To those of you not living in US and seeing all these threads, what do you make of it? Is it funny? Scary?
US election
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It's magnificent!
I mean, yeah, it's scripted and the jews producing it but it's not everyday you see a continent-wide reality show.
Well done.
Very entertaining. You guys know how to entertain people. A new level each 4 years. I'm very impressed by the level of this one. Hollywood at its finest.
quite funny desu.
i want trump to win even though i dont really care in the slightest about america,
It's both entertaining and worrisome, especially considering you have the power to cuck the entire world and Killary is possibly the most corrupt politician that has ever lived.
I've been loving it for the past year but these past few weeks I've been a nervous wreck. I don't want you burgers to know what it's like with trudeau, so if Trump wins I'll be happy and relax. If hillary wins I'm going to Toronto and break the high score.
America never fails to entertain.
We're throwing a party in the office on Wednesday afternoon to celebrate the end of this bullshit.
yeah I'm probably buying a gun tomorrow
This election will go down as the biggest shit show in US history.
no doubt
Terrifying with a hint of hilarity.
Had a nightmare Clinton won. Going to see it happen for real.
American politics are all smoke and mirrors. I have a feeling Trump will win but I have a feeling that this election has already been planned and organized from the beginning
It helps weed out whore jounalists and (((newspapers)))
It opened some eyes too on media manipulations.
Not much.
what exactly about it is terrifying for you? Globalists tighter grip in power? WW3?
I'm nervous. I want Trump to win so bad.
Trump made this election so enjoyable, it was a fun ride.
Please descend into chaos and civil war. Will be so /comfy/ watching my pollack bros BTFO leftists from my room.
Make sure Hillary doesn't win, yanks.
Scary. Clinton will castrate our privacy rights. Trump doesn't know Shit about "cyber".
Its like im watching rocky fucking 2 on cocaine, its amazing
pretty great bantz
Both, I'm laughing my ass off with all the tinfoil and crazy theories, but I'm terrified of the future if we don't take HRC down
Very entertaining, and not scary at all, as I'm convinced Trump is gonna win.
>what do you make of it
The US is a collective of scum of the earth and mentally ill people
Basically you all have guns and nobody has shot hillary yet ( or trump for that matter )
The fuck are you doing.
If HRC wins, my country will go down the shittiest route possible and there will probably be a huge war.
If Trump wins, maybe we can transition into something better, without spilling blood of millions in another stupid war.
I also don't want to immigrate, at least right now, but i will be forced to, if HRC wins.
May the ambassador Kot help us all.
It's hilarious stuff. An election conducted like a reality show. Even funnier because Americans always tell us (with grave seriousness) how great their democracy is.
I'm pretty sure too. Not trying to have us nuke the fuck out of eachother
I think they're saving those guns for when the jackboots triy to confiscate their property and assets in the name of the soviet socialist state.
something nogun australiafags envy, aint it?
also this
you burgers better not fuck this up or the whole world is gonna get reamed by that crazy cunt
I wish I could hop the border to vote for Trump
No war, my fellow man, may the odds be in our favor this election.
They have the guns as self-defence. They're waiting for the other side to make the first move.
fists and knives are good enough 4 me
It's depressing.
Especially considering what's in the menu for all of us in the years to come.
This. Entertaining as fuck.
SCARRRY!!!! First act of war disrupt communications Sup Forums, twitter up then down, 502 bad gateway on wikileaks and anonymous surfing damn those UN run icaan dns servers
>inb4 slav white
Honestly, I doubt a big war with Russia would happen with Clinton. I don't think she wants to experience nuclear fire first-hand, or go down in what remains of human history as the worst president the destroyed nation ever had. Also, there are checks and balances of some sort to prevent an insane president from starting a nuclear war. Still, the idea of Clinton in charge of foreign policy is not a pleasant one to consider.
This, though I've always been skeptical of the media this time around they were transparently shilling and manipulating for one side both in my country and the global media like Economist, Guardian ect.
I'm just in it for the Jeb memes
I want this election to be over because everything non-related to US politics is called "CTR sliding hurr"
pretty much. There's gonna be riots regardless of outcome. More worried about the left with Trump elected
You are without a doubt a stupid motherfucker. She wants a no fly zone in Syria. She has stated this in every debate, and in interviews. She refuses to answer the immediate question of whether or not she is prepared to shoot down a Russian jet to enforce this. She blames and publicly shames Russia for everything wrong with her campaign.
There is 0% chance she will have good diplomacy with Russia. You must be an insanely stupid, bumbling knuckledragger not to see this.
Anyone have any good caps?
Morbid curiosity and interest.
Come on, Americans. Be the good guys again. Don't fail the world, or else we'll have to be the good guys. And when we try that usually a lot of people die.
