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Isn't the MC of this comic a shameless womanizing asshat? What position is he in to moralize to anybody?
Reject Hate, Reject Intolerance, Reject Corruption. Vote Green.
You got it, I will vote Nader again.
Why do they even bother to beat around the bush? Just come out and say "I want you to vote for Hillary, you better vote for her otherwise you're a cunt. We're watching you".
congratulations, you made me cringe. what's the next step of your master plan?
great webcomic
Because that doesn't sound as enlightened and it's more fun to condescend to people?
>Hillary's taking of bribe money
Greed, Check
>Hillary's attacks against Russians
Intolerance, Check.
>Hillary's hatred of all but her satanic elite masters
Hatred check.
Thanks for helping decide who not to vote for.
>A few things worth adding here include the fact Sohmer tried to delete this review, there is a rumor that he once bragged on his forum about scaring a woman who was annoying him away by threatening to rape her and finally there is a another bit of exclusive info that was sent to us (to an email we lost the password to for about a year):
i honestly wonder this myself. Its really fucking annoying, and Id have more respect from these people if they just came out and said vote for hillary
Because they would lose the only weapon they have: assumed morality
one honest meme
>trump wanting war in the middle east for oil
Greed, Check
>openly hates spics, niggers and muslims
Intolerance, Check.
>wants to silence his critics and jail his political opponents
Hatred check.
find ways to spin all the above to fit your narrative trump nigger. im waiting
faggot? plz locate ur balls and vote kek.
Can't debate the first one really, but
>openly hates illegal spics, criminal niggers, and terrorist muslims
>wants to stop rigged media and jail criminals
why do you need 2 people to make this shit panel
that character is fucking stupid
and gay
look at its gay haircut and face
telling other people its their responsibility to vote for his candidate
what idiots
Because when the day of the rope comes around, they can just say "BUT I WAS ACTUALLY SAYING TO VOTE TRUMP GUYS, PLEASE DON'T KILL ME"
>openly hates spics, niggers and muslims
I'm black and I've never heard anybody say or do anything bad about niggers.
The idea that he hates spics is democrats putting words into his mouth to make him look racist. Trump talks shit about illegal immigrants, and people say he hates all Mexicans. Trump talks shit about global banking cartels and Jews call him an anti-semite. It's bullshit.
Similar thing with Muslims. Islamic terrorism is a serious problem in our country, and his stance on it may not be nice, but it's pragmatic. Banning all Muslim immigration from our country is racial profiling, but the unpleasant reality of the situation is that the vast majority of terrorism is committed by Muslims in this day and age. Despite all this, he's never said anything directly racist or hateful about Muslims.
>wants to silence his critics and jail his political opponents
He wants to jail Hillary because she's actually committed crimes, not just because she's his opponent. Don't know what you mean about silencing critics.
What about me, bitch? I must say that I have a degree in marine commandos were involved in attacks on Al-Qaeda confirmed the secret more than 300 rounds in gorillas conventional war of my best shooters all American soldiers. You're not with me, but only one goal. I rip you're a fan of these weapons at any time on the ground, and mark my word curse. Do you think of me the internet that shit off? Think again, Ficker. It involves a network of secret agents in the United States right now to convince your IP, so you better prepare for the storm and larvae. storms, pure little thing called life miserable. Bloody dead son. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill more than seven hundred species, otherwise empty. I am very liquid, not only shoot, but I have access to a warehouse at the main US Marine Corps and I make the most of inland dim donkey, and less waste. If you do not know what the worst punishment react "smart" is about to fall on you, and maybe you will save your damn language. But you can not, and must now pay the price and dumb shit. I fuck you and fuck her noyerez. Bloody dead son.
he wants to stop isis from getting the oil because its how they are funding their terrorism.
He has never openly stated that he hates any demographic. He might have controversial goals, but he has never said anything derogatory about any race.
He does not want to jail hillary clinton as a political opponent, but because she has broken several federal laws and the bureaucratic doj has been blocking efforts to prosecute her. He doesnt want to jail critics, but they are dishonest as fuck and shouldnt be allowed to publish the complete bullshit they get away with.
B-but they are. No one else is reading this shit.
People like this make me want to vote trump even more. Also, check em
>The World is Watching
The World doesn't matter in an American election.
