Be me

>be me
>trying to find waifu to save the white race
>go to church twice a week for 4 months (yes, 4 fucking months, I went to church 36 times)
>every single girl is an undercover whore

thanks for the stellar advice Sup Forums
women need to be beaten and controlled like the destructive animals they are

Being a Christian is more than putting on a cross and going to Church; as you have just shown.

You should have been paying attention in church instead of bothering with women.

What was the denomination of the church you went to? Let me guess: It was catholic?

>women need to be beaten and controlled like the destructive animals they are

all women are whores by default. try to find the most sheltered group you can if your mind control skills aren't up to a city girl.

Stop trying to find a good woman and just find an ok one.

Good women no longer exist after highschool.

fucking Catholics think "Jesus died for our sins" means "Jesus died so we could sin"

Catholicism is a sin on Saturday, pray on Sunday Satanic cult


>go to church
Keep trying to solve your problems by begging a fairy tail to do it, it won't work

don't go protestant then fag

Isn't it ironic that the branch of Christianity that makes "good works" mandatory is the one that is the most degenerate?

It's almost like having to try and be a good person at all times instead of bribing god with "good works" is a superior method of degeneracy repellent.

Course I've met my fair share of "I'm a virgin" girls who take it up the ass from their boyfriends after they get home from sunday service.

I don't know man. It was non-denominational I think. But I'll even be on tinder and see "Christian" girls who are "praising Jesus" and then you message them and they're just trying to hop on some dick.

>women need to be beaten and controlled like the destructive animals they are

Perhaps you should stop going to christian churches and visit a mosque.

>Isn't it ironic that the branch of Christianity that makes "good works" mandatory is the one that is the most degenerate?

Mainstream Protestantism is infinitely more degenerate than Catholicism.

>OP actually expected to find purity amongst "dont do what we tell you" and "dont like what we tell you not to like" theology

When did first search for "Human Nature" and was it broken at the time?

>implying this isn't how Christianity used to work 100 years ago
>implying the Bible doesn't say women should be covered and not wearing attention-seeking whoreish clothing
>implying the Bible isn't Islam-lite

>implying you deserve to be anywhere near women if you think beating them is a solution

Hello teenage-user.

The older you get, the more you will see that women destroy everything they touch, and will not keep their hands off of anything unless they are made to.

Well, only if they choose to be a problem.

Hello bluepilled newfag
Women are nation wreckers that need to be subjugated for the health of the nation

>every single girl is an undercover whore

what did he mean by this

seriously, any stories?

Sure thing boss

Some time ago there dwelt in Lombardy a worthy knight, born in Pavia, in which town he lived in great prosperity; and for sixty years he was wifeless and always pursued his carnal pleasure on women where his appetite was set, just as these fools do who are laymen. And when he was past sixty years, this knight had such a mind to be a wedded man--whether it was from holiness or dotage, I cannot say--that he did all he could, day and night, to determine how he might become wedded. Praying our Lord to grant him once to know that very blissful existence that is between husband and wife, and to live under that holy bond with which God first bound man and woman.
"No other way of life," he said, "is worth a bean. For wedlock is so simple and pure that it is paradise on earth." Thus spoke this old knight, who was so wise.

"And certainly, as true as God is King, it is glorious to take a wife, especially when a man is old and white-haired; then a wife is the fruit of his treasure. Then he ought to take a young and beautiful wife, on whom to beget himself an heir; and lead his life in joy and bliss, while these bachelors sing 'alas,' when they find any adversity in their affairs of love, which are but childish vanity.


Thus in the days of his age, this January, of whom I speak, meditated on the lusty life, the virtuous quiet, in honey-sweet marriage. And one day he sent for his friends, to tell them all his intention.

