Redpill me on Jesus Christ, the Bible and Christianity

Redpill me on Jesus Christ, the Bible and Christianity.

>25 yo M
> Grew up in devout Southern Baptist household and am very knowledgeable on the Bible and know all of its principles
>Have always had a hard time accepting and truly believing. Almost like a part of me doesn't want to let go of me, if that makes sense
>More and more though it seems like it is "The Way" and the rampant degeneracy and evil in this world Ian trying to root it out

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Bump for interest

End of days is near, shit is going down, keep your powder dry, start lifting, bury your gold.


Already lift and active on /fit/ fegit

He's the tumblr SJW of 2000 years ago.

if you're interested, go to a church and accept jesus. it'll reveal itself

We literally had a thread on this.

Take a look at it, OP.

>am very knowledgeable on the Bible and know all of its principles

Apparently not.


I've gone to church religiously my entire life up until several years ago when I moved out on my own.

I want to want it but I can't force my brain to feel something it won't feel.


I know, if "I meditated on it day and night" it would eventually become second nature to me and I'd begin to want it

>brain to feel
Good thing brains don't feel. But your heart can, your soul can.

Talk to your pastor or a priest. Probably a priest with hard questions, they spend their lives on this for a reason. So that when you have questions, they can give you the answer.

The doctrines of Christianity are like a boat. An ark if you will. The principles, ideas, rituals and community provide a structure that keep you warm, and safe, and dry as the waves of the world toss you too and fro. You might still get bruised, it's crowded, and it smells, but it's infinitely better than being out on the waves on your own.

Asking hard questions about Christianity is like trying to pull up the floorboards of the ark. You wrestle with facts and interpretations and figures and poke a few holes here and there. Water starts coming into the boat, and you panic. Someone else rushes over with a bucket of pitch and patches over the hole, or lays down some new wood to stop the leak. The damage is done though, you'll always know that there is a hole in the original boat.

At this point, you might be pretty bummed out, because it's been a nice boat, and the idea that it was a sturdy and strong boat brought some comfort.

At some point, you might wander out on deck, and peering across the water, see several other boats. Some big, some small, but all of them bobbing up and down on the waves. If you squint, you're pretty sure you can see the kikes with a yacht in the distance.

Now at this point, you can do one of many things; you can stay in your boat, and enjoy it for what it is, because despite it's leaks here and there, it is a very nice boat. You could try swimming to some other boats, but you aren't sure if you'll like it there as much, if they'll like you, or how sturdy THEIR boat is. You could also try striking out on your own, studying the architecture of the Christian ark and other boats, and building a dinghy for yourself before you set sail.

It's really up to you at this point.

This heretic is everything wrong with modern Christianity.

>Hurr don't understand stuff
>If you have doubts just enjoy cognitive dissonance
>Be a slave

Maybe the solution is accepting that there is a level of doubt in yourself.
I also go through these struggles once in a while, but now I'm living with the fact that -because of my personality- there will always be a part of me that questions my faith.

Read Paul Tillich and Soren Kierkegaard you insufferable Protestant

God has spoken in his word. no BS atheist reasoning about what is good or bad, is needed.

homosexuality = bad, incest = bad, sex with animals = bad, sacrificing your kids to molech = bad, traditional marriage = good. all defined with clarity in God's word.

>calls someone a heretic

Little kids can get brain cancer, end of redpilling. There is no god. Jesus would have looked like a hajji. and the Bible is fluff to control people.

It's made up.

Anyone can get cancer, at any time. There is no special condition of "Children exempt from death or suffering" in this life.

In short

>Abrahamic God is a god from the Canaanite Pantheon
>Followers of Jesus were an offshoot building in Judea before the diaspora
>The revolt and diaspora caused a quick formalization of Rabbinic Judaism during the exile
>Most offshoots of Judaic tradition died at this point
>Christianity starts out more or less as a Jewish heresy and unlike Judaism accepts converts easily and thus spreads rapidly
>Christianity is more or less a pauper religion until the Roman Empire adopts Christianity as its proper faith
>Christianity is formalized by the council of trent discarding large parts of Jewish tradition as non-applicable or fulfilled
>Christianity is cut and shifted to fill local flavors and watered down to be as spreadable as possible
>Christianity also provides a significant way of providing a tax and civil order in Europe post Rome
>Most Christian offshoots we have now are essentially bastardizations formed under the stress of the reformation and the American evangelical revivals and barring scholars and priests proper very few people understand Christian literature or philosophy

It's essentially Judaism lite, now with European flavor.