>that has ever lived
That's an exaggeration for sure, but she is corrupt
>Take a moment to realise that the media was proven to be controlled by her campaign management and NOONE BATTED A FUCKING EYE. THIS IS THE WORLD WE LIVE IN. IF YOU AREN'T THE MEDIA NOONE CAN HEAR YOU SCREAM
You obviously live in the city if you don't have a gun
>That's an exaggeration for sure
Is it though?
The us election is always a circus, but this one is incredible.
Its like every twist you could hope happened
With Trump in we can both be the good guys
I've been following it closely
It's been the best fucking year of my life
Better than any TV show or movie, both hilarious and terrifying, 10/10
WW3 soon tho
hey want to bang i lke boogers
yeh. come into the city with your pea shooter farm boy see what happens.
the worst thing about US election and emails, I see it in AUS and BRITISH GOV even the rituals
local mainstream media portrays Trump as some evil person. I mean, literal bias.
> Honestly, I doubt a big war with Russia would happen with Clinton.
Oh, no, i don't think so either.
> I don't think she wants to experience nuclear fire first-hand, or go down in what remains of human history as the worst president the destroyed nation ever had. Also, there are checks and balances of some sort to prevent an insane president from starting a nuclear war.
MAD concept still holds true.
> Still, the idea of Clinton in charge of foreign policy is not a pleasant one to consider.
This. There is a vile thing going on in Russia. Pseudo-traditionalists are pushing their agenda, while covering their vices under the "For the glory of mother Russia" blanket.
Anything goes. Cut almost non-existent social spending? Done. Cut education and healthcare budget, to make it almost non-survivable for our education? Done!
While screaming their lungs off, praising Putin and his government.
Those people would LOVE to see HRC as the president. They will get easier access for their children/relatives to western countries and financial institutes, while making every insane law look plausible ("Look what HRC and US wants to do to our country! You must endure our endless scrutiny and corruption, otherwise you all die in hands of those crazy burgers!")
I love my country, but i'm not trying to be a hypocrite and i see it's flaws. Current government is unstable, incompetent and reactionary. They wont do anything out of their own agenda, aside from stealing from ever-fading state budget and silencing every one who opposes them.
If Trump wins and openly addresses current issues between our countries (Crimea, international trade deals, sanctions, ""War"" in the eastern Ukraine, Syria, Spacecraft deals, etc.) this will give progressive block in our government a HUGE leverage.
It's funny how "regressive-right-wing" candidate is actually a best hope for "progressive" people in Russia.
>Farmer unleashes his emu army onto the city slickers
>bogans capitulate and beg the UN for help within a couple of days
You should be posting reasonable arguments for voting Trump on every format you can, every board here you can. Do not come across as angry or crazy, provide sources and post with informative images on Clinton corruption and Trump justice. Especially do all you can do dispel the image that Trump is racist or sexist.
If all else fails, advocate voting Stein. Either way, talk shit on the establishment and the occult/pedo/warmonger nature of Killary and tell shills to justify their points so you can soundly refute them.
We have to stand stalwart against their enemies until they are able to see reason for themselves. Godspeed, for the next 24 hours we are all American.
Of course I know she would have conflict with Russia, but what I'm doubting is that the conflict would actually go hot. There is no path in such a conflict that actually benefits Clinton or her ilk. A total nuclear war is obviously not a win. A limited conventional engagement in which Russia gets hit in Syria or even kicked out of Syria means there would be millions of angry Russians who would spend their entire lives resentfully trying to fuck the US over. And they would be living in a nuclear superpower state. I don't think this scenario benefits the US foreign policy elite either.
But of course, the foreign policy elite might be extremely stupid and overconfident or even insane. I don't think they are that stupid, but I agree that it's a non-zero possibility.
I'm just doing a cost-benefit analysis. Can Russia make such a war too expensive for it to be worthwhile to the US foreign policy planners? Yes, I think it can.
But if I'm wrong, well, it would be a good idea to brush up on nuclear war survival techniques.
Hillary and Bill entered politics at best middle class, and no elected position all the way up to President pay more than a upper-middle class income. They're now among the richest people on Earth, worth 100s of millions. Hillary will parlay being the "first woman president" into millions more.
Regarding total cash value, they may end up the most corrupt in American history. That said, yeah, they got nothing on corrupt third world despots. Depends on if "politician" includes those in non-democratic countries.
i'm aussie so naturally i judge the progress of humanity by bantz first and foremost and i have to say that the the bant factor has been even higher this year than the year Obama first got in.
say what you will about the burger circus but no country gives us more raw material to work with.
Someones mad their ancestors were too poor to take the boat ride to plunder an entire Shitskin continent
Absolutely hilarious, it's a reality TV show at this point
>plunders a shitskinned continent
>wastes all his wealth trying to conquer the world
>currently a debt ridden poorfag hole losing everything they've strived for since ww2.
a fool and his wealth are quickly separated
Here in Germoney "kot" means feces, so cats are literally shit.