With grave countenance he told his tale, and said, "Friends, I am white-haired and old, and, God knows, almost on the brink of the grave; now must I consider my soul a bit. I have wasted my body on folly, but--blessed be God!--that shall be amended for I will be a wedded man, and that will soon be so, surely, in all possible haste. I pray you, help me to plan for my speedy marriage to some fair maiden of tender years, for I will not delay; and on my side, I will try to seek out to whom I may be quickly wedded. But inasmuch as you are more numerous than I, you rather than I should be able to seek out such a thing, and where it would be best for me to mate."

"But of one thing, my dear friends, I warn you: in no manner will I have any old wife. In truth, she shall not be over twenty years of age; I gladly would have old fish and young flesh. Better is a pike than a pickerel, and better the tender veal than old beef," he said. "I will have no woman thirty years of age; such creatures are but dried beanstalks and coarse fodder. "

If catholicism is degenerate what the fuck is protestantism?

Literally making women priests... Gtfo

Diverse men told him diversely many old examples about marriage. In truth, some blamed it, some praised it; but in the end, to speak briefly, January remained firm.

High-flown fancies and anxious thoughts about his marriage began to occupy January's soul from day to day, and night by night many fair shapes and many fair faces passed through his heart. Whoever would take a well-polished mirror and set it in the general market-place, would see many forms pass across his mirror; and in the same fashion January began to consider in his thoughts the maidens who dwelt near him.

He knew not where his thoughts should settle. For if one had beauty of countenance, another stood so highly in the people's grace for her steadiness and kindness that she most had the general approval. And some were rich and had a bad reputation.

But nevertheless, between earnest and game, at last he decided on one, and let all the others pass out of his heart, and by his own authority chose her; for love is always blind. And when he was laid in his bed, in his heart and mind he portrayed her fresh beauty and tender age, her small middle, her long and slim arms, her wise demeanor, her steadiness, her good breeding and her womanly bearing. And when his choice was fixed upon her, it seemed to him that it could not have been bettered; for when he was resolved, he thought every other man's wit so poor that none could speak against his choice; so he imagined.


[he's rich, they marry; the girl is May]

May, who sat with so benign a countenance, to look upon her seemed enchantment; so meek was her look, Queen Esther never looked with such eyes upon Ahasuerus. I cannot describe to you all her beauty, but thus much I may tell, that she was like the bright morn of May filled with all beauty and January was ravished into a trance every time he beheld her face. "Now would to God it would become night," he thought, "and that the night would last forever! Would that all these people were gone!"

And finally he did all he could, saving his honor, to hasten them in crafty fashion from the feast. And the time came when there was reason to rise. And after that, people danced and drank deep, and cast spices all about the house, and every man was full of joy and happiness--all but a squire, called Damian, who many days had carved before the knight. He was so ravished with his lady May that for the very pain he was nearly mad; he almost fainted and swooned where he stood, so sorely had Venus wounded him with her brand as she bore it in her dancing. And quickly he got himself to bed. I speak no more of him as at this time, but there let him weep and lament his fill, until fresh May will have pity on his pain.


no one is reading this nonsensical shit

O perilous fire, that breeds in the bedstraw! O household foe that proffers his service! O traitor servant, false appearance of domestic faithfulness, like the sly faithless serpent in the bosom, may God shield us all from knowing you! O, January, drunken in joy of marriage, see how your Damian, your own squire and your man born, has in mind to do you dishonor. God grant you to spy out your household foe, for there is no worse pestilence in this world than a household foe ever before you.

The sun had run his diurnal arc; his body could no longer sojourn on the horizon in that latitude; night with his dark rough mantle began to overspread the hemisphere. Wherefore all this lusty throng parted from January, with thanks on every side. Home to their houses they rode full of energy, where they did their things just as it pleased them, and went to rest when they saw their time. Soon after, this impatient January would go to bed, would tarry no longer. He drank punches, cordials and sweet wine of Italy with stinging spices, and many choice medicinal syrups, such as the cursed monk Constantine has written of in his book De Coitu; he was not a bit backward to partake of all of them. And to his close friend he said, "For God's love, in courteous fashion let the house be emptied as soon as may be." And they did just as he desired. Men drank, and then drew the curtain.


