Why do uneducated people love Trump?

Why do uneducated people love Trump?

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Becuase they get fucked over by democrats

Because we want good paying jobs.

then get a fucking education you stupid fuck.


Modern Education is code for Liberal Indoctrination.

Cause they can't compete with Juan, Pajeet and Xi
Then get new skills and stop relying on coal.

Because when you're poor, having the other guy have less things makes you feel good. Right wing assholes speak to my reptile brain. Political correctness offends me. I don't know what laws are but I know what degenerates are

Says the one who somehow forgot all of the things Hillary did as a first lady and a secretary of states.

>im proud of being stupid

truly retarded.

you realize that a course in like... pure math has nothing to do with politics right? but keep telling yourself that muhh universities is a hive of liberal brainwashing just so you can shoot yourself in the foot and not have the education, connection to advanced in this world. it is much easier to complain about it online and pretend as if immigrants are the reason you don't have a job.

Uneducated people tend to live in rural areas, close to nature, while most of educated folks live in cities, humans are not adapted yet to live in big cities such as new york, it causes many mental illnesses and make people assholes. You are also losing something called instinct. Humans, like all animals have instinct, but in our modern times its very often suppressed and many people are losing it, we are also living in hyper rationalism.
In rural areas however, uneducated folks have something which educated city folks dont have. That is natural human kindness, hospitality, and instinct.

They can smell Hillary's bullshit from a mile.

Education is a code word for Jewish brainwashing.


Education in this context is actually groupthink and conformity. Such people in university puddles are actually just frogspawn all afraid to fall out of the trend.

Equating them with the university goers of old is fucking bonkers. Modern Universities are only 2 ranks higher than a pizza joint in my opinion.

Some of the most "educated" people I've met are the fucking dumbest when it comes to common sense and when shit is being pulled over their eyes.

Why did uneducated people love Jesus and educated people hate him?

>universities is a hive of liberal brainwashing

It's true tho, not to a level trumptards would like it to be but it is indoctrination to a certain level

Trump went low brow, to appeal to the crust of America

they think anything they read on the internet is true, so they tend to believe in stuff like spirit cooking and assassinations

their brain gets nurtured on garbage dumps like breitbart and drudge bullshit peddling and conditioned to believe every conspiracy and falsehood being peddled

spirit cooking.


Damn you thought US's public schools where that bad? Wait till you see the degenerate crap they drill in our brains.

little brother came home the other day righting a 200 word text about feminism and ofcourse to get a grade he has to say something positive if we're being honest here. What a load of horseshit.

Sounds like hell

Being a good educationalist means you're nothing more than someone who can soak up and sponge their morale and identity to another mold.

The brightest and best and greatest of the planet, from art, to science, to music, to literature are all untrained and or self taught or dropouts.

Universities are simply a scam to segregate X jobs into the hands of those who have funds, not into the best hands.

In today's world a Mozart would never have been possible, and it isn't.

Why did Democrats lose the hearts and minds of the uneducated working class?

Link me to one modern curriculum where you can take just a bunch of pure math classes instead of that being more lie 1/5 of the classes you take.

What a shitty stereo type.

authoritarianism is the variable which corresponds to trump support; the uneducated in america are more attracted to that style of govt for whatever reason

I'm not in Arts. I'm Maths / ECE dual major.

But you realize that you can challenge professors on their viewpoints right?

Lots of people challenge professors when they either push a viewpoint or they are factually incorrect about something.

It's not the professor's fault for having an opinion. "right wing" have access to freedom of speech and if they can't make a case for their argument, it is not the fault of the universities.

That said, I've literally never had anyone push their politics onto me in the 3 years I've been at uni.

Authority Fallacy, not an argument.

people with lowest iq - black and latinos vote democrat

Democrats are the modern day Scribes and Pharisees


are you fucking stupid bro?


literally just kill yourself.

I don't know how it works in europoor land but here in burgerland, technical jobs pay really well and there's very little competition

FACT. they shove jewish propaganda down our throats every day. i remember reading number the stars as a kid, marked the start for hating kikes forever- their bullshit will be their own undoing

They want a strong white man who beat them up.


