The Flash and LOT: Live Thread-Talkback

The Infamous Girls Night Out:

>THE FLASH 4.05 “Girls Night Out”: Having received an ominous threat from her old boss, Amunet (guest star Katee Sackhoff), Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker) fears that her past time as Killer Frost may be back to haunt her. Felicity (guest star Emily Bett Rickards) comes to Central City to help the girls celebrate Iris’s (Candice Patton) bachelorette party, while Cisco (Carlos Valdes), Joe (Jesse L. Martin) and the guys take Barry out for a night on the town. Laura Belsey directed the episode written by Lauren Certo & Kristen Kim.

Based Patty Edition -

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Starting the thread a little early edition, need to do a little cooking but come in and enjoy, and we get ready to watch the only night that is actually enjoyable on CW.

Also starting us off with the usual.

Rum and OJ/stuffed burgers tonight.

Lend me your voices And your rears!

But really just like food and stuff.

did you forget daylight savings time ended?

Who wants this shit?

>Felicity (guest star Emily Bett Rickards) comes to Central City
oh look at that I have last night's episode of Lucifer to watch see you guys for vampires


Nobody wants felicity. But I'll tame drunk barry

Say hello to Mallus


That was supposed to say take not tame

>THE FLASH 4.05 “Girls Night Out”: Having received an ominous threat from her old boss, Amunet (guest star Katee Sackhoff), Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker) fears that her past time as Killer Frost may be back to haunt her. Felicity (guest star Emily Bett Rickards) comes to Central City to help the girls celebrate Iris’s (Candice Patton) bachelorette party, while Cisco (Carlos Valdes), Joe (Jesse L. Martin) and the guys take Barry out for a night on the town. Laura Belsey directed the episode written by Lauren Certo & Kristen Kim.

this sounds fucking terrible

The fuck is a Mallus? Seriously, I'm not about to read 59 years of comics to find out what one guy is.

Welp, glad I'm not watching this shit.

>Laura Belsey directed the episode written by Lauren Certo & Kristen Kim.
hashtag feminism

I'm glad I made this decision if only to get early bitching out of the way

Say Hello to Brainiac-5
Seems like an OC

Is It on already?

not for another hour

45 mins, I am making food though so I figured I'd get a head start on the bitchfest. Hopefully we can hatewatch together once my food is done.

Spent all day playing HZD:FW, forgot about flash. Going to see th or 3 at 7...

What time period are the legends fucking up tonight?

Victorian England, they're going vampire hunting.

Well at very least we could possibly get the death we've all so been longing for. Even if it happened accidentally, it would make this best episode to ever air, ever.

she can't die she has to marry OLIBUR and become THE BESTEST MOTHER FOR WILLIAM EVAR

>John Noble

Fuck yes, I love his work on Sleepy Hollow and Fringe

fuuuuuuck glad I already dropped Supergirl

Anything I may need to know about the status quo of Arrow since Failedthiscity is showing up? Haven't been watching it this season.

Nice job including the links, OP.

Just ate some tacos.


I'm actually kind of curious how they're going to get barry drunk after they went out of their way, multiple times to show how hard it is to get him drunk.


Nah, you can completely ignore that void in space. Along with anything Arrow related.

I'm gonna go see Thor:Ragnarok again and just watch LoT tomorrow, no fucking way am I sitting through what will inevitably just become this
>Felicity: "i can't wait until Oliver and I get married"
>Other girls: awww u guys so cute together ur the best at everything Felicity
>Iris: Felicity, you and Oliver should just totally get married with us, we'll do a double ceremony because you're that important and I'm totally fine with you overshadowing my special day. You and Oliver getting married is a much bigger deal than Barry and I getting married because you are so much better and stronger than anyone else we know.
>Felicity: that's a great idea Iris, I'll just call Ollie now and whine " but Olibur" until he caves and says yes, that always works

She's dating Ollie again, because WILLIAM NEEDS A MOM

Ollie is still mayor, but is wanted by the FBI because he's the Green Arrow, but he's cleverly dodging that by making Digg into Green Arrow, and no one will notice his deep tan and new love of crossbows.