>Did Jesus exist?
>Was Jesus important?
Only in the sense that his followers maintained their offshoot
>Is Christianity European?
I would argue that it is more European than Jewish at this point as virtually all traditions have been changed or abandoned.
>Is Christianity redpilled?
Depends on the church.

Have you considered accepting Joseph Smith's teachings and joining the Church of Latter Day Saints?

>barring scholars and priests proper very few people understand Christian literature or philosophy

That includes you, for the record.

Missed the point completely, but I will clarify for you. Children would be innocent in Gods eyes, would have no sin, yet they just like everyone else can be afflicted with horrible tragedy and suffering. No Barnie-level "I love you, you love me" all knowing invisible deity would fuck with kids... except for Catholic priests. It's that randomness which proves there is no divine plan, just fucking suffering and then death. Billions are spent on weapons to kill other humans, people donate to protect endangered animals rather than feed starving humans, this existence is just random bullshit

God's spoken word on all of those subjects doesn't apply to you as a Christian. You obey something vaguely called natural law.

Homosexuality/incest/bestiality laws? Old testament. Old Testament? Obsolete/fulfilled due to Paul. Traditional marriage? 1 to 1 marriage is a Roman tradition that was absorbed into Christianity. Jews had multiple wives in all except the Ashkenazi tradition which banned it something like a thousand years ago.

You don't have one. People can be largely innocent, yet they are still not exempt. Quit using children as a shield to hide from your own inadequacies.

Aside from all this, as I really see us getting any where, all I can ask is one thing.

Can you be sure?

Pretty much. Virtually every argument that ever gets brought forth has been discussed SOMEWHERE.

Most people forget that Priests and Monks argued philosophy and religious interpretation for two thousand years. I've poked at Anselm and Aquinas and a few moderns like McCabe, but there is just too much material and most priests/pastors don't really bother with it.

>Abrahamic God is a god from the Canaanite Pantheon

I deleted my earlier post, I need to edit this

evidence please, YHWH is not canaanite, if you're assuming that because of El then it's also incorrect since in the Ancient Near East, gods used other deity epithets to distinguish the characteristics of the deity, El is also means God, with the root word meaning strength.

YHWH couldn't have come from Canaan since the way his name has been structured and written has little relation to Canaanite languages, the name is South Semitic, not Western or Northern Semitic, the name YHWH likely comes from the south where Sinai is likely to have been located and where Moses met Jethro, since Jethro was a midianite.

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,

OT isn't obsolete bruh, just the things pointing to Christ, like sacrifices, and things exclusively given to make the Israelites a distinct people, like wearing knots on the corners of your garments

moral law remains permanently. you telling me thou shalt not steal or murder is obsolete?

You've got 6 posts on here dude, who's inadequate again? I can counter with, "well how do YOU know there isn't a giant Cthulhu monster up in the sky that we just can't see!?" But I won't do that because that would be the same bullshit you said. No one truly knows, and a book written a couple thousand years ago from people who used to think the sun revolved around the earth will not convince me of an invisible bearded uncle in the sky who's "Always WATCHING". Grow up dude.

>Have always had a hard time accepting and truly believing. Almost like a part of me doesn't want to let go of me, if that makes sense

Absolutely. Sin is all about living for ourselves, believing we know everything and have absolute power over our own lives.

The redpill is this:
Jesus lived. Jesus died. Then he rose again.

He wasn't some myth but a well documented human being. His resurrection demonstrated emphatically that our current view of life, that this life is all there is, is utterly wrong. There's more to the universe than what we can see, and he can give it to us if we trust in him.

Both of us. The difference is I don't use children as a shield.

Bringing up cthulu is just a strawman, completely different things.

Here, watch this. Maybe you will learn something. Maybe if you drop your uppity, arrogant, know-it-all attitude, you might get somewhere in life.