>beat up your political opponents
>incite violence at their events
>eliminate free speech
>call Republicans fascists

This also trips also sage.
Education =/= intelligence and you are still an idiot

Because most people aren't educated and a representative democracy is about electing people who represent average people.

Who cares is someone with a PhD in computer science wants Hillary to win and some welder wants trump to win? Their intelligence is completely unrelated to the policy being debated

Older people are less likely to be college educated.

Among older people, the college educated usually come from middle/upper class who have a lot of money in the stock market.

Hillary has the rich/old and young/naive market cornered.

Trump will hurt the stock market which rich people don't like. Middle america doesn't give a shit about that. They want a government that represents them, not wallstreet.... and not the rich.

>uneducated people

How has anyone eliminated free speech? Trump is the one who wants to be able to sue media outlets for disagreeing with him.

Trumps done, buddy. I was a trump supporter but once i saw that the FBI has restated that Hillary is innocent, i realised that he is just full of hot air.

Trump can't win now, he maybe had a shot before they announced Hillary free of all charges, but it's over for him. She will surge in the polls like never before and come out in a landslide.

She's already 5 points ahead pal. You might as well get on the right side of history and support Hillary before its too late.

Trump said he supports waterboarding. he said he "likes it alot". in case you are not aware of it, waterboarding is a form of torture in which water is poured over a cloth covering the face and breathing passages of an immobilized captive, causing the individual to experience the sensation of drowning. Waterboarding can cause extreme pain, dry drowning, damage to lungs, and brain damage from oxygen deprivation.

It's illegal by international law, and interviewer asked him about why he supports a form of torture that is internationally illegal and trump's response was "i dont care".


Trump also advocated for killing the families of his enemies, including children and babies.

He is a fucking maniac

If someone doesn't have higher education doesn't mean he is stupid. Many people without higher education open up their own business like stores, restaurants, different services and more.

If you want jobs don't vote for the republikek party.

Empirical evidence show their economic platform is just bad.

Because they're tired of being told what they can and can't say by highly educated idiots.

Because the stock market is just a game that rich people like to play and has no effect on the lives of real working people right?

That is only 54 of the credits, doesn't it take 120 credits to graduate and isn't the rest of the fulfillments to get the bachelor's filled with political leaning social science classes like every other university?

>Get 5 figure debt and still be unemployed you stupid goy

With education in school and university comes very left leaning ideas, usually piled in with English and other touchy feely subjects.

You could claim to be well educated and take the high ground over an uneducated farm worker or some shit, but really your not educated in politics or economics at all, just some other random subject or area.

>Trump will hurt the stock market
>Middle America doesn't give a shit about that

>stock market gets "hurt"
>the entire country gets ass blasted for a decade, young men across the country resort to alcohol and crime because the economy is in the shit

>same thing but only marginally less severe

you sure middle america doesn't care?

You mean classes where you are forced to subject your beliefs to scrutiny and use reason to defend them? Yeah, you probably do have to take a few of those.

Slander isn't disagreement, but nice try anyway

>Because the stock market is just a game that rich people like to play and has no effect on the lives of real working people right?

No it does. That's why trump is going to affect the stock market.

Effects on the working people will effect the stock market. It will help the working people and will come at a cost to many people who are invested in stocks.

no. those are core courses. there are other requirements based on whether you want to focus on different lines of math.

College grads or up are generally for Hillary, but middle and high income voters are for Trump. When they say that "educated" people are against Trump, they're not really talking about the ones who have valuable degrees that require some intelligence to attain (i.e. high earners). They're talking about indoctrinated low-income holders of worthless humanities degrees with huge student debts. It's unsurprising that the second group makes up the majority of degree holders. English Literature and Gender Studies have far lower requirements than Civil Engineering or Medicine. You'll be well-advised to do the opposite of what the establishment "educates" the mediocre masses to do.

Uh, the Corporate Fascists forced everyone to buy a product from their donors (insurance) via obamacare and now nobody has healthcare except the super rich... who support Hillbama.

The SJW fascists have been shutting down free speech, censoring people for thought crimes.

