Hey anons

Hey anons.

Freemasonry thread. Apparently I have ancestral ties; ties that place me as a direct descendant of a Founding Father and his line of Masons in his family.

I did research and Sup Forums apparently seems to think that Masons arent evil despite all the conspiracies pol believes in, and that the masons are often tied into them.

Why do many of you think they arent the bad people? Can i gain any sort of entry due to my lineage? I dont know of any living family members or friends who are masons.

Also general masonry and information pertaining to them including speculation and theories from you all are welcome as well.

Other urls found in this thread:


It's a Jew worship cult. I'm not even bullshitting you, on the bright side they apparently get to build the third temple one day.

They are scapegoats, just like the Jews, for the Jesuits. But they are a satanic organization at the 33rd degree.

You don't need to know anyone to join frankly they won't care who you think you're related to. Also you'll be disappointed when you join it's pretty lame.

This is the prevailing theory. Would love to hear other thoughts.

Thanks user, I have heard this a lot.

Though many people seem to disagrew with you on admission. A lot of the time I am told that Masons only give admission to new members from induction from someone you know being a Mason to begin with.

I simply stated it in my post because thats what I was told you needed to get in, and since I didnt have that then maybe my lineage might give me some sort of foot in the door, per se.

Well that, and until I learned about my family tree I didnt really care about them to begin with. Researching my family is the only real reason I have any sort of interest in them at the moment.

also to those saying it IS in fact a Satanist group, a jew organization etc, do you have any solid evidence or highly plausible reasoning for such claims?

im not saying it isnt true, of course. Im just genuinely interested.

There is a lot of solid evidence. It's one of the most heavily researched conspiracy theories in history. It's been researched and proven with evidence for hundreds of years.

Atlantean legacy.


Solid evidence is a rarity in these circles. A cautious person would be alarmed at even the hint of such activity.
Also, this theory is nuanced enough to explain why the Freemasons subreddit and stuff exists but also explains why some of the other stuff the masons have been associated with.

And yet its supporters can never seem to cite it.

Oh im aware of a lot of evidence and theories, im simply curious about specific theories YOU guys might have. something contrary to the popular prevailing theories etc. Its always fun and healthy to speculate.

Im very curious as to why the Founding Fathers were very wary of the Bavarian Illuminati and a Central Bank controlling our money for so long, even though many seemingly sound theories link the interests of both the Masons and the Illuminati to a One World Government, or at least a massive amount of centralized power. Why is this? Seperate groups, same goals? Did the Masons change their order much in the 1700s-Present Day to align with such groups? Its easy to chalk them up to being just (((them))) but multiple sources regarding Washington say he and many fathers of the country, who were masons, understood the danger of a Central Banking system and tried quite hard to stop it from coming into fruiton. Almost as if they despised selling America into the hands of Europe again so quickly.

Quite the interesting time period imo.

My history is weak as fuck but as I understand it the original Bavarian Illuminati were just very powerful influential people who met in secret to cut deals. Back then I'm fairly sure the government of the time were not happy with this and tried to stop it because they were acting like a shadow government/ undermining their authority. The masons I'm fairly certain is an offshoot of this and the modern illuminati (us at least) we (((see))) today are a bunch of masons who apparently went rogue from way back in the day.

>33rd degree
Does not exist in blue lodge

Its a bit of a stretch to say that because the masons were good in 1776 they are still good especially when we have seen that whatever order / whatever is in america has gone even more rogue to the point we are in today.

Well, I hope you're not a troll and just interested. I know some free masons, my brother in fact is one and a close friend of mine. It really isn't that exciting as you think it is. No, they're not satanic or evil in anyway. I can confirm however they help each other whenever they can, financially if necessary too... But they do good things for the community by donating large sums of money to people whom need it.

I didnt think it was very exciting, rather the opportunity for me to be in a group of individuals steeped in history that my family has been part of for centuries, that is also known to create lasting bonds and help those who need help, inside and outside the group is very enticing to me and I think it would fit my lifestyle.

Thanks for your contribution user.

Yeah a lot of people joined during the great depression because masons find each other jobs and shit

It is also known that (in the UK) the police and other law enforcement are full of masons.


