What is in the box?

What is in the box?

Watching Know Your Enemy and truly interested / scared.

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it's just a fucking rock

Obama's real birth certificate is hidden in there

The box is the focal point of my dream to spread ebola to as many muslims as possible in the shortest possible amount of time

All of islams hope and dreams
(Nothing it's literally nothing)


From space

It's literally just a tiny church

Mohammed's he-cunt.

hey, best girl is mine!

some meteorite that retarded muslims worship




I don't know. But whatever is in it should be destroyed for the good of humanity. Revenge for 9/11 bitches. Praise KEK.

Speaking of ebola, we may have ebolachan pt 2

It is said there were hundreads of idols beyond the space rock itself. Most were remvoed by the Muhhamed dude. So what is left? Why?

Obviously nothing. If they had anything worth showing, they wouldn't hide it in the box.


It being destroyed is part of a prophecy tho



As we all know Canadians only win when they don't fight their enemies

Reminder that shit once got smeared on the meteorite fragments.

It's just a little room

Space rock.

>ebolachan pt 2
A couple of gallons of that, a commercially available plant sprayer, and a drone strong enough to carry the weight over that rock and the area around it the night before their big event would make my life complete

The black cube is the source of Islams power. If we can destroy it we can destroy the Muslims forever!

Are we coming after this evil shit soon after the great Donald Trump wins?


type 'interior of the dome of the rock' into google images

only high clerics are allowed inside if I remember because the Saudis try and dissuade from idolatry like when they ransacked Muhammad's family tomb and destroyed any evidence of it to prevent people from going there and praying.

inb4 Danish user explains hypercube theory


The space rock's on the outside.


Referring to this: archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/95628775/#q95681089

I was TaS58L9L in that thread, and at first I gave Denmark user a ton of shit, but then I realized he's a prophet autist in his own way and transcribed his theory the best I could.

Wait, type Interior of Holy Kaaba' I mixed up mosques.

It's just a little empty room that the Saudi king and princes get to hang out in and avoid the rabble outside.


Here's pics from 2015 ilmfeed.com/9-photos-from-inside-the-kaba/

Lol at the plaques that shill for whatever King renovated the Kaaba interior with tacky lamps and gold doors.


It's literally nothing

Islam is NO your enemy.

The jews, its the jews!

You have been brain washed and manipulated into hating muslims.

Gas them, gas them before it's too late.

Trump, Trump is your last chance.


I'd like to drop a bomb when the mudshits are there in one place

A-10 opens up the Islamist cube,when?

its about abrahamic saturn worship

if you unfold the box it becomes a cross

if you change the angle very slightly in your pic which makes the interior corners line up perfectly then it becomes a hexagon which is the center of the jewish star of david

on the northern pole of the surface of the planet saturn is a gaseous formation in the shape of a hexagon. the farther back in history you go, the more secretive this information is along with the technology to see it.

all ancient cultures were obsessed with astronomy and keeping a lot of the information secret. Events like eclipses were often used to manipulate the public into believing their leaders had communion with gods.

too soon


oh crap beat me to it

that should have a picture of the saturn hexagon though because thats what its all about

Time is a flat circle

a suicide bomb

It has even been suggested that a piece of Greek pottery discovered dating back to 4th century BC depicts a man using an early telescope and that ancient people were able to connect two lenses inside a simple tube to make an early, crude telescope. However, making lenses and a telescope useful for astronomy purposes requires a level of expertise and precision probably undiscovered by the ancients, although it is good to keep an open mind on the subject.

Telescopes are generally accepted to have been invented in the 16th century by Dutch spectacle-makers, although there is evidence of the instrument being conceived of much earlier. English philosopher Roger Bacon, (1214–1294), for instance, gave a proposal for a telescope in his masterpiece Opus Majus:

well that was easy. sure enough it was a big secret not only what they saw with telescopes but that they even had telescopes in the first place.


mfw reading glasses were invented by muslims and not the greeks

nothing special, its just a public toilet in there.
After the ceremony its open for use again.

They put a young German virgin naked inside the box, then they walk around it and feel her up trough the holes in the cage, its basicly just a big groping party

So this is a holy site for Hindus as well?


That actually makes sense. But chances are, they'll all die from ethnic cleansing and win the war.

Satans office. The cube itself represents Saturn and mudshits rotate it to give it "power".

They poop to the east

the worlds first fingerbox.


