Umm, are flags gone for everyone? Or Just Me?

Umm, are flags gone for everyone? Or Just Me?

Nope just you Mr Russian!

just you

are you on your phone? whenever im getting cozy in bed and looking at pol on my phone the flags disappear it seems.

Just you.

Just you. Nice butt.

And this how WW3 began. Great Job

Just dobbel-press the big square button, slide the side up so it disappears. Then press the safari app and your side re-opens with all flags.

Every flag has been replaced with a Phil Collins head for me.


>using appleshit
you deserve it

Flags are removed for Russians to stop some of their FSB campaign.

Good luck finding a device that's not surveillanced or sold by greedy jews trying to destroye the west.

>Russian flag

Look again goofus.

I honestly got it because I was new to being a courier at the time and I worked 12-14 hours and I was using GPS alot. I needed a new phone and it had the longest battery life. I'm not a phone fag or an apple fag.

>not owned by greedy jews
nigga I don't even use a cell phone. get a home phone or gtfo.

then again I'm not millennial trash like most of this board.

I'm originally from Sup Forums so I notoriously hate appleshit, don't take it personal I still love you bro.

nah I didnt take it personal. I'm the same way usually. I hate apple shit. This was the first apple product ive ever bought. I get a discount with att because of my work. With the discount + battery life I just said fuck it.

I weren't implying apple lived up to those standards nor did I mention phones you sperge.
I stand by my remark, you're completely retarded if you think Sup Forums is your safe space.

Globalism. Praise HER victory.

nah I could give two shits, just posting for the luls

Ok. Keep telling yourself that.

Happens randomly to me sometimes too. ID's will disappear sometimes.

denmark calm down kid you act like this is serious business. I guess we see who was truly triggered now don't we?