Yeah the lasting bonds are definitely true, I can confirm that as well. Another example, let's say a free mason dies and his family ends up in personal financial conflict, the free masonry will help that family out in any way necessary. They take good care of each other.

True, they still do.

Free masons occur in all layers from every society, high rich powerful people, but also ordinary people. The good 'old times where it only existed on powerful people are over, normal people can join as well.

This conflicts with what a recent mason who made a thread on pol/b said. He was like 1order UK and did not say this and was very evasive when I was asked him some questions. Didn't put my mind at ease.

I'm not following you, what exactly are you refering to what he ''didn't say''?
Free masonry all around the world is ruled by what they call 'The big East', The big East owns all money, makes the rules etc. Every new member is reported to that big East. Each lodge (place where free masons meet every week/month) has it's own 'rules', but those must be in line with the big East.

My grandfather is a free mason, it's like a fraternal oginizarion for business men. About 1/3 of the shit they say on conspiracy shows is true the rest is bullshit at least that's what he told me.


Freemasons are /x/ tier, they have magic initiation rites and stuff, but your average freemason is probably no more witchy than your average Sup Forumsack practicing meme magic.

I'm no expert on them, not being a member, but saying they are all satanists or illuminati or whatever is kind of a stretch. There have been good freemasons in the past centuries.

the kikes use masons as foot soldiers, whether they are aware or not (anything above 3rd degree are self-aware)

That doesn't sound very credible

Well, that's the way it is. I'm just reporting what I know from actual free masons, your call to believe it or not. It wont affect each others life anyway... xD

It is fairly interesting to be honest and I don't have anything against them desu SENPAI but I don't know enough and it just prudent to know what you're getting into. Its what I've said previously and repeated a few times.

Well, good thing for you almost everything about the free masonry can be find on the webs these days. So do your own research? If there's a free mason lodge in your hood, go check it out. They won't do you any harm, if you show honest interest in them, they might be willing to help you. And yes, it can be hard, as not every free mason plays 'open book', but eventually you can get there if you want to. Goodluck.

Yeah nah. You are being evasive again.

haha damn how so? I'm trying to answer all of your questions... Seems to me that you're just really sceptic yourself and don't want to believe it or smthng?

nice trips, but it's not a stretch at all

I might have some deep ancestry as well. My grandfather was 32nd degree Mason. Never told me a whole lot about it, but what he did say was that he could never under zero circumstances disclose the "ritual" that he had to perform in order to achieve the 32nd degree rank.

I'm naturally a sceptic of everything. But what am I supposed to think. On one hand you have this its not interesting at all just a bunch of guys doing stuff in robes and shit we even have a monthly magazine but on the other hand you're doing this hard sell so I join or reconsider my position. I'm open to reconsider my position but I simply do not know enough to reconsider it to something else.


Is this a dogwhistle or does this mean you become a 32nd degree mason too?

It's basically the boyscouts for baby boomers nowadays.

Freemasonry is one of the most American institutions in the world despite originating in England.

It brings with it, a reluctance to mindlessly trust royalty and other authority->Republicanism

Most red-pilled institution in the world. Hated by Arabs, Jews, Communists, Fascists, and related for the ability of the fraternity to threaten the power of totalitarian ideologies/rulers. The fraternity played a massive role in the American Revolution.

Symbolism from the fraternity is everywhere and makes life more rich by providing deeper levels of meaning.

Often made into a scapegoat for unrelated problems.

Strongly encourages nationalism and assimilation.

Requires faith in a supreme being and fits in perfectly with protestantism/deism. It's not satanic. For example, prayers made in lodge are made to the supreme architect of the universe; satan was not the creator, he was a dark angel. York Rite essentially requires you to be Christian. Scottish Rite is more secular than the York Rite in that regard.

American ideals in the US constitution and Bill of Rights were originally masonic principles, heavily supported by Masonic Representation in the signing and legislative processes.

All the big early American thinkers were masons or thought in parallel with the fraternity.

Very inexpensive fraternity that's world-wide in it's influence. The most historic fraternity in the world. Associated with more US politicians than any other institution (masonic politicians were the good ones, you'll notice that we don't have them any more and the best ones served proportionately closer to the US founding).