And you're calling us uneducated?
The only "educated" morons voting for Hill are the ones who were successfully indoctrinated at the Marxist Reorientation Centers, aka Big Academia, which was subverted completely by the '80s; elites who don't feel the suffering on the street, that they cause; rich Jew bankers, lawyers, the Corporate Media propagandists and the dependency classes that they manipulate and control.
That's who's voting for Hillary.

Trump voters want government to leave us the fuck alone, let us keep some of our money, let us try to better ourselves and keeping jobs here and parity in trade are of the utmost import.
And no more fucking playing World Police, unconstitutional wars for nation building and 'regime change'.

>Why do uneducated people love Trump?

Babby's first election?

>you sure middle america doesn't care?

We're already headed for another recession anyway. Q.E. bullshit is a scam.

>The labor party
>Only uneducated hicks vote Republican

What is it then?

[pic related] reflects the same thing: we all know what women and minorities do in college.

So basically, you are a fucking liar even though its more like 1/3 math rather than 1/5.

Oy vey!

Because they're only uneducated when they're fighting the Democrats. You are at your worst when you're fighting the Democrats, never forget.

"educated" vs successful. shame the difference never got picked up on, not that there's a right leaning media to run with it anyway.

Oh yeah, the "muh first vagina" crowd.
That's who ignores the crimes of warmongering Hillary, the worst, most corrupt candidate ever.

>I'm retarded because you can't read.

Kill yourself.

I honestly can't be bothered to entertain a retard.


Sixty credits

The rest comes from courses you choose to take based on which line of work you want to do.

Fuck off honestly. Who are you trying to convince? That I have fucking courses in politics? I've been in uni for 3 years I've never taken a course in politics. Get that through your skull you ape.

Implying this isn't literally with liberals and antifa do.

Not a valid counter-argument. High IQ is
strongly correlated with high income. Being a woman and a minority in college is strongly correlated with worthless degrees. Not being a woman or a minority in college is correlated with preferring Trump.

Trump supporters are poor so they resent people with money (people living in cities).

Trump supporters are dumb so they resent people who are smart (people with college educations).

Trump supporters are lazy, fat and ugly (they resent people who are healthy and take care of themselves).

Trump supporters are angry and they resent people who are positive and happy because they are miserable.

Trump supporters either complain about not having jobs, or hate the shit jobs they have. They're the kind of people who play the lottery. They want to get rich quick just like their idol Trump.

Donald Trump is the perfect candidate to represent these people. They're so fucking miserable that they want everyone else to be miserable like them as well.

Trade schools don't count as "educated" yet an arts degree does.

They tricked you by calling them humanities or some other euphemism because all indoctrination is misleading and manipulative by nature.

Your entire worldview is based around posturing to impress other middle class midwits. That's why every argument you can come up with boils down to social shaming. It works on you so you think it works on people with actual values and principles.

>muh i get btfo so i resort to playing with definitions!
>surely this will help me seem like less of an idiot buttmunch

get fucked senpai. idk what kind of shit hole unis you have across the border. why the fuck would an engineer or a mathematician need to take a humanities course. ive never seen it and i know u don't have to so don't tell me that there is some sort of 1984 crap.

He makes a perfectly valid argument. If you want to include English Literature and Lesbian Basket Weaving under "higher education", then being "highly educated" doesn't correlate with anything of value in the real world, so what's the point bringing up that the majority of low-IQ indoctrination victims oppose Trump?

Look at modern Universities pushing mandatory gender studies or social justice classes. People going there are just being indoctrinated, or people see the retarded shit going on there and choose not to go. Feminism is an American University thing, I'd avoid it too.

Nonsense generalizations with no basis in reality.
You shills feign integrity better when you restrict yourselves to buzzwords, but either way you come across with a myopic view which is a caricature of your own making... or you're regurgitating propaganda that you've ingested.

Not very thoughtful, to say the least.

Julian Assange interview explains it all my dudes:

they're the only people dumb enough to believe a word he says

They learn, just like white males

Stop being misogynistic and racist

Ayy Straya

But seriously, why answer and subjective question with gross generalizations?
Opinion =/= Fact
The logical fallacies here are through the roof.

