Hey Sup Forums, I'm a CTR employee who's voting trump

Hey Sup Forums, I'm a CTR employee who's voting trump,

Currently under a few proxies so they can't trace me.



You could have chosen to be any flag and yet you chose toothpaste.


May I see your boobs?

This op

Yes ok LARPing faggot

I'm a guy
Dont know I just opened 4 free VPN's + 2 private ones

I don't have any questions. I just want you to know that nothing will absolve you for what you have done. WE WILL FIND YOU.

How much do you get paid?

What's your tab?

>I'm a guy

He didn't ask for your gender, he asked to see your breasts.

How much do you get laid* ftfy

We get a set amount of ~1500 a month and bonuses if it seems that we have changed someone's opinion.

So you guys memeing with "wow i hate Trump now" sometimes grants us bonusses.
What do you mean?

How did you get hired?

CTR chose to attack some random threads that didn't seem relevant. Does this make you think Clinton is down further than the media shows?

What was the CTR reaction to pic related.

Which Bernie and Trump supporting celebrities have you been paid to attack?

As in your pay, user. You just answered for me though.

>I'm a guy

Why haven't you drank bleach yet?

no thanks lets dig the DNC leaks

Even if it's sarcastic?

So what's the actual feeling in the campaign that you can see?

Do they actually feel like they can legitimately win? Or have all pretenses of legitimacy dropped and now it's how can we steal it?

>understanding sarcastic internet posts on a Russian Basketweaving Forum

I csnt tell you that because apparently they do it different with every employee so it might give away who i am
Theres DEFINITELY panic around Clinton atm because the recent E-mails and spiritcopking have turned alot of voters, but they dont tell us too much however i think trump will landslide
None, just reddit, Sup Forums, steam, facepunch
They are too stupid for memes
I'm affraid that Hillary is trying to rig alot of shit which can give you an idea of how much trump is winning.

Obvious LARP, but I'll bite...

Are you just a CTR pleb? (ie; low level) or above?

Are you given specific instructions/phrases to use, or just given a general overview of desired results?

What's the worst thing that's happened in the office? Have you ever been disrespected by your superior?

Do the people there seem evil or stupid?

Why don't you lock all the exits and set fire to the building?

>I'm affraid that Hillary is trying to rig alot of shit which can give you an idea of how much trump is winning.

I'd suggest you clandestinely record some shit if you can.....just keep it as insurance or whatever.

If you had David Brock admitting to shit (or even just agreeing with bad shit) that'd be a hit.

give us the IP(s) of CTR's office and then send it to sparky

I am low level, Im given instructions on what to talk about (like divert people from thinking about the emails but let them think about her policies and how "evil" trump is)
I am not in an office i work from home, We have contact via phone and Emails, they are incredibly stupid and naive
They dont tell us ctr employers anything and I work from home as i mentioned above
See above

Is David Brock a Republican plant? The director of CAP said so.

How are internal polls looking?
If cant answer, do you know of other shills that have turned out on ctr and have come to our side?

Why don't you just reply to yourself on proxies so you earn more money?

I refuse to see above. Address me and my queries directly you piece of shit.

I dont know we dont get told alot.
Theres alot of panic because we're getting bombared with assignments atm, Theres alot of shills who vote Trump they do this for the money(like me) but there are some delusional cucks who actually do this for free

>They dont tell us ctr employers anything and I work from home as i mentioned above

You're at home but you're still *that* worried you use proxies?

>havent drank
Retarded gramma

I do just not that frequently or it will show that i get way more than other CTR
You can never be too sure.


Please answer this

Oh sorry I missed it, at first we were given assignments to spread them around because they thought it was Pro Hillary but eventually they caught on and stopped telling us to spread it, thats all i know.

what the hell I hate trump now

Why is it that you are an attention whore? I have more respect for a dog.

>doing it for free.
Jesus Christ.
Anyways, kind of what mentioned. What has caused the most panic amongst the campaign that you know of?

Can't even into sarcasm.

I suppose that sarcasm on the internet is embedded in Truth. These people are professional criminals so they will never understand.

Fucking retards.

What? For being CTR? Its for the money.
I think the beginning of the Email leakings and the Project Veritas videos shook it the most.

>CTR literally spreading Sup Forums's memes for them

Wow. This is glorious. You get a rare pepe user. Thank you.

Suck a cock burger, toothpaste pride world wide

Please go away shill kike.

Your tricks are old.


How's the mood around the office?

Nice dubs.
Anyways thanks nigga, I think that's what I wanted to know.

Better get outta here before you commit suicide by 3 barbells to the head.

Work at home, more info in previous answers.
Theres some employees who work at the office

Enjoy your ban, shill.

Do you also target other social media sources? Facebook, YouTube etc?

Any idea how many of you there are? or are they self contained cells?

Are you aware of any CTR with Mod privileges in Reddit etc?

/r/politics is full of CTR probably mods too
Not sure how many of us are there but I frequently see some copy pastas that we're required to post

I do it on Sup Forums, reddit, facepunch and youtube.

Anything you can post for proofs? Screenshot of an email header with your address blacked out or something?

Has podesta fingered you?