>triggered catholicucks

Not surprised tbph

Sup Forums "womenz are whores and deserve to be beaten"
tumblr "menz are rapists and deserve to be beaten"

amish "that's a sad problem you have there"

They refuse his sexual advances but he believes all women are whores so if they don't put out it means they're whores in secret hence undercover whore. He's just projecting what's in his head and thinks the path to pussy is physical violence.

The bride was brought to bed as still as a stone; and when the bed had been blessed by the priest, every person left the chamber, and January held tight in his arms his fresh May, his paradise, his mate. He sings to her, and he kisses her repeatedly. With the thick bristles of his rough beard, like the skin of a dogfish, sharp as briars--for he was freshly shaved in his manner--he rubs her all about her tender face, and said, "Alas, I must trespass on you, my spouse, and greatly offend you before the time comes that I will descend. But nonetheless, consider this," he said, "there is no workman, whoever he may be, that may work both well and hastily; this will be done perfectly at leisure. It doesn't matter how long we play; in true wedlock the two of us are coupled, and blessed be the yoke that we are in, for in our actions we can not sin. A man may commit no sin with his wife, nor hurt himself with his own knife, for we have permission of the law to play."

Thus he labored until the day began to dawn, and then he took a sop of bread in fine cleared wine and sat upright in his bed and sang loud and high, and kissed his wife and made lecherous sport. He was all coltish, and as full of wantonness and chatter as a flecked magpie. The slack skin about his neck shook while he sang, so he chants and croaks. But God knows what May thought in her heart, when she saw him sitting up in his shirt and nightcap, with his lean neck; she did not think his playing was worth a bean.

Then he said, "I will take my rest; now the day has come, I can keep my eyes open no longer." And down he laid his head and slept until prime. And afterwards in due season up rose January, but fresh May, as the good custom is for wives, remained in her chamber up to the fourth morning. For all must have rest sometime, or else they cannot long endure; no living creature can, be it fish or bird, or man or beast.


Now will I speak of the wretched Damian, who, as you shall hear, is languishing for love. And therefore I speak to him in this manner: I say, "O hapless Damian, alas! Answer my demand now, how shall you tell your woe to your lady, the fresh May? She will say "no," and if you speak, she will reveal your sorrow. May God be your help! I can say no better!

This sick Damian so burned in the flames of Venus that he was dying of desire. He could endure no longer in this state, but put his life in jeopardy, and secretly he borrowed a pen-case, and wrote all his pain in a letter, in the style of a complaint or a lay, to his fair fresh lady. And he put it into a purse of silk which hung over his shirt, and laid it next to his breast.

The moon, which on that noon when January wedded fresh May was in the second degree of Taurus, had now glided into Cancer. May had remained in her chamber this long, as is the custom among these nobles; a bride shall not eat in the hall until four days, or three at the least, have passed; then she was to go to the banquet. The fourth day being completed from noon to noon, when the high mass was ended, this January sat in the hall, with May as fresh as a bright summer's morning. And so it happened, this good man considered his squire and said, "Blessed Mary! How is it that Damian attends not upon me? Is he still sick, or what is the matter?

His squires, who stood beside him, made excuses for him because of his sickness, which hindered him from the performance of his duties; no other cause could keep him away.


"That worries me; he is a gentle squire, by my faith!" said January. "If he were to die, it would be a trouble and a pity; he is as wise, discreet, and secret as any man of his degree that I know, and he is manly and willing to serve, and most deserving to prosper. After this meal, as soon as I can, I myself and May also will visit him, to give him all the comfort I know how.'

And for these words every man blessed him, since through his noble kindness he would thus comfort his squire in sickness; for it was a gentle deed.

