Why do Brits call pakis "Asian"?

why do Brits call pakis "Asian"?

Pakistan and India are in Asia.

The Paki/Indian/Bangladeshi communities in the UK have been way larger than the chink/jap communities, so they called them Asian because they couldn't really tell the difference, so the one label worked better to describe them all.

to make us look bad

>polish education

because pakistan is in asia ya dumb polack

Because of the jews.

Are you fucking retarded

Doesn't change the fact that nobody calls them Asian other than to cover up bad stuff done by them.
You could literally call them "middle eastern" or even "Arabic" even if not technically accurate for the particular group of people you're describing and people would have a better idea of what you mean than if you say "Asian".

Brits are fucking stupid that's why. Why do they call flashlights "torches"? It's a flashlight not a torch you stupid Londoners

We don't. Our cucked media does, though.

Because by far the majority of the people who immigrated here from the continent of Asia did so from India and the Middle East rather than the orient, so those were the ones who the word "Asian" got associated with.


made me think

all answers so far are wrong

"asian" is used by the BBC and other cucked faggot institutions so as to not associate Muslims, specifically Pakistani Muslims, with the organized rape of girls they so frequently participate in, muh terrorism, and their general sub optimal appearance and behavior.

It is a way for the foolish to satisfy their cognitive dissonance (Islam is a religion of peace/immigration is good/only white men are evil - none stack up very well against raping and grooming children, murdering innocent people, generally being odious cunts) and to make themselves feel less stupid for essentially being complicit in allowing Muslims to sexually abuse children and to fuck up a once nice place.

But middle easterners being Asian IS technically accurate. Good grief.

In the west, what is meant by "asian" is "east asian," unless you're an asshole.

>Western Education

Because everything starting from turkey is Asia you retarded shitheads

What the fuck did you learn in your geography books?

Like this guy

Because Pakistan is in Asia.

Your country has the best mafia but your women are almost as ugly as the Irish and English

Accurately conveying meaning is more important than technical accuracy.

>people from Asia are Asians
>Saudi Arabia is on the Asian continent
>Saudis are Asians

>middle eastern are not asian
>pakis are arabic
>american education

Again, accuracy in what people actually take out of it is far more important than technical accuracy.
Not to mention, saying "Asian" is incredibly vague anyway, to the point where it's actively misleading.

Because calling them shitskins is considered hate speech

They're technically Aryans though

and here, thats what Asian means!

you faggots know damn well why. NO ONE refers to middle easterners as "asians".
When you hear the word Asian, what comes to mind?
Wang Chang from China?
or Muhammad Al-Halal from Saudi Arabia?
Don't kid yourselves.
Your cucked media just doesn't want the the people to associate violence and crime to the """religion of peace""""".
That way public opinion doesn't swing against importing migrants (future voters)

usa's cultural influence isnt that strong.

why isn't the middle east considered a separate continent if europe is considered a separate continent? it's all one big land mass

Because they are from Asia you retards. Brits are always right about the English language. Just like when they call soccer football rightfully.

they fucked up on the whole "maths" thing though

As an American who worked out of LHR for a couple years this is pretty fucking spot on.

I still can't believe how many people buy the pc shit the BBC spews out

>Muhammad Al-Halal from Saudi Arabia?
Brits don't call Saudi Arabia Asian you mong.
American """Education""".

Pakistan is not even in the Mideast.

>american education
But Pakistan isn't in the Middle East you dumb burger.

Noone prevent the british to call the pakis west asians.

Because the Phoenician word for east was asa, which for the Greeks became asia. Everything east of the Mediterranean is Asia.

It's not spot on at all you clueless fuck.

Britain has called the Asians well before the days of the British Raj in India (long before your poxy country was even a thing)

It's nothing to do with the BBC or using PC terms . . .. .we have been calling them Asian for a few Hundred years.

People in the Far east were called Orientals, it's only recently that we started to call them 'East Asians'

Don't spout a load of crap, just to make yourself feel superior.

You mean GAYreeks

usa's cultural influence isnt that strong.

This. It's always pissed me off and confused me. When I think Asian I think slanted eyes not fucking paki shitskin muslim cunts.

That's because you are just a little kid who spend too much time on Sup Forums.

Mathematics > Maths

Mathematics > Math

Why America, why? Math sounds like some sort of fungus you scrape out from under your rolls of flab.

Brit bong logic 101

>they should change the defintion of words because I'm stupid

Pakistan is in Asia, you dolt

Fuck off you sensitive cuck.

Most working class call them Pakis and always have done, a corner shop isn't an "Asian shop" it's a "Paki shop" and everyone calls it as such.

Asian in an everday context with everday people refers to Orientals still.

No he's actually right, the term has been used for a long time. It's only America meme-ing around with it because they call gooks and chinks Asians.

But what am I talking about, this is yet again the same old thread with the same old people trolling each other, getting the same answers and in a few weeks time, the exact same thread will pop up, with the exact same answers and exact same trolls.

sage, hidden, reported for trelling on time wasting.