Also, thanks for proving me right. Cheers.

>read Kierkegaard
>you insufferable Protestant

Bro. What do you think Lutheranism is? And yeah, I'm aware he pretty much left Lutheranism behind, but it's not like his spiritual travels led him over to Rome.


>God is held by canaanites
>El is roughly meaning of power
>Elohei meaning Powerful of
>El and its adjusted meanings are used by Jews as a stand in for Yahweh

That's really the logic I have. I also really haven't found any solid proof that Jews were actually ever in Egypt, but if you have it I'll look at it. I'm not very familiar with the Jew stuff.
Does it fall under natural/moral law?

I bet he is literally shaking right now.

When you feel it you will know. If you feel it and deny it you are in deep shit with the man.

You need to go to church user.

How do you red pill something what is personal , its true all of it , even the most christians are not red pilled christians , its your journey and your journey ends when you walk with god.

>Read the bible
>Search for truth
>It never is how you think it is
>Roman cathoclism is not christianity
>Dont fall for the deus vult meme

>Old testament. Old Testament? Obsolete/fulfilled due to Paul.
So the ten commandments are obslete then?

Are you a kike?

Jesus is the wisest man of the people who ever lived. He came at a time when the Jewish people were being severely oppressed by a hypocritical and self serving leadership cabal.

He spoke out against all the practices of the so called 'Rabbis' with Authority from God, and because he spoke the truth he got villified and killed for it.

The book of Matthew is a good place to start, the parralels to modern times are almost perfect.

- Jew who believes in Jesus

Matthew 5:17 my man.

consider yourself redpilled

So what's your take on the rest of the Jews?

Strong disagree. Faith is tempered by doubt.
You cannot have a strong faith if you do not question it, sitting back and turning your brain off is not a good answer when you have doubts.

stupid ignorant Christkike

>Matthew 5:17
>I have come to fulfill the law
>"All of the OT has been made obsolete/fulfilled"

I dunno what to tell you.

Baptists aren't Christian. (Only members of a Church founded by Christ are Christian; that means Orthodox and Roman Catholic.)

Great. Guess I'm going to start my murder spree with you.

There's so many different types it depends on what you want to know..

Specifically the Pharisees which are the same as the main ruling set now, they claim to follow God but take their Authority from Man, teachers, Rabbis and often contradict God. Even during those times while the people of Israel were being oppressed by The Romans, The elite ruling class of The Jews were in Cahoots with the Romans while claiming to protect the people from them.

You see the kind of thing we are seeing today is nothing new.. It goes back 2000 years. While the liberals are well meaning and soft hearted they fully well know much of their policies have led to the oppressive evils we see in this world such as ISIS and Bin Laden

Sure buddy because going to a church will give you more faith

this makes me incredibly happy. im proud of you.

But that's against moral law, fampai. Unless you're a kike, then it's against the ten commandments*

>Read this as "I'm going to start my murder spree with you" as in "let's go start a murder spree together" rather than "I'm going to murder you"

going to church does not save

You are saved by FAITH.

0% Jewish blood according to 23andme.

Right. Show me the part in the Bible where God says feel free to lie, murder, steal, commit adultery and worship all the false idols you want become the law I gave to you from my immutable, unchanging, perfect will no longer applies.


children are guilty sinners too

jesus was invented by the romans

also, most of the story was plagiarized from existing myths, look up zeitgeist on youtube

what is faith?

It is fully trusting in that Jesus is your sole means of salvation. That he paid the price for your son by dying on a cross. You must BELIEVE he rose again proving He is God Himself as a human.

>zeitgeist lmao

End yourself.

All lies and garbage.

If Roman's invented Jesus, then why did they throw Christians into the colosseum to be eaten by lions?

I've really been considering church lately, the state of the world and these murmurs of the occult have truly shaken my once held notions. I've always considered myself an Absurdist who had accepted the reality, but now I'm not sure what the reality is anymore. My girlfriend is devoutly Christian and while it doesn't bother her enough to leave or not marry me, she still dreams of a world where we share the same faith. Where's the best place to start, what churches should I look at?

because christians are annoying

Riddle me this:
>Sup Forums seems to think Jews are behind everything bad in the West
>Sup Forums loves a religion that worships a dead Jew, who himself said he was on earth to bring Jewish holy law to the Jews according to Jewish prophecies, which has it's holiest sites in (historic) Jewish land, with all significant stories in the religion being about Jews, who are also according to this religion God's Chosen people

whats going here?

what's going on here?

