Why are the Chinese so subhuman?

Why are the Chinese so subhuman?

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Because of the destruction of their culture and traditions at the hands of Marxists and Communists. After a few decades, with no goal to look towards, they turn their heads toward capitalism and thus become greedy jews, while the less fortunate become wagecucks and work long, hard hours for chump change. It eventually breaks them and turns them into soulless robots who show no empathy to anyone, even to other Chinese.
tldr; a shitty, authoritarian society turns you into a unsympathetic, soulless person who doesn't give a fuck about anything anymore and acts like an asshole 24/7.

This is a good theory, but there is biological differences as well. Chinks temporal lobes are less pronounced. Temporal lobes obviously have to do with time, but also empathy and music interpretation.

Niggers lack frontal lobes.

All of this is comapred to whites brains. A not so strange coincidence, einstein had large temporal lobe and frontal lobe.

Well yeah. Biological and environmental factors both influence and mold a human being. You have to be a moron to think only one of those decides how someone behaves or acts. Genes that determine race, iq, and other features (Biological) and experiences in life such as the school or level of education someone went though and the people they hung around with: all of these make up a person.

>thousands of years of inbreeding will do that to you.



Einstein was a kike who stole other peoples work while he was in a patent office

if we're so subhuman than why do we have higher IQs on average

He means subhuman in the way Chinese act, not as a category for people with low IQ.
Try to catch up Chang.

Chinese people are uniquely adapted to the social and economic pressures of 21st century society

>Australian flag

wait what was


full of shit you mean
or were you referring to your women being full of Asian sperm?

We keep farm animals in boxes so small they can't even lie down properly. Fill cows full of hormones so they produce milk nonstop.

Everybody is an asshole to animals. That's just how the world works. I feel bad for the turtles but it's naive to excuse our own history and continued abuse of animals.

It is funny how little regard they have for their fellow countrymen though. Except for when it's some poor child, then it's just depressing.


rapid modernization and an extreme disregard for all forms of life

essential ooga booga spirit family cultists with slightly better technology

I wonder how many "Canadians" will come to defend the chinks.

OP just mad he will never date this

Yes, that is why they defecate in open areas, run over Chinese people on purpose with the intent of killing them, choking on smog, ignore rules and customs while vacationing in other countries, pollute your rivers, abort their kids when they are female, harsh and brutal treatment of dogs and cats in order to make the meat tastier, etc.
I honestly feel sorry for them instead of hating them like a good portion of Sup Forums does, but there is no denying that there is something wrong with the Han Chinese recently. To say otherwise is to be dishonest.

Calling chinese subhumanes when most of youprobably still eat meat and chicken periods

You mean shit they stood for and still do? You realize that Chinese people enjoy it, right?

They are basically ants.

>stood for and still do
>enjoy it
Specifics please. What did they stood for and what do they enjoy?

chinks aren't even humans

maybe OP isn't a low standard rice dipping pleb like you

Lack of empathy
This is a genetic trait

Bullshit. The chinks have been soulless and barbaric since the first one of those slanty-eyed fucks crawled out of the ground. If I had the choice, I would gas every single one of those bastards out of existence. They are a disgusting plague and a pathetic excuse for humans.
>Everybody is an asshole to animals. That's just how the world works. I feel bad for the turtles but it's naive to excuse our own history and continued abuse of animals.
I guarantee that most people here would recoil at seeing the conditions in factory farms. Meanwhile, in chinktopia, turtles sealed in plastic are sold as fucking status symbols and charms to vapid whores and mindless drones. These are the same fuckers who spent decades trying to keep fish alive during cooking to 'symbolize dualist principles.' The chinks are savage--they are devoid of empathy, they are devoid of decency, and they are devoid of value. Period. Fuck chinks.

That's rich, since Chinese people love chicken periods boiled in the urine of little boys. Go ahead, look it up.

Enjoy your malnutrition, you pretentious, flatulent veggiefaggot.