"Lady," said this January, "after this meal when you have gone from this hall to your chamber with your women, mind that you all go see this Damian. He is a man of gentle blood. Make him some entertainment, and tell him that I will visit him when I have rested a little. And hurry along, for I will wait until you have come to me again." And after these words he called to him a squire, who was the marshal of his hall, and told him certain things that he wished.

This fresh May with all her women held her way straight to Damian. Down by his bed-side she sat, comforting him in as kind a way as she could. This Damian, when he saw his opportunity, put into her hand secretly his purse and his letter in which he had written his desires, without more ado than that he sighed deeply, and softly said to her, "Mercy, and I pray that you will not expose me. I am dead if this thing be known."

This purse she hid in her bosom and went her way; you get no more from me on this meeting. And now she came to January, and sat softly upon his bed-side. He took her and kissed her often, and laid himself down to sleep. She made excuse to leave the room, and when she had read through this love letter, at last she tore it all to bits and cast them away in the privy.


Not really, just asking a legitimate question

If you think protestantism is better then there's really nothing to talk about

Can I ask how old you are?
>26yF trying to help

Whether it was by destiny or chance, by some mystic influence or by nature or through the constellations, that the heavens stood in such a configuration that the time was fortunate (for as these scholars say, everything has its time) to give a letter in the service of Venus to any woman, to get her Jove--as to all this I cannot say. But great God in heaven, who knows no act is without cause, let Him judge all, for I will hold my peace.

But the truth is that this fresh May received that day such an impression of pity for this sick Damian that she could not drive from her heart the thought of bringing him ease. "In truth," she thought, "I care not whom this thing may annoy, for here I assure him to love him best of any creature, even if he has no more than his shirt."

Lo, pity runs swiftly into a gentle heart! Here you may see how excellent a generosity there is in women, when they take counsel well. There may be some tyrant, indeed there be many, with hearts as hard as stone, who would have let him die in the place rather than have granted him their grace; and would rejoice in their cruel pride, and care not though they committed homicide.

This gentle May, full of pity, made a letter with her own hand, and in it she granted him her full grace; there was nothing lacking except a day and place where she might meet him, for it should be just as he would have it. And one day, when she saw her time, May went to visit this Damian, and craftily thrust this letter down under his pillow; let him read it if he wished. She took him by the hand and wrung it hard, but so secretly that there was not a creature that knew of it, and bid him to be entirely well soon, and went forth to January, when he sent after her.

the next morning; all Damian's sickness and sorrow were gone. He combed his hair, he preened and adorned himself, he did all that delights and pleases his lady; and toward January he performed as dutifully as ever did any bow-hunting dog.


O January, what does it matter even if you could see as far as ships sail? It would be just as well to be deceived when blind as be deceived when a man can see. Lo, Argus with a hundred eyes, as much as he could pry or pore, still he was hoodwinked; and, God knows, so are others that believe truly that it is not so. But to pass over all that is a pleasure, and I say no more.

This fresh May, of whom I have been speaking, pressed into warm wax the little key, which January carried, the key to the small gate through which he often went into his garden. And Damian, who knew her plan well, secretly counterfeited the key. There is no more to say, but there shall soon occur some marvel through this key, which you shall hear, if you will wait.


same age

>protie detected

How goes that Once Saved Always Saved and assuredness of salvation heresy?

What state? CA here and the girls are all whores. The good ones are all taken from HS or by going away to college.


Hate to say you may be screwed. Try moving. Looks like you need to find a nice southern girl

>tfw I'm moving to Arizona soon, but I'm only 20

>tfw CA resident
Did you hear about the new gun laws here? It's bullshit. Also, you're right about the girls here, except for the Eastern Euros where I live.

Told ya

If you want to find a true waifu, convert to islam and date a muslim chick, christianity is fucked.

Lots of Jew Worship I'm guessing?

AZ may be worse than FL. When I said southern girl I was referring to East of Texas

What part of CA? Our gun laws have been Bs for years, only getting worse.

Probably anus "Muslim quart" developed several Muslim phallus.