We dont.

The media does because the people equal asian with chinks and gooks so saying asian means the media is confusing the real issue.

>>Asians found guilty of mass rapes
>>Men of pakistani descent found guilty of mass rape

If i was a chink Id be triggered every time I read "asian"

And yes, I understand theyre texhnically asian.

Smoke and mirrors.

everyone here thinks of slant eyed gooks when they talk about asians too

because most white Australians are uneducated.
What did you expect?

Even though it's been explained, another 'Brit' comes on the board an denies it;s use (see this idiot )

I suspect they are just young and see too much American shit on Sup Forums to understand. Either that or they are Americans on a proxy.

I kind of feel like you at the moment, it's just the same old idiots.

Because our Asians are slant eyed gooks

Spotted the paki.

Or are you chinese?

At least we've got warm water

I have said Paki before and had ethnic whites say "you can't say that" bs.

If you call an Indian a Paki he will be angry.

If you call a Paki an Indian he will be angry.

Curryniggers had enough power between them, in the UK, to make them adopt this terminology.

Nope, we have a fuck load of Indians and Arabs.
Chinks aren't the only Asians here

Neither kiddo.

see my comment here. But it's true we have used slang names too:
Asians are Pakis
Orientals are Chinks

People from the Middle East were just called Arabs.

Because they're from the continent of Asia and are the largest minority from Asia in our country.

Why do you call chinks Asians? Same reason.

>Don't kid yourselves.
>Your cucked media just doesn't want the the people to associate violence and crime to the """religion of peace""""".

P. much this 2bh

Praktischer Idealismus you ignorant bastard.

To deflect from calling them pakis. It's PC bullshit and has nothing to do with them being in Asia. I'd have no problem if they called them West Asians but as you can see, they don't.

The only people from any continent-of-Asia countries who immigrated to Britain, until about 20 years ago, were Indians and Pakistanis (Pakistan having been part of India during the British Raj and the people there being ethnically identical) who were allowed to come in because Muh Commonwealth.

So Brits got used to calling Indians and Pakistanis "Asians" because there were no Chinese or Arabs to confuse them with.

And it just sorta carried over even after the other groups started immigrating.

It might be media cuckoldry that encourages the persistence of the term, but it does at least have a reasonable historic justification.

t. Brit on holiday

Just call them Pakis.

>Russia is geographically located in Asia

All these proxies - it's just getting obvious now.

Listen, son, people do not call pakis Asians. I dont know what part of the country youre from, but they dont.

Now, like i said in my first post here I understand they are technically classed as asian but when anyone says Asian to anyone else the first thing that comes to mind is chinese or japanese.

I dont give a fuck how far back pakis have been called asians or orientals are called east asians. Asians, to ANYONE, is a chinese/japanese person.

I have no idea. Here, asian means yellow mongol-man.

I don't know what you're trying to say m8. Up in Scotland we've always called Indians, Indians and Pakis, pakis.

Here as well, but nobody says arabs or Indians are asian, they call them blatte or curryneger.

Listen kiddo.
>anyone says Asian to anyone else the first thing that comes to mind is chinese or japanese.
No they don't. Not in Britain anyway.

Go and take what I said and ask either one of your two Dads.

Just because you get confused and influenced by silly seppos on Sup Forums, that's your problem.

Infact - Go and ask ANY adult and they will tell you.

Yes please explain this Brits. Even the Indians don't call themselves Asians. They call themselves Indians.

Asians are SEA + EA, CANADA and AUSFALIA

Yes I don't disagree

see my comment here

Oh wow, lucky. hope you have a wonderful time. Stay safe user!

Why do Pakis only have two types of business? Why can they only run minicabs and Paki Fried Chicken shops?

You forgot the corner shops user.

Except every Brit in this thread.


To be fair, India is at least a subcontinent. Has its own tectonic plate and everything.

>Except every Brit in this thread.
Like I said, kiddies who read too much American shit on a Mongolian Basket forum.

Or Proxies stirring up shit.

I'm going round in circles with you millennial numpties.

Go and ask your parents.

For us, Asian refers to South Asian. It's because they are the largest Asian group in the UK, and you can't call the all Indian because they're also Sri Lankan, Bangladeshi, Pakistani's, Nepalese etc.

It's the same reason you guys call every Chinese/Japanese/Korean guy 'Asian'. Because they are the largest group of Asian foreigners in your country, and it would be as incorrect to call every East Asian Chinese as it would to call every South Asian Indian.

We have been referring to them as Asians since the days when they were part of the Empire and we were using them as indentured workers, so I doubt the colonial overlords started using it simply as a PC thing.

>polish education

geography new concept?

So you're telling me, when you turn this device on, it merely flashes,but is not Constant beam like a torch?

It's because they're out biggest immigrant populace, pakis and Bengalis. If we had loads of folks, we'd probs call them Asians instead.

Don't waste your time trying to explain it to these troglodytes. They'll never understand.

You guys should import some gooks to do that for you