What the fuck

What the fuck.

Other urls found in this thread:


this was decided 8 years ago



they make them for trump too

its like super bowl t-shirts

gotta be ready

lmao someone post the pic

I haven't seen the Trump version yet

because nobody has taken a pic and leaked it yet

Newspapers do the same thing, I'm sure there's an alternate for a Trump victory

This is the ultimate proof the election is rigged

BTW, they didn't make a Trump version.

"check the date"
>posts tiny shit image


Yes they make both but they wouldn't send out both to bookstores or other retailers weeks ahead of time. And why has nobody seen the Trump one. Fuck off CTR

Hillary stepped down back in '08 because Obama promised her that she will win in 8 years


They have to sell the right away dumbass, the person taking the picture has an agenda like everyone else


Yup. This is all rigged.

>I'm sure there's a Trump cover.
>>He never had a chance anyway.
>>>I'm sure there's a Trump cover.
>>>>He never had a chance anyway.
>>>>>I'm sure there's a Trump cover.
>>>>>>Where is your frog god now?
>>>>>He never had a chance anyway.
>>>>I'm sure there's a Trump cover.
>>>He never had a chance anyway.
>>I'm sure there's a Trump cover.
>He never had a chance anyway.

This seems familiar

Get a copy of that to Trump!

Fake. For the 42,328,283,427,117th time

That's one of those weird captcha skin vehicles that make it hard to photograph

It is "The beast" 2.0, makes me assume Obama will still be potus.

