First wikileaks website shows a 502 bad gateway error
then reports of Sup Forums being very slow/non accessible for some
reports of twitter being shitty as well
then this and shows US currently getting BTFO in cyber attacks

remember this article?

coincidence that the election is in 2 days (not even)? i think not.

>inb4 CTR muh russians

The Russians are attacking USA and using Trump to gain influence and access. Hillary is the only candidate who will fight for your health care rights, ensure a path to citizenship for millions of undocumented workers, protect American families, and secure influence abroad.

In this trying times, electing a divisive bigot isn't going to heal America. Sometimes it takes a woman's touch. Are you with her?

Dont forget there is supposed to be a nation wide ddos attack on they day of the election.

don't make it so obvious next time

there was a thread last night about OP warning us to get the hell out of chicago because an EMP was supposed to go off and the internet was going to be cut in an attempt to contain it

does anyone have the archive?

I dont. Sorry.


Thinking back. This all sounds interesting user. Just what the fuck is about to happen?

That's just pathetic. Stop using proxies, you're fooling nobody.

well considering the FBI choked yet again, i think there's going to be a multitude of happenings even well after the election

if people think nov 8 is the climax of this whole thing, they are sorely mistaken. prepare for unforeseen consequences. \

Nice copypasta CTR

Saw through your flesh. I command it. The hand of Caullicht now binds your blood to its destiny.

Twitter working in UK
Just slow


Im with her!!!

I don't think that's what upset them.

Is this going to turn out to be SHTF somehow? Or just them slowing down the leaks. Its from inside the USA right

I swear, this world is doomed to nothing but chaos and corruption if things turn out how i think it will. I really hope not. I just wanna live my life in peace damn it.

To me, it looks like after all this is over, shit is gonna be 10,000 times harder. Living, work, and all.

Yeah. I believe so. Sparky's thread was deleted, so we can assume its of his work and anyone else who may be involved.


4chans had spurts of being slow for a long time now. Usually /gif/ and /wgif/ are the worst when it comes to being slow.
Its fucking nothing, or its tests for a false flag dns attack tomorrow.

norsecorp themselves are getting btfod because everything is working right now besides their site.
which, iirc isnt exactly accurate to begin with.

> russianshills talking about corruption
hahahaha what a bunch of hypocrites. cant make this shit up

lol AND twitter is down..


under attack:
Sup Forums

What are they trying to hide? Did we find something? They obvioulsy dont want it blowing up on social media.

Leave it to the downy of scandanavia to be the CTR of this thread

We have tons of anonymous posters doing "work" and connecting dots so who wouldnt? After all, this is one of tne only places on the surface that actually keep identity out of question here. Unless someome was dumb enough to do so, througn self will or a silly mistake.


You seriously believe that these international shills are actually in whatever country their flag shows

There was a HillShill "Finn" a while ago who didn't even speak proper Finnish. Also
>Being part of Scandinavia
>American education

>are you a cuck with her
No Canuck now fuck off

dont worry finnbro only the retarded tinfoil hat wearing putinshills dont realize what putins trying to do. clinton gives him fits and instead of fixing his own country thats it squalor he would desperately try to sway our election. no ones buying into it

Theres lots of places on the surface that do this anonymous thing, but we just happen to be the only ones that do work.

Yeah. Its a good thing isnt it.

Oh please. Did you just cut and paste from her website?

What exactly is your problem?

>good thing
Yea, we need more places contributing though, maybe then well actually get something done.

I wish. But then, that makes us a bigger target no? A lot of things would have to change in order to keep the ite up and running as well as security.

Bump from page 8

OP shameless self bump thought this thread died

no, I mean different people doing what were doing.
right now were the biggest target, sure theres the extra, but we need MOAR places with more people that are not connected to us but do the same thing were doing, more thinking more connecting. a slight overlap is good though but it needs to be kept quiet.

There could be lenty but we have no clue they exist. Best if they remain unknown also. More doing the same would be great none the less.
No worries.


lol you're not Finnish

Wikileaks still getting 502 Bad Gateway.

Already heard.