>all muslims are terrorists so ban them all
>all spics are drug dealers so deport them all back and build a wall to prevent them from coming in
>all niggers are criminals so the cops should keep track and prioritize action of each and single one of them
stop shitposting leaf
I don't know why self righteous shit like this winds me up so much
>masturbated in public
>lived in the market in a barrel
>interrupted the lectures of Plato constantly
>urinated on some people who insulted him
>defecated in the theatre
>begged people for money
>carried a lamp during the day
>told Alexander to fuck off to his face
Yep, that's Sup Forums for you.
>when a leaf corners you so you shitpost louder
that shit comic is still going?
if i remember correctly
>guy rapes women
>they all want it
>he gets rich with no effort
>flaunts his money around
Stop being a racist fedora tipper, m'lasia
I get that you hate Muslims and black people and Hispanics, but you don't have to say things like that about them out in public
so basically Trump?
Why does Sup Forums hate this? He's saying to vote Trump.
He also let a taller man fuck him in a 3some.
This isn't a Trump endorsement?
Some more Diogenes
>“Why is it, Diogenes, that pupils leave you to go to other teachers, but rarely do they leave them to come to you?”
>“Because,” replied Diogenes, “one can make eunuchs out of men, but no one can make a man out of eunuchs.”
>Diogenes stood outside a brothel, shouting, “A beautiful whore is like poisoned honey! A beautiful whore is like poisoned honey! A beautiful whore . . . ” Men entering the house threw him a coin or two to shut him up. Eventually Diogenes had collected enough money and he too went into the brothel.
>“It’s my fate to steal,” pleaded the man who had been caught red-handed by Diogenes.
>“Then it is also your fate to be beaten,” said Diogenes, hitting him across the head with his staff.
>told Alexander to fuck off to his face
i mustve quit before that
theres alot of comics i no longer follow cause they went off the deep end
like Sinfest- the writers girlfriend went feminist, left him, so he decided to make all his characters flog themselves and cry about great feminism is in an attempt to get his gf back
I love being talked down to!
The world is watching and hoping that America will be smart enough to elect Trump.
I was going to say he was our guy, but considering how he predates us, I guess we're his guys.
Hardy har.
Trump doesn't hate them. He wants our boarders to be respected and to keep us safe from terrorism.
>Reject Greed
>Reject Intolerance
>Reject Hatred
I don't know what you're all getting bent outta shape for, that's the most glowing endorsement of Trump and damning indictment of Hillary he could've given.
"Reject greed, vote for the Goldman Sachs insider"
Are these meant to be vague or do they really think that it's so black and white?
I really need to read more philosophy.
I will reject Clinton's greed, her intolerance of Americanism, and her hatred of the American people.
Thanks, comic.
Very few of Diogenes’ disciples had the physical and mental stamina to become cynics. One in particular left the circle, but not before entreating Diogenes to give him one of his books. “You really are a silly fellow,” said Diogenes. “Surely you wouldn’t have painted figs instead of real ones. And yet you pass over the genuine practice of wisdom and would be satisfied with what is merely written.”
>do they really think that it's so black and white?
You live in Leafland right? Go to a local college campus, or just walk around the streets of Toronto. Describe an American Presidential Candidate as greedy, hateful, and intolerant, then have them guess who you're talking about.
Seriously though, the mainsteam media has pushed the idea of Trump being all of these things, and the people who don't bother with any kind of alternative media or think for themselves have no reason to think otherwise.
Fuck, how could one man be so based all the time? I wish I could have met him.
It's because you subconsciously associate your own views with greed intolerance and hatred, while at the same time understanding that greed intolerance and hatred are negative attributes that you don't think you could have.
This can cause severe mental discomfort due to cognitive dissonance--the action of holding two contradictory or mutually exclusive beliefs in the mind at one time. Normally, this results in a person rejecting one of the mutually exclusive beliefs while simultaneously reinforcing the other. In your case it would either mean rejecting the belief that your views are associated with greed intolerance and hatred, or rejecting the idea that greed intolerance and hatred are negative attributes that you want to avoid.
If you keep feeling upset or uncomfortable when presented with things like the OP, it's because you can't fully reject either of those two beliefs. Why you can't do that is something you'll have to figure out yourself.
Wtf I'm a #hillmissile now.
why do you love niggers so much, nigger lover?
It was addressed to America, it was from a country that uses dd/mm/yy. As in every country except yours
>you subconsciously associate your own views with greed intolerance and hatred
How did you come to this conclusion?
>It's because you subconsciously associate your own views with greed intolerance and hatred, while at the same time understanding that greed intolerance and hatred are negative attributes that you don't think you could have.