Funny. Kinda fun to see all these autistic weaboos crying.
Donald better win motherfuckers. MAGA!
Scary. The thought of Clinton winning fills me with dread.
It's always that way. The West goes in and tries to shape some country's politics, and all it does is make all that country's liberals seem like traitors and give the country's government and crazy nationalists an excuse to crack down on them. Every fucking time. Which is why the whole argument the US government makes for its humanitarian interventions is idiotic - all this meddling and NATO-expanding, etc. just fucks the actual liberal, progressive people in other countries.
I am Russian myself by birth, but a US citizen since I was a kid. It concerns me what is happening between the two nations.
I agree Trump would be better for US-Russia relations. That said, I can't support Trump wholeheartedly because he's an authoritarian dumbass. Clinton and Trump are both authoritarians, just of two different kinds.
funny that americans think it will make any difference. its just entertainment. also going to be really funny when trump loses and all his fanboys melt down. cant wait til election results come in to see the tears of rage haha
I feel concerned. The feeling of hillary getting elected is like a punch in the face that says "Now the chance for change is gone forever."
the united states is possibly about to elect a known criminal who takes money from the same people who have funded isis
sounds pretty scary to me
On the edge of my seat hoping for MAGA
Here's how it works out
>Hillary wins,but there is major dissent against her.
>false flag cyber attack blamed on Russia.
>oy vey, it's another 9/11! Time to kick ass and chew bubble gum. AMERICA FUCK YER!
>War were declared.
>The world as we know it is battered and crippled, but the (((global elite))) were already in their hidden bunkers before the false flag.
>in the name of unity and cooperation towards building a better tomorrow, the remnants of each nation are pulled together into unions and eventually merge into a singular Super state.
>all who oppose this merger are demonized by being labeled as racist Russian agents.
>all misfortunes are blamed on Russia, and the population is conditioned to conduct witch hunts for these "Russian agents" at a young age in a manner similar to the young spies in 1984.
>if Russia even still exists, it will be "liberated" by the combined might of the rest of the world.
>Putin's likeness will persist as a bogeyman for the foreseeable future.
Don't let Clinton win, man.
It'll be the blood jewel to finish her crown of bone.
It's hilarious. Everyone's overreacting
How much land do you own Polandbro?
The election is merely the opening act in the clownshow that is American politics. The best is yet to come.
It doesn't matter which of these creatures is elected. Whichever one of them wins, we lose. Either way, it will be a total war to the knife between them and their supporters.
this is a realistic estimate, although i doubt it will happen now
A lot
And I would have owned a lot in the US if my great witch grandmother hadnt foretold that one day the USA would collapse just like the USSR did.
We dont like to make shitty investments. :^)
Extremely entertaining, as in laugh out loud funny.
I've never seen a spectacle as amazing as this election cycle.
My hope is that even the global elite value living in a world with fresh air that's not radiated, and all the other good things that come with not living in the aftermath of a nuclear war. I mean, you can build some really nice bunkers with all that elitist money, but at the end of the day they would still be shitty bunkers.
its like they forgot that a literal nigger beat a rich white boss business man last election cycle lmao
ofc the woman is going to win
Guys, all I can say is this. After all of this work, all of this buildup...after all of our blood, sweat, and tears, we've invested a lot.
And if we don't get fucking Trump in office, if that Sythian witch harpy of a woman sits her ass in that chair, we are never -ever- going to hear the end of it.
'Shart in Mart' and 'Ameriburger' will be taunts of the past.
Australia and every single other country, even countries not associated with shitposting, are going to shitpost us in to eternal OBLIVION if this doesn't work out. We will Never. Ever. Hear. The End.
It'll be like how we slap India around for shitting in their streets but WAY, WAY worse. There will be nowhere for us.
Donald Trump, 2016.
Regardless of who wins office, its abhorrent how people band to one party and and can see no error thereafter.
Trump obliterated that, demonstrating he was anti establishment when even the GOP made a run against him.
But what is really disconcerting is how willing the left is to dismiss any wrong doing of Hillary and refuse to acknowledge the unprecedented and flagrant media bias against Trump.
They never seem to need or want evidence about any accusation made against him, yet in the same turn refute all evidence against Clinton.
great moment
Looking at South Korea and Thailand, suddenly all this isn't satire anymore. Vietnam was close to becoming a puppet state for populace experimentation just like those cuck nations.
I'm convinced that the US election is the centerpiece for movements around the world, therefore Donald Trump better fucking win.
they need something catrastophic to convince people to come together
the new world will rise from the ashes of the old
it doesnt even seem farfetched anymore
We just want to marry your women and share lols.
Fuck that we live in a "free world" where the people of Russia and the people of the US have no problems with each other, yet their governments want to fight.
Keep fantasizing, cousin.
USA is too big and isolated to collapse