He didn't make any argument. He accused that math majors have to take courses in nonsense politically charged courses when in fact they don't have to and if they do they are taking it under their own admission.

Engineers have to take courses on the effects of engineering on society. Those courses relate to the economics of engineering as well as environmental considerations.

They also have to take courses on communications as this is a skill essentially for engineering.

(Math majors don't need to).

Also, why the fuck are you irrationally hating on Arts degrees? Just because you don't like it doesn't mean they are worthless. Leave them alone.

English literature is a wonderful field. Some fields aren't as palatable but I'm some authoritarian faggot like you.

>Why do uneducated people love Trump?
because they are the working class who are not living off the government tit.

why is it a bad thing to have the support of the uneducated? why do the leftists/liberals/progressives, who claim to be the champion of the working man, use it as an insult?

>muh soginy! ray cisms!
Women and minorities have lower average IQs, but thanks to Affirmative Action they still find their way into college. The problem is that being in a college doesn't make you smarter in and of itself, so they go for low-requirement courses and get worthless degrees. I'm sorry, dirty Schlomo, but this is objective reality. Facts can't be "racist". As for your pic, already addressed here:

Because they view themselves as superior.

>truly retarded.
because a law degree or accounting really needs to have required courses like gender studies and womens issues?

modern college is 100% social engineering (indoctrination) and has been since the 80's at least.

Because fuck America.


being uneducated is one thing

being willfully ignorant is another issue.

i had someone ask me to explain to him why mathematics was so important in laymen terms.

he accepted he was uneducated in the field.

and i understood he was uneducated.

And so I tried my best to explain it. He wasn't satisfied with my answer completely but we kind of understood each other a little bit better.

But being uneducated is not an excuse for being ignorant and plain racist.

Complaining that Pajeet, Juan is taking """"our""" jobs, perpetuating racism etc.

Indeed. It was hell when I was at Uni in the '80s, but none of us would've ever imagined things would be as bad as they are now.

>i have no choice in my electives
>there no electives other than feminism 101 and african american history

stop making excuses.

The world needs ditch diggers too.

>Complaining that Pajeet, Juan is taking """"our""" jobs, perpetuating racism etc.

yeah but this is just a strawman, it would be like me dismissing the opinion of everyone voting democrat by saying they're just leeches sucking off the government teat, gibsmedats, etc.

You don't understand, goy. Loving the poor means using them as political pawns by bribing them with other people's money, and there's nothing more insulting than having your love and benevolence rejected. Why can't these deplorables see that it will be better for everyone if they just play along? Why can't they see that taking the bribe is in their best short-term interest? They cling to their stupid values and principles... Irredeemable. I know just what to do, though. We will churn out countless studies conducted by liberal sociology professors and funded by the establishment. Studies that show how contemptible those deplorables are. Nobody wants to be THAT guy. Especially not middle-class midwits. That'll stop Trump.

Being educated used to mean someone you could judge by his questions and not by his answers.

Unfortunately, it's in the opposite direction we are going into now.

>Why did uneducated people love Jesus and educated people hate him?
why did religious people fucking start the education system?

Most Hillary supporters I've met are uneducated minorities who are afraid the GOP will cut welfare and will just vote for any Dem no matter what.

why do cucks shill hillary so hard?
fuck off faggot

I'm not saying that all republicans are complaining that pajeet is taking jobs. I'm saying that some do and its not a strawman when there are literally pictures of them saying exactly that.

there are other resaons to vote republican other than racism but dont try to hide the fact that there are republicans who vote republican primarily for the fact that they are anti-immigrant even if the policies are not overtly prejudiced against immigrants.

I'm more educated about politics than any of my liberal friends.

I'm also more capable at handling tougher jobs.
I just don't want the college debt. Going to college for a job you already know how to do or can figure out yourself is a waste of time and money.

As I was saying... even in the '80s;
Freshman year second semester English Lit was a course in Marxism. My American History professor sang the praises of Marxism while bashing America. I could go on, but I don't think you get it. They've been indoctrination centers since I can remember. My brother and sister both swallowed what they were serving and have never recovered.