Father in heaven, I know that I have broken your laws and my sins have separated me from you. I am truly sorry, and now I want to turn away from my past sinful life toward you. Please forgive me, and help me avoid sinning again. I believe that your son, Jesus Christ died for my sins, was resurrected from the dead, is alive, and hears my prayer. I invite Jesus to become the Lord of my life, to rule and reign in my heart from this day forward. Please send your Holy Spirit to help me obey You, and to do Your will for the rest of my life. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen

Pray and read the Bible

a living Jew

modern day jews are of the synagog of Satan

Watch this video for the real redpill on Christianity.

My nigga.

This mistake is easily made because the romans created roman cathoclism from christianity by mixing paganism with christianity , its not in the name for nothing ;roman cathoclism

Then you're fine.

>Mathew 5:17

Really, if you're a modern Christian you're not following the old testament as its also filled with tons of laws that are no longer obeyed except by Muzzies/kikes. You're following modern/natural law defined by church doctrine.

For example, why don't you keep kosher, honor the sabbath on its proper day, wear a tzitzie or however its spelt, pay 10% of your income to charity, bind your doorposts with the shema and a whole host of shit that is considered "fulfilled"

And this is why people shouldn't be allowed to read the Bible.

See you in hell.

Good argument fampai.

Enjoy your Jewish heresy.

John 14:21
He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.

t. Jesus

Enjoy burning in hell you wretch.

> Also, thanks for proving me right. Cheers.
> you might get somewhere in life
> completely different things

...and that video is just embarrassing.

This entire post reveals your mental age - if it matches you actual age then you should not be here.

>all the bible is exclusively about their trials and tribulations, but their the bad guys now!

come on now


>t. unsuccessful self loathing Australian

All Jews aren't bad. Some are bad, some are good, most are misled.

Jesus was a teacher of love and service.
His faith was strong and he was so highly spiritual that he was able to go past physical law.
He saw the divinity within everyone and was able to express that incredibly well.
It is most likely that some of the things he taught were left out or altered.

He is a teacher; learn from Him and work through your own spiritual karma.

Fine, then let's make this fun.

Deuteronomy 4:2 claims that anyone that attempts to remove any commandment is a heretic. t.moses directly from God

Jesus-kun (the son) claims that old commandments have been fulfilled and thus are no longer applicable

Why does your Jewish heresy contradict itself? Or better yet, why do you even care about the old testament unless you're a kike? It's literally laws for kikes made by God because kikes are chosen(tm)

This is implying you will be there with him

Nope, Jesus never says they are no longer applicable.

Like I said, have fun burning in hell.


>gets BTFO
>tries to use the OT to rebuttal after saying its all hibbijibbi trash for "kikes"

Later, fampai.

So... why don't you keep kosher, user?

Christians have 11 commandments , jesus added love your brother like your self , for if you love god you keep his 10 commandments

Dude, know the feels.

Why did God 'bless' me with the inability to accept shit someone yells at me from a pulpit? Or blindly and unquestioningly accept something that was written by some unknown(s) a thousand years ago, and has absolutely. no. basis. in. fact. at all? There isn't even a *hint* that Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, flying spaghetti monster...ANY of them have any bearing on life as we know it, whatsoever.

Don't get me started on all the suffering and deaths of innocents 'religion' has caused. Fucking immeasurable. The sooner it evolves out of the global population the better. And it will. Yes, evolution is an actual, demonstrable, provable thing. But nah, stick to your book, it's all good. Seems legit.

>gets BTFO
>tries to pretend the argument wasn't about the Commandments

Last (You) you're getting from me.

>16And, behold, one came and said unto him, Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life? 17And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments. 18He saith unto him, Which? Jesus said, Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, 19Honour thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. 20The young man saith unto him, All these things have I kept from my youth up: what lack I yet? 21Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me. 22But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful: for he had great possessions.

