(((Jewsweek))) is already sending this out to bookstores.
What the actual fuck?
(((Jewsweek))) is already sending this out to bookstores.
What the actual fuck?
Other urls found in this thread:
That's cuz Drumpf already lost.
Say it with me:
>what is an endorsement
Uh, no. It literally says inside that she won the election.
Reminds me of something else desu
Rigged? That is russian Propaganda
Hillary will win.
You didn't get the memo?
Here's the back cover. No Trump copies were printed.
Well, they make Superbowl winner t-shirts for both sides because they don't know who's going to win. They just want to be ready to make money.
Maybe it's the same thing?
Probably not, fucking rigged.
I don't get this. Pepe is a hate symbol but lets make Hillary pepe. Are you fucking retarded?
No Trump copies were printed.
Anyone with a brain has known she was going to win for over a year now.
Where is the Trump one then?
Why would they waste money on an impossible scenario?
There's a lot of things you don't get, user.
Well. Hillary will win. KEK wills it.
countered honestly
lol do you drumpfsters seriously think drumpf ever had a chance of winning?
Just need to wait until Dec 21st.
Fuck off shill. Hillary might win a one way ticket to jail
they still do
i'm not joking
well no shit, they prolly have trump issues made up as well.
Its just like during the superb owl when they have victory tee-shirts made up for both teams ahead of times so they can be ready after the game
We've only seen the "Madame president" ones so far, no sight of Trump covers
what kind of Russian rigging is this?
It's not just Newsweek...
>Spitting in the very face of god.
+5 to day of rope
Even Wikileaks thinks he cannot win.
But when you're going against the bankers, the politicians, and everyone that makes the rules you'd think they would really risk it by putting the option in the American people's hands?
deal with it. our memes are danker than yours.
not so fast muhammad.
>High Times UPC
Improper capitalisations
Forced and soulless is more like it.
praise kek, hillary is his choice
The good news is whenever someone asks why you don't vote, pay taxes or participate in anything in any way involved with the government, just point them to this election.
isn't that a hate symbol?
The only hate symbol is DRUMPF.
Why does everyone forget that Truman was a Democrat?
You're just now realizing the elections are fake?
I'm not even sure if you're being an ironic shitposter cause you're a pessimist or you're an overpaid CTR shill, thats how bad this board has devolved. Its always the same image too, like an organized shitposting team is at work.
The really sad thing is that Trump's views aren't that controversial--it's just the way he presented his ideas that really made him a shitshow and a bad idea.
If he just articulated his thoughts a bit better than "build wall they rapist, murderers" bullshit, he'd be doing about a thousand times better.
>copypaste trump memes
>danker somehow
>using what you call a hate symbol
>the prevailing sHilldawg meme is Trump's grandfather's last name
You fags don't have memes, you have shitty photoshops of our memes and a German last name.
>If he just articulated his thoughts a bit better than "build wall they rapist, murderers" bullshit, he'd be doing about a thousand times better.
Prob because he'd sap the hispanic vote enough to neutralize them
Oh well
doesn't matter to me, it just shows the medias over enthusiasm to call a winner
Oh honey, I can't wait for the 8th. You're going to be crushed.
I'm nearly certain now that I would have fucked her when she was younger.
I would now actually, I wouldn't be quite as happy, but that's what light switches and curtains are for.
It's very odd if they didn't print off versions where both candidates won. For major sports finals, they'll make shirts and other merchandise for both teams days before - they'll then sell the winning team's stuff after the fact and send the losing team's junk to charity.
The implication that they're "betting" on one candidates so hard could hint at a few things. They're supposed to be more or less unbiased, but looking at their most recent stories from a few weeks they lean slightly but clearly in support of Hillary. This magazine could mean a few things.
If they wanted to generate profit selling magazines, they wouldn't put all their eggs in one "basket" unless they had one guarantee: which basket to bet on. Think about it, an edition like this would sell MILLIONS more than an average copy because of its historic value. They wouldn't miss out on potential profits unless they believed that there was no profit to be missed.
This guarantee wouldn't just come from anyone, and it wouldn't do if it was remotely up to chance. Maybe the election results aren't up to the American people after all...
Rend your flesh apart. I commnd it. The hand of Caullicht now binds your blood to its destiny.
Shouldn't it be Ms/Mrs president?
fuck you trump will win. God wills it
This is the first time I have ever seen this. KEK wills it.
Kek is telling me to prove you wrong with these sick trips.
The reason why they didn't bother is because nobody but delusional Trumpettes believes that Trump is going to win. His odds are that bad.
Kek needs to make up his mind
Thank you le shill for le correcting the le record le C le T le R.
Trying to make the new Dewey beats Truman collectible early?
Don't they send 2 copies, one for if Trump wins and one for if Hillary wins?
Are there any pics of magazines showing a Trump victory?
>leaning slightly
is that what you call this slop? it's revisionism before the history even happens. Already painting Trump as a literal Hitler and not even just in a cheeky way but a very serious 'we avoided another nazi germany' way.
Good on you for working overtime.
They'll be lining bird cages in a week. Meanwhile the Trump edition will become a high class collector's item.
Rend your flesh apart. I command it. The hand of Caullicht now binds your blood to its destiny.
Employee confirmed that no Trump issues were printed.
>she thinks Kek hands out victories for dubs
Seriously, I don't know what are they thinking. Just the tightening of the polls would give any rational editor some though about printing only one side of the race.
No wonder the magazine business in US is going to the shitter.
looks like the election will be rigged and stolen as planned.
fucking newsweek already preparing ahead cause they got word that hillary is guaranteed to win.
Good game America, you can't beat corruption.
why is the hillary pepe always drawn lanklet as fuck when hillary is a fat cunt and donald is drawn as fat when he's barely overweight for his height
Trumps done, buddy. I was a trump supporter but once i saw that the FBI has restated that Hillary is innocent, i realised that he is just full of hot air.
Trump can't win now, he maybe had a shot before they announced Hillary free of all charges, but it's over for him. She will surge in the polls like never before and come out in a landslide.
She's already 5 points ahead pal. You might as well get on the right side of history and support Hillary before its too late.
Fuck you
Is this the new "we can't let X get their hands on the nuclear codes!"
>like an organized shitposting team is at work
You just realized this?
Thankfully they will be gone after the election.
Hillary Clinton is also a hate symbol.
The CTR shills don't realize how well white-supremacist frog fits her persona.
>A drawing obviously supporting someone makes them look better then reality
Really that surprises you
That reads like it was written by Hillary herself.
hold your horses there pajeet
An active boycott is a waste of time. Just don't buy it. Let them choke on lost profit and 20 million copies.
The trips have failed you.
MODGETs are akin to a TV evangelist staging miracles. They are invalid and displease KEK.
It's a hoax ya morons
tweet this one in return
Or maybe Hillary is the White Man's candidate and you're bluepilled beyond salvation.
I wouldn't pay for one but if I happened to receive one I would take a shit on it, then shoot it with my guns, then light it on fire all in a thread for Sup Forums.
>Bill is literally cucking her in the background
I told you that you faggots couldn't make memes for shit.
I don't think you even know what you're trying to say.
Hillary will win.
can someone edit in a smug hillary into this
Hillary is the numale candidate.
fake and gay