Hopefully no Christian woman falls for a nut like you because the real problem is obviously in your head. You're morally corrupt enough to fake being a Christian to try to find a female who fits your obsessed idea of what's right while you yourself are completely wrong. What do you think will happen in a real life relationship? It's going to be great and your moral corruption and rotting thought process will just suddenly fix themselves? Think again. The problem is you.

Wow, thank you so much, my Record has been Corrected

Go to church for your virgin qt is 100% meme.

You have to find a blank slate and make her into a respectable wife.

I've gone on a date with two chuch going religious women in my life. They are very rare here so they're not normies by any means.

The first one actually cuckolded her fiancee. They both enjoyed it, she said. Once I set up a date with her by text for one morning and she replied something to the effect of
>Okay, I'm going to have send my man to the dog house (figure of speech). I was already redpilled by then but it confirmed how woman's love takes vastly different shape when she doesn't respect you.

The other one was from an internet dating website. She was looking for someone with
>Big, hard, long-lasting cock.
No kidding. We went on a date and turns out she volunteered every sunday at a church. Not normal here. She told me that she'd been a good girl for so long that now she thought she hard earned the right to be naughty for a bit. To me, this is the perfect way to illustrate their psychology. My game was bad so we didn't fuck though. However, it also reveals that big cock isn't everything. It really is all about game.

I'm an atheist so this side of religious girls doesn't bother my one bit. But for the religous Sup Forumsacks here, I might suggest that the better way to approach a girl would be to find someone who's only moderately religious and then try to influence her to become more so.

>going to a Catholic church

Either become a Mormon or Jehovah's Witness. That's where all the innocent bitches are at.

Greetings from the seat of power for worst state.

mormon women are modern day temple prostitutes

are you a male mormon who pays 10% of his income to the church and has a temple recommend? here's is access to all the pussy in the church. A lot of Mormon guys don't get married until 30+ because the female mormon converts are easy targets and put out easily

Yes but they'll lick the toilet paper out of your ass hair if it means you'll be a loyal husband

Mormon women will do anything for their man

Even as an atheist, don't you want the virgin tradfu?

id rather have a girl who does have a 5+ cock count

who does or doesn't?

did you a word?

How would you know, you never talked to any of
Also this is not Sup Forums related.

>She told me that she'd been a good girl for so long that now she thought she hard earned the right to be naughty for a bit.
Sounds like complete fiction.

Fuck you buzzkill.

Atheism is the ultimate bluepill.

It's not a branch you stupid fuck.

It IS Christianity.

Jesus you're pathetic

What's your problem?
Catholic women are known for liking sex.

If you don't like fucking, don't date/marry a catholic woman. Get a boring prot, instead and adopt a nigger kid.

>undercover manwhore goes to church to find whores
>surprised that other people are doing the same thing

>be me
>grew up in catholic schools
>all girls catholic Hs
>go to college and go crazy
>come home get a job
>meet a guy at church while trying to not be such a whore anymore
>he "helps me see the error of my ways"
>married a year later
>5 years married now, we have only been to church a handful of times
>he played it right

Listen to he knows what he is talking about

literally why


you sound exactly like every single post-college female.


forgot a word.....

any advice on where to find women that aren't like you?

Except I didn't become a feminazi liberal dike.

Thank the heavens that you made that correction, m8. Without that extra word, you'd get quite close to the literal definition of cuck

go to a fucking small town, find yourself a virgin, love will follow with every thrust of your dick.

ever wondered why your grandparents and before them divorce was almost inexistant? they married fucking virgins man

...because your were not fat and unattractive

You have two problems, you fucking LARPing moron.

1) You went to church

2) You think women need beating and controlling

kys, for all three reasons.

you internally resent him for being such a stupid fuck to take a cheap whore like you don't you

Honestly, no. I think many people here are too dogmatic about these things.