>Ten Commandments are literally from Exodus
>Exodus is OT
>Jesus fulfilled the law which made the OT fulfilled and non-applicable
>OT never applied to non-Jews anyway
>OT directly says that the NT's changes to laws are heretical

I have no idea what mental gymnastics you go through to get to this point. Even the Catholic church holds natural moral law as God's given impervious law at this point.

Study Prophecy my friend. Over 2000 have already been completed in perfection. Predictions spanning hundreds of years. The book is clearly inspired by our Creator. Man can not see the future.

>Redpill me on Jesus Christ, the Bible and Christianity.
Either he was who he said he was, or he was a nut.

From your perspective that rests on whether or not the Biblical testimony is reliable. Rather than a lack of material, there is a glut. At least in so far as we can be sure the what we have today is equivalent to what the eyewitnesses were saying, we can trust this more than any other feature of the classical world.

Which leaves you with a strange situation where a cult movement that predicated it's existence on that of it's leader, didn't just survive it's leader, but exploded.

The Biblical account might be contested, but it can only be contested on the grounds that the testimony therein describes things honestly, if not correctly. IE: what eyewitnesses purported to have seen was not what actually happened.

Unfortunately for those positions the sticking point is less with what was seen, and more with what was not. That is, the empty tomb.

Who do you say he is? You can more than disregard the evidence. Most do. Say what is, and the evidence will fit either based on the logical presuppositions of the affirmative or negative.

If you say he is who he claimed to be, how far fetched is resurrection?

If you say he isn't, then some variation of resurrection is impossible, and no matter how well evidenced or trustworthy, the testimony is not true.

Both of these are internally consistent, and although you get to decide and only you can decide, there is only true conclusion.

>JESUS literally says to keep the commandments

Congratulations, you got one more (You) from me, now I hope you use it to kill yourself.


Most religious people do the religious stuff just like ticking checkboxes.
Doing religious stuff does not equal faith.
Just believe in Jesus and hunger to know who he is.

Religion is just another concept to keep us occupied and distracted.

The only good thing it has done is teach us morals.

>Keep sharp

Citation needed

Yeah, gonna need sauce (2000 sauce) on that.

Hey OP,

Twice in my life, I prayed for God to send someone to help show me the way I needed to go. Both times, the next day, a stranger visited my home unexpectedly sharing the good news. The second time was about four weeks ago, been going to church there ever since.

Jesus is the Son of God. He loves you, and wants you to reign with Him and His Father forever. The gift of eternal life is free, but the way to get it is narrow. It takes a steady hand and sure feet, but it's very possible.

God heard my prayers and sent His servants to me for this reason: I had accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior, and believed when I prayed that God heard me and would provide for me what I asked. He delivered both times. God is real, but faith in His existence is what moves His hand to action in your life.

You may be embarrassed or whatever, but bear in mind that God created you and knows both your mind and heart; whatever is on your mind, He already knows, and has already sorted out billions of times throughout history. Forget your inhibitions long enough to pray as though you were speaking to a living person, because He is alive; you may be shocked by the results.

If you hate the way this world is, with its corruption, its suffering, its evil, come home to Jesus. You'll gain peace of mind you never thought possible. He's going to put an end to all this, and He wants you to witness it from His side when it all happens. I love you, friend, and hope you find something I've said at all valuable.

occupied from what ? isaac newton was a brilliant scientist and a devout christian he wrote about a million words of bible commentaries.

part of the problem is that you are white and American. that culture is fed nothing but circle jerks and know nothing about the world and the different people that live on it.
The other part of the problem is that despite thinking your kind has contributed to the world and all this humanitarian things you are led to believe, you also participated in one of the worst acts of sin and continue to do so under duress of being labeled a sympathizer or a traitor.
The ways of how you are on the top of the food chain compared to the rest of the world is because, out of violence, most are subjected to a system that only had benefited a certain color of skin until recently.
I hope you know that because of this acknowledgement, you have become depressed. But it has always been this way for many people of all sorts of backgrounds and the shift of power is like the ocean. You are no longer seeing the benefits that you were expected to receive as promised by your grandfather or older peers.
Welcome to life but then again god may have favorites.

As above so below.

read this