They're not derivative of Greco-Roman/European culture.

>>The chinks have been soulless and barbaric since the first one of those slanty-eyed fucks crawled out of the ground.
Do you have any sources to validate that statement? Did a chink rape your relative or something? Also ow that edge.

Don't lie to yourself mate.

They never experienced the Hellenist experience. They lack inquiry in morality, ethics or secular politics. After colonization forced a skewed experience of the western ideology they desperately adopted a failed socialist ideology. Now they're trying to become more western but some western cultural traits are still lacking.




My favorite meme by far, carnie cucks are an endless supply of entertainment. It's a shame they're dying out.

Non-Chinese Asians do pretty well when it comes to empathy and music interpretation so I guess the genetics theory doesn't make much sense

This is the only real answer

Hey guys everybody look at me I'm a vegan!!!!! Literally no-one cares

Look up chink proverbs. They've been the epitome of self-centered pricks since the beginning of time. And no, they have not harmed me personally in any way--not that I could possibly hate this filth any more than I already do.

>Niggers lack frontal lobes.
[citation needed]

wonder how she looks without that makeup caked on

oh just another butt ugly asian.

Little does he know a lot of Chinese males in the west are actually pretty beta.
A lot of them are also very insecure it seems. Fucking sad as hell.
This seems pretty accurate as well. Especially the part about morality and ethics as well as the socialist aspect.
Thanks, I try. Also checked.
>chink proverbs
lmao what? They are somehow self-centered pricks for writing proverbs? What is your specific beef with them? You honestly cannot hate them this fucking much just because they wrote wisdom on scrolls of paper. Otherwise, that's pretty sad.

You just posted one in green text. What are you retarded?

>dying out

Kek, you trendwhores are dying in the crib. From . . . What's that? Malnutrition.


Eat a burger. You might think of something else to talk about by the time you're done.

I believe he's saying that some of the proverbs are self centred and cruel, not that the fact that the Chinese wrote proverbs was self-centred and narcissistic. Engrish-comprehension, Chinaman?


Reminder that is wrong.

Take, for example, the shithole of Russia--under some type of authoritarian rule for a thousand years straight, and yet there are plenty of people there who still have an ounce of decency in them. Do I debate that many were crushed by authoritarianism? No. But they survived it. They survived it because they had something to keep them going--they had morals.
The chinks never had that, and they never will.

In what way were the proverbs were self centered and cruel? Also, if I was a chink I would probably shoot myself; I don't want to be associated with an ethnic group that are literal beta cucks and won't start a revolution to save their sorry yellow asses.
Now I feel like you are just shitposting.
>they had morals
oh i am laffin really hard

Dostojewski, Tolstoy, Solschenizyn, never heard of em, eh?

I want a Jeb keychain...

str8 trash I want them all gone from my country.

>T.Hongcouver resident

You have to be a special kind of brainwashed faggot to think that chinks have any capacity for morality. And fuck you, Slavs have actual culture that isn't based off of constantly grinning while fucking over everyone around you. The Russian Orthodox church, however battered, still exists and there are still faithful, kind people in the depressed landscape of Russia. Meanwhile, I challenge you to find ONE chink out of 1.3 billion redundant drones who actually has a conscience, let alone is willing to do something with it. The Chinese are a cosmic joke.

So three Russian philosophers ultimately means Russians are moral/decent?
Also, when are you going to get off your ass and save Germany from the third world horde, Hans?

Although I agree with you on essentially everything else, Chinks do have an "actual" culture.

lol really edgy rant
Did a chink eat your dog or buy property you couldn't afford or something? Kek

Three significant ones from the top of my head in a few seconds, there are more. People like that don't appear out of nothing, they need the right environment to thrive.

Key point:
>that isn't based off of constantly grinning while fucking over everyone around you.

It's incredible, really; everything they do just revolves around face and social standing.

Because they look like insects. You simply can't be a gook, look in the mirror and value your own life a lot, or others.