Denmark will have to build a wall around itself to keep its muslim immigrants from leaving after the raping and pillaging.

All the children they abused


Wow, it's fucking nothing

Yeah, small goats don't take a whole lot of space after all.

Well yeah, everything will eventually be destroyed one way or another

wait your turn Mohamed, she's mine!

It's not what's in the box.

Muslims and jews worship Saturn. The Dark Sun. They walk counter clock wise which is the opposite of Christ.

Cube = $aturn

You can have the goats, real men shag male camels. Male camel milk is a delicacy keeps men strong.

An ancient jewish idol and the proof islam is the religion of jewish cucks.

h-hey best girl

there is no such thing as abrahamic saturn worship
the hexagon on saturn has no lines at all and is at best a symbol of 6, the number of man / devil / imperfection / whatever, while the star of david contains the symbolism of 7

does it taste a bit cheesy after a long ride through the desert it mug get a right pong!


hmm nice proxy

>there is no such thing as abrahamic saturn worship
the connection of all these symbols indicate otherwise

>the hexagon on saturn has no lines at all
huh? I have literally no idea what you're talking about. The perpetual gaseous formation at the north pole of saturn is in the shape of a hexagon which is the shape at the center of the jewish star of david and is the shape of a cube when viewed from the angle where the inner corners are perfectly alligned

>a symbol of 6, the number of man / devil / imperfection / whatever,
if you're going for 666 its all about the magic square. This was a talisman that some group of people wore.

The staff of Moses

>What is in the box?
Lolis promised by Allah.

Hornet's nest

The monolith! We destroy it and this is over! Charge!


you too

Yep the Chief Archon is the Demiurge.

Seen as El, Saturn, Cronus.


Who is EA then?

Schrodingers surprise

EA Enki is Adonai.

Its another name for a Lord IE: one of the Archons.

En in sumerian means Lord. En Ki is the "Lord of Ki"

Ki being the old name of Earth.

Ea Enki is Poseidon or Neptune, his symbol is the Trident.

His brother is Zeus, seen as Jupiter and they are both sons of Cronus. Zeus is Enlil or Yah.

Also a bad guy then? Assuming all archons are evil?

The Seven Archons of the Hebdomad were given planetary personifications.

The Seven Heavenly Spheres of the old world were were given associations to the gods.

Allah = Nanna or Nannar, Sin or Suen.

He is the Islamic Moon god and known to be the son of Enlil and the Father of Inanna.

Some people do see Enki in a benevolent way because it was he who saved us from the Deluge.

Even tho he did it because he had a dream vision of Galzu the emissary of the creator of all who told him to have his son Noah build an ark to save a remnant.

One of Enki's Anunnaki sons was Ningishzidda, also known as Hermes or Thoth and he also taught us of the Creator of All. The real god, not the false god who wants us to think he is the creator.

Hermeticism and Gnosticism have alot in common because they talk about our true creator.

In Gnosticism the Archons are mostly all seen as bad.

The Sumerian tablets show that it was Enki who convinced the other Anunna that we should not eat the Bread of Long Living or drink the Elixir of Life. He wanted to keep us as mortal slaves to them with a short lifespan.

But Jesus who was another Emissary from the Creator does want us to have the Eucharist.

It was pagans who were following their god that Crucified him.

I can't really believe in translations because they are mostly false but I have very mixed feelings about EA. Anyway thanks for the replies

Gnostics seem kinda harsh in most subjects. Some gnostics believe that we have limited reincarnation chance and our souls will be destroyed if we fail and spend it all. What do you think about that?

Gnostics think that our Universe is a Simulation and a failed creation of Sophia.

The Demiurge is said to be her Abortion.

Sophia is an Aeon but she is the lowest of the Aeons and she messed up when she made Yaldabaoth.

Gnostics think that we keep getting reincarnated into the Simulation and its our job to try and escape it.

The goal is to end up in the Fathers Pleroma which is essentially the Gnostic Heaven.

Our Realm is a Shadow of the Pleroma. Its known as the Fullness.

We are supposed to have a Divine Spark in us that is the Light of the Aeons. Sophia tricked the Chief Archon into putting this spark in us.

Gnostics believe in the Divinity of Man, that we have this Epinoia of Sophia in us the Spirit of Zoe that was blown into us when the 'Lords' of the garden first made Adam.

We are better then the Archons because we have this light from the Aeons and they are Jealous of us because of it.