I don't do that. I just know he's talking about Trump supporters because Michael more called directly call us greedy and intolerant the other day in a tweet. Their talking points and insults are all the same.
>banning all muslims
>bad thing
if i had my way theyd be on the way to the ovens
Record corrected.
yeah right, "the left" taught me not to listen to white men, and that guy is white, so I must vote Trump
you forgot the best one:
>"Someone took him [Diogenes] into a magnificent house and warned him not to spit, whereupon, having cleared his throat, he spat into the man's face, being unable, he said, to find a better receptacle."
Why would you say #imwithher and post an anti-Hillary comic?
OP, don't you realize this is clearly directed at HRC? Appreciate the material though
>run a campaign built on smearing your opponents audience
>call them deplorable, bigots, proponents of hate, etc.
>it's your subconscious
Wew lad
Thank you for convincing me to vote Trump.
You forgot to say
>Reject corruption
That fucking B^U face
do normies really think this sentiment isn't true for the Clintons?
The same one every buddy with a pedestal is. I just watched Obama fuck up for 6 years
and then get put in time out for 2 to prevent a collapse and that nigga just told me to not
fall for some "okie doke". And i don't even want to start on the irony of him saying choosing
hillary = choosing hope.
I legitimately thought this was a B^Uckley joint at first glance
A fucking white male telling me what to do?
Least I Could Do still exists? Jesus Christ.
naturally. i dunno if they realize the other "side" thinks the exact same of them. the USA breeds this very shit they seem to dislike.
They're so blinded by their hatred for Trump, that anything the Clintons are accused of doing looks like nothing by comparison.
>openly hates spics, niggers and muslims
When has Donald Trump ever done anything bad or shown any intolerance towards blacks?
Getting sick of this smug "The world is watching" bullshit
If you are not American you don't get to decide who wins
it's just awful, I don't care what people really think of Trump because he actually is pretty offensive sometimes but, the Clintons are absolutely horrible people that I cant fathom how anyone but the uninformed can rally behind
The "comedy" character that normally acts in a manner opposite then the way he is soap-boxing via the maker.
I hate these episodes senpai.
At least the author is like his creation. A retard trying to act like something he isn't for wish fulfillment.
>reject intolerance
>reject hatred
Yes, a small part of the world here, I'm watching, don't let your country turn into this shithole 2.0, vote for Trump. OP BTFO.
> the Clintons are absolutely horrible people that I cant fathom how anyone but the uninformed can rally behind
It's more that they're disinformed than uninformed. The mainstream media owns shares in Hillary, so they spend every possible minute they can making Trump look like shit.
Twitter, Facebook, and to a lesser extent Google, all manipulate conversations as well. Plus like you said, Trump is already offensive and is kinda infamous amongst people as a jackass. People already want to believe shit about him, and the media both mainstream and social makes that easy.
generally yes, that is the base. not grabbing someone's pussy, hating someone because of there race, sex or religion. a general belief that there is a social contract, to follow the golden rule.
I fully expect this post to called out as fag, jew, nigger, etc etc, from trumpsters which is why there so much hate this election
>from the guy who wrote a MC so Gary stue and sexist that his first artist quit because he has sisters and couldnt do it anymore.
Life isn't fair bro. You gonna sit there and swallow the blood in your mouth, or are you gonna get up and spill some of theirs?
>Reject Greed
>Reject Intolerance
>Reject Hatred
What is this?
We are watching a Canadian election?
Get back to me when your country visits the moon
>implying visiting the moon was useful
That page was a good read thanks
nah. I think it's because people like the comic writer end up being hypocrites, which is behaviour detested by all humans, because it sign of being untrustworthy in general.
The guy who made the comic is expressing his own bigotry and ignorance (against anyone who would dare support Trump) while supposedly speaking out against the those attributes.
The hypocrisy is plain to see
>that image
Didn't you use to post in the Sup Forums Skype group?
I'm confused. With all those rejections what is left to vote for?
Reject Hate, Reject Intolerance, Reject Corruption. Vote Trump.
Anytime Least I Could Do comes up, this link needs to be posted. Good job, Leaf. Sohmer is such a pathetic cunt.
This desperate pleading by leftists is arousing me.
It's funny how democrats think they aren't greedy, intolerant and hateful.
Reject Russia, Reject Sexual Assault, Reject Fascism. Vote Clinton.