It's really a huge advantage when it comes to work. What else is there to live for except money?

Nah, bud, chinks are just a scourge to be wiped out.

That's irrelevant, their only contribution is that they started it.

are those jebs turtles?

Actually if you know anything, Chinese people are more content with bowing to authority than chasing it

>1.3 billion
You know there are other chinks in the world right, you know, the diaspora chinks who hadn't lived under the repressive government of Mao. Do you hate them too? Are Taiwanese and Hong Kong chinks devoid of conscience as well?
Yeah, it relocated to Taiwan after the Commies won. Modern Mainland Chinese "culture" is being greedy kikes and ripping off everyone. It is also being dishonest and backstabbing others.
>right environment
That's what I'm saying, the Chinese never had a good environment to become notable and famous; China was also authoritarian to some degree although Communism took it too far.
And that's the consequence of Capitalism without any other outlet; you only care about money.


it fucks up the best of peoples

I always wonder why pol doesn't feel this kind of fervor towards blacks or Muslims, lol. I'm Hispanic but don't have a problem with based chinks here, maybe you white boys should hop off the chinamans dick since you're scared they're taking over shit or smth
I mean come on, even I can see how threatened you sound lmao

Meant to say China was always authoritarian to some degree. They really love sucking the authorities dick; this could be the fault of taking filial piety too far as well.
Yep. Never again.

capitalism is equally subversive

Because the farmers revolted and the educated Chinese fled to Taiwan, where real China now is. This is wjat happens when you still have a country run by the spawn of peasants who still think like human garbage. Don't get me started.
T. Fluent in Mandarin, worked there for 3 years.

Canada does not use hormones you fuck stick. And we have alot free range. Go like in chink land if you think it's go great.

Yeah this

>Modern Mainland Chinese "culture" is being greedy kikes and ripping off everyone. It is also being dishonest and backstabbing others.
What about non-urbanised mainland China, has it managed to maintain any semblance of traditional Chinese culture, or was it destroyed during the Communism era?

My chinese friends want to go crabbing.
They intend to steam the crabs alive to cook them, not even boil, which is inhumane enough, but a nice slow steam in presumably a rice cooker.
Made me question whether they have souls.

>Niggers lack frontal lobes.

I think you dun goofed on that one fag

>worked there for 3 years
Holy shit that must have sucked.
On a side note, basically this as well. The communists hated what they called the "four olds" and wanted them completely destroyed, thats why a lot of intellectuals eventually fled China to Taiwan because it got so bad.
Lmao they are even worse. Backwards as peasants (nong). They aren't smart and are basically yellow abos. I don't know much about culture in the rural areas but it's safe to assume it was also hunted down and destroyed. You want to learn about traditional chink culture, go to Taiwan.
Are they native or are they from China?

get the fuck out of my country you CUNT

Let me tell you about subhumans

her pussy is a wild bush, and shesntoo "decent" to shave her armpit hair or legs. Her breath has an 80% chance of smelling like decayed food and vinegar.

yes but it doesnt usually turn great peoples into savage tier shit

my pic related is about Alberta our neighbours to the east who ended up with a commie government. We used to love albertans theyd come vacation drink beers and have fun but now they come theyre homeless addicted to drugs they rape and stab unprovoked. they were a great mostly white conservative tier hardworking prairie people until the communists ruined them started flooding them with muslims wrecking the economy putting shit in their water destroying jobs its not even been a year of them having communists in power and they look like theyre irreversibly fucked and these are only "democratic communists"

communism: never not even fucking once medieval style feudalism is less fucked

>le IQ meme
hmm I wasn't aware that China = Beijing + Shanghai

Communism and Capitalism (Usually extreme or state capitalism) are both bad in different ways. There is no perfect system, although objectively Capitalism has proven to be better of the two because people didn't starve as much.

Given they are so grossly overpopulated and ugly it's physically impossible for them to have any other outlet.