First of all, there are virtually no virgins in Finland. By one statistic, our women are the most propmiscous in the world. However, the range is high, you got sluts whose n count is in 100s and then girls with 3 former boyfriends. I don't mind the girl with 3 or a couple more. I do mind the slut with 100s. In any case, if she's a virgin it means that something else is off about her, sorry to say it, but here it's true.

What matters is that I'm the best man she's ever got, both sexually and otherwise. And that she adopts my values and respects me as the head of the family (also rare here). As long as she respects me, I can trust her (well, as much as one can trust a woman)

I was in a long relationship with this woman in her 40s. Well it was a fwb but still. It lasted 3 years. In her youth, she had once spontaneously fucked a guy, whose name she didn't know. True slut behavior. However, she worshiped the ground I walked on. She was sexually insatiable with me. She did everything I wanted and asked for more, had multi orgasms with me, and get this, woke up before me so she could make me breakfast. The last bit is actually the best one. She cooked for me and I never paid for anything.

Somehow, even this with her past, you must understand that I definitely didn't feel retroactively cuckolded. I was her king. She was constantly afraid that I would fuck someone else, not the other way around. As it should be. Now, it was because she was older, but eventually I might be able to induce this behavior in a younger woman too. Do you think I'm going going to drop someone like that just because she had met someone before me?

Now, in a normal relationship I wouldn't accept a slutty past like that, but I'm still going to say that you need to be able to adapt according to the context and how she works within your frame.

Respect is the key, not her n count (within reason).

I don't think she is a nun...just say'n

Good point

>It was non-denominational I think

Thanks, but my advice was to get someone who didn't
>go crazy.

This is why Islam is the only answer. Other religions are far too weak and islam is the only one that is willing to lay down and enforce the law to create a stable and productive society.

No I went to church to find a waifu, not pussy. There's a stark contrast.

Tip harder faggot.

I think the folks you are looking for are so-called fundamentalists.
good look, may you accept jesus warm embrace.

Wow, that was a lot of unsubstantiated horseshit. Grats.

In the unlikely scenario your post wasn't complete fiction, let me just remind you that not one female who's had a conversion of the heart behaves like your examples. Just because you're brought up in some Christian setting doesn't guarantee you're inherently religious at all. All the more so when many sects are more likely to be about rules and telling kids what they should and should not do rather than cultivating a mindset and spirituality in them that enables the conversion of the heart to take place. So some kids lash back at the rules and what they see as superficial and rigid religiosity around them when growing up and go to the other extreme. Even if they might be called Christians and have grown up in a Christian environment, they are really just nominally Christian and not Christians at heart at all. It's a social layer. So in these cases you described, Christianity is a social setting that has nothing to do with individual religiosity even if they go through the motions (like attend church).

It's not difficult to figure out who is a genuine Christian on the inside, but then again, if your heart remains untouched by conversion you probably can't tell the difference because you'd miss a lot of the distinguishing indicators.

Islam has never created a stable and productive society Quite the opposite. Muslim-majority societies can be productive and stable-ish only if Islam is repressed.

"Go crazy" in my eyes was sleeping with 5 men in a 4 year time period.

>blown out whore that's hitting the wall goes to church to "find herself" and lock down a beta provider

yeah, thanks for proving my point in posting this thread. You didn't stop being a whore because you wanted to, you stopped being a whore because you had to. If you had the fountain of youth you wouldn't have changed your ways, but younger, more fit sexual competition was edging you out.

kys heretic

M8, we're all Westerners here. Nordic women are worse than the rest, but it's pretty obvious that Western women as a whole aren't paragons of virtue. What I'm saying is if you were to find a virgin (no matter how uncommon in Finland), would you note prefer her to one who has had 5 boyfriends?

>Going to church to pick up women
You really do put the cuck in Christcuck

Are you saying it like that's a good thing? A "moderate, healthy" habit, perhaps?

This user knows

It's because other religions always attack us and meddle in our business. If they kindly fuck off and stop trying to "liberate" our people we'll be fine.