump. However, Cook County is Chicago, so IL will always go blue.