I'm no expert but apparently the Chinese government is pretty scared of a revolution if they don't keep up with the economic growth.

If we in the west had a crash we'd probably just enjoy our lives a bit more and take it easier.

>if we're so subhuman than why do we have higher IQs on average

You really are subhuman, don't carry on with your IQ either, only the intelligent zipperheads are allowed to move to western countries, therefore putting your IQ up. Also kek at trusting any statistics china puts out, you can't help but cheat at everything you inferior little gooks do

From China

>chinks are subhumans! Fucking arabs and jews are ruining our superior white culture

>My people have a higher IQ than you
>That's why I'm living in your superior society

>Taiwan, where real China now is

literally the true chinese government and culture is there as well as a few holdout communities of nationalists and "old chinese" in north america.

i wish they could take the mainland again but it seems ever more unlikely

if they are really your mates and not just some blokes you know, you should mention to them that the unnecessary cruelty and that they should fuck off back to china if they want to cook things alive. do it even if theyre not your mates

that's why you're unable to stop us from taking over, you fucking leaf

Every. Fucking. Time.
Yep, China loves skewing their statistics when it comes to IQ; they just test the smartest and put their results on the paper. Chink students in universities also cheat a lot. A lot of them really aren't smart, they are average at best.
It's going to happen at some point, like it ALWAYS DOES. I would be very surprised if the chinks cuck and don't lynch Commies and their supporters.
I wish so too but that is very much impossible. Maybe they will provide military and logistical support to the rebels when the civil war comes in China.
This. Civilize in western countries or get deported. This goes for anyone.

>a few holdout communities of nationalists and "old chinese" in north america.
You mean submissive and mixed with jews to the brim?


however most capitalist states have not attacked the very culture of the nation the way communsits do.

when peoples values and culture are banned they usually dont recover and are permanently fucked or at least take a few generations after communism to fix themselves

They truly are revolting, disgusting people. Ugly, bad mannered, with sick practices. Making cooking oil out of sewage and eating infants says enough about them. Their whole country should be scoured so more deserving people can take their place.

what's with you cunts and Jews holy fucking shit
the Chinese communities on the west coast of the US are some of the most insular and traditional in the entire country


>breeding out other populations is thanks to intelligence

wow I guess we were wrong about niggers and shitskins all along

>what's with you cunts and Jews holy fucking shit

>that's why you're unable to stop us from taking over, you fucking leaf

Listen to yourself you truly are yellow kikes, unable to create your own successful society you have to latch on to other people's hard work.

Exactly. I'm just saying Capitalism with no culture in the host nation is bad. It only makes people who obsess over becoming millionaires, aka modern China.
Too fucking right. Replace them with the Chinese in Taiwan or Hong Kong. Hell, even Japan would make a fine replacement.
>west coast
>most traditional
Not with the new FOB rich chinks buying up everything. They really have to go back. Only the ones in red states are traditional.
k e k

again communsim

there are many genetically chinese people here that are born here speak only english etc and they are vurtually indistinguishable in action from the "whites"

meanwhile most of the new arrivals are shit

the only really good recent chinese immigrants are the ones from Hong Kong while it was still british and from Taiwan.

we're not breeding out other populations, only fucking peasants on the mainland have 5 kids each
we're just better than you, deal with it

Western women are getting dogs so they have something to fuck. If you date a girl and she has a big dog you're not the only thing going in her pussy, ass and mouth.

>we're just better than you, deal with it

I agree with you. Recent chinks are shitting up everything and our government won't do anything to restrict them from buying our shit. We really need to enact a new Chinese Exclusion act otherwise everyone, even the assimilated/ Hong Kong and Taiwanese chinks will become slaves for the new Chicom rulers.

>created a society that was the world's foremost civilization for over a thousand years
even the current Chinese government, which is by far the worst one we've ever had, has managed to catch up with the west after 50 years of civil war and communist repression
Taiwan, the home of the original Chinese government, is one of the most well-developed states in the entire fucking pacific