You get to keep the metric system down.

Unfortunately, the masons have been so battered with anti-masonic bullshit they don't have hardly any power any more and their ranks are thinning. Most lodges are shrinking because fewer and fewer people inquire about membership.

Most Americans can trace their lineage back to a Mason. There was a time when everyone was a Mason.

variously interpreted as knowledge, enlightenment, salvation, emancipation or 'oneness with God') may be reached by practicing philanthropy to the point of personal poverty, sexual abstinence (as far as possible for hearers, entirely for initiates

>Do you not see why you are powerful?


Tell me more. Why keep the metric system down?


>for a good cause

bump again

The metric system is nice but Industries have developed their own units of measure that are almost proprietary to their needs.

Without the metric system people are more resourceful and specialized in industry.

Scientists/academics will use metric system regardless of what business/industry thinks.

Not sure what you mean by dogwhistle. Do you mean whistle blowing?

True story, 100%:

Worked at a retail store and got along with everyone. There was this one old dude (70+) who was cool... he'd crack old timer jokes and if there was a hot girl in the building he'd be like "hey there's a looker over on aisle 5 heh heh heh go get er champ"..

Anyway one day he came up to me and said I'd be great for the masons. Explained they were getting old and they needed new people etc. Said it costs money to join, $150. Didn't know shit about it so said I'd have to read about it.

Read all kinds of stuff online... read about the initiation involved getting stabbed or raped etc just weird shit. The 33 degrees, all that. But I also read that it opens connections. Didn't care bout that so the next day I told him I couldn't afford it as an out. Suddenly he busted out a FAT stack of 100s from his pocket, plucked two out and handed them to me. "Don't worry about ever paying me back. A brother always helps a brother in need."

First thought was: HOW THE HELL DOES THIS OLD ASS DUDE HAVE SO MUCH MONEY. Also I never noticed it before but he had a gold "33" ring on his right hand.

Since I couldn't say I had money anymore, I told him I'd still have to think about it. He was like, "One sec." and he dialed his phone. Talked to someone for a few secs then said ,"Okay I got someone on the way, have a talk and just think it over some more."

Five minutes later he calls me over to his department and the local lodge president is there.

Talked with that dude for a few minutes and he said the same thing about everyone getting old.

Never followed up with it and left that job a few months later. Never paid the dude back.

Should I have joined? And should I pay that dude back before he casts a spell on me?

Dogwhistle is when you are saying one thing but to your indented recipient/s it can mean something else. E.g. general public may think "cool grandpa" your intended recipient may think "does this mean I can just join at that level? Maybe it does."

No, I don't really have any interest in becoming a Freemason.

Yes you should have joined but now you just look like a degenerate POS who can't keep his word.

I never said I would join. But I do feel bad about not paying that guy back even tho he's loaded and said I wouldn't have to. I should pay the dude back and say, "A Lannister always pays his debts"

My grandfather didn't keep his word, so I don't really see the difference. Besides, he didn't even tell me that much.

Its a fairly good pitch. If this is what it is i am interested.

Your grandfather never kept his word how?
It's late for me, I'm probably not reading everything 100%

Masons never tell that much. They are used to how no one wants to hear any of it.

>Mason tells about Masonry
>It's good and not evil?
>Must not be real Masonry
>Or you're lying to me, trying to get me to like an evil institution of the illuminati.

It's better to not talk about it much and let people find out for themselves.


>It's better to not talk about it much and let people find out for themselves.

Then I recommend you go find out, you might be well-suited for it.

I use to drive a rural delivery rout. Went through a town with a lodge in it. Building was rundown, needed shingles and sidings were fubar too. Rulers of the free world, can't even keep a small building in order. Okay, buddy.

>No, they're not satanic or evil in anyway.

Catholics aren't allowed by the church to join. The Knights of Columbus order was founded for Catholics looking for the brotherhood and rituals stuff. There's also the Orange Order for protestants.

I'm no Catholic, but if Catholics and many protestants don't touch them neither will I.

Anyone know anything about the Knights of Columbus and Orange Order?

>Knights of Columbus and Orange Order

Go ahead and ask Ben Franklin about why these two things are GAY.