Big things that Felicity will probably mention: Oliver isn't the Green Arrow anymore (he's still on the show, obvs.); Diggle is the GA. Felicity is making a startup with Curtis/Terrific; a person that Felicity helped for her hacker group last season is one of the main villains in this season of Arrow. Thea is in a coma after Lian Yu explosion in the last season's finale. Evil Laurel from Earth-2 is back in a major way on Arrow, so Iris+Caitlin might feel a bit guilty for playing a role.

That's basically it in terms of big stuff.

got me a patty melt and root beer from whataburger

He was being facetious, user.

Beer and a couple of gas station donuts I'm sure will be underwhelming.

No I wasn't. I didn't want to have to stop and ask for an explanation in the middle of the episode.

"My name is Oliver Queen and I'm totally not the Green Arrow" was already beaten to death seasons ago. At least Flash stopped using their dead horse of "evil speedster" bad guys

>Felicity (guest star Emily Bett Rickards) comes to Central City
Oh boy. Now I get to hear everyone in The Flash talk about how amazing Felicity is and have Felicity be a better hero than all of them. For Joy.

>Jinxing us like that

We'll find out The Thinker is secretly an evil speedster now

15? people on an island that blows up and only person who died was Felicity's competition whoda thunk that would happen

well I guess he's an evil speed thinker


So I hear Michael Emerson is on Arrow now should I start watching?

It's back to season 4 """""quality"""""

Quick, post snacks!

Dammit, you win me at it!

Popeye's Chicken.

Definitely not.

do you hate yourself but love Felicity?


If you want to she him play and evil version of who he played on Person of Interest then maybe.

It's okay user, I started the thread so I had an unfair advantage

>"My name is Oliver Queen and I'm totally not the Green Arrow"

Nah, it's a bit different this season. Oliver is trying to put his son first, who genuinely hates the thought of losing another his parents since his mom already died, so at least for the time being Oliver has fully stepped down from being the Green Arrow.

Five minutes till the hate pours through YOU

Lets go lads, we need a drinking game because its going to get bad

Drink everytime Barry uses his powers during party time.

No plans for snacks at the moment, but I'm thinking of fixing a hot toddy around the beginning of Legends.

drink everytime Felicity is annoying

This isn't Flash related at all, save for that it's the lead in on the station I'm watching it on, but The Goldbergs is a pretty decently not shit sitcom. I welcome that in background noise I'm mostly ignoring while a show I care about comes on.

So much fucking Big Bang Theory....

Am I finally getting the Felicity and Friends season I always wanted?! I know they were talking about at the end of season 4 with making her mother and father regulars but for some unknown reason it didn't happen

We may be dead after this game, but I salute you for trying. I might need my liver after this.

This might be better but not enough.


I don't feel like getting that drunk tonight.


>it's a felicity episode
i don't think this semen slurping show is for me

I still miss Barry's Beard.


>This is how Barry ends up drunk


Raw potatoes


>felicity shows up for 2 seconds
>already berating people

>Felicity criticizing their security
You black ass pot.

Meatball Calzones.


>taking shots at their security
I guess she's not all bad.

There goes the episode.

Because that's security bro

I predict an episode where Cisco streamlines and upgrades their security and it goes haywire/gets hacked by Devoe and they have to spend an episode beating it

Ralph is a worthy addition to the cast.

>More shade tossed at STARLabs security.

Next week, Felicity shows up to ruin LoT and Supergirl.

HAHA how hilarious and original it's not like they made that joke just last week or anything

...does Iris have no female friends of her own?

Felicity already ruined the episode. Absolutely astounding levels of awful. I'm not even mad, just impressed.

I am home for once to live thread for Flash and Legends(since it moved to today), fuck yeah.


>felicity episode also shills ladyWho


Did they just make fun or or affirm the new Doctor Who direction?

>hashtag feminism

That user warned me but I was too drunk to understand

I am sorry brah you were right

Oh also, I kind of want Barry to have to fight an evil baby now.

What Supervillain Babies does DC have?

>Ever since he became a lady I am

Hashtag women were a mistake


>the total lack of irony of a feminist not being a fan of something until it panders to her


>You a Doctor Who fan?
>Ever since he became a woman I am #feminism
It's shit

>finally home to catch the flash talkback

>felicity episode

user, i am so sorry.

>Before barry became an evil speedster

>Bringing up NuWho
Is this episode TRYING to make me put a gun in my mouth?


You have shit taste my dude.

Ralph Crashing the party.

>Dibny crashes the party


>they even throw in napkins