Ha Ha, I am laughing because there is more than 650000 emails. Logically...

Ha Ha, I am laughing because there is more than 650000 emails. Logically, if their figures are incorrect it is obvious they lack the necessary information to make asserted conclusion, Captain.

Listen here you drumpf faggot, the fbi have sophisticated computer software that can scan through thousands of emails at the blink of an eye.

Even if they read through the emails by hand and had 100 men working on the case to lighten the workload, that leaves each FBI agent about just under 2 minutes to read and analyze each email. Now I dont know the reading level or reading comprehension skills of the average drumpf fan but 2 minutes is more than enough time to spend on each email.

Crazy right wing kooks expecting the FBI to waste their time on such a ridiculous case... you people act like she's taking money from terrorist organizations or something

>Crazy right wing kooks expecting the FBI to waste their time on such a ridiculous case

Ya, espionage is no big deal, especially in regards to the country's highest ranking foreign service officer

I guess Im #jerkingforjohnson after all

> (OP)
I mean, she is taking money from Saudi Arabia and Qatar, both known by her and her team to have funded 9/11.

Trying to defend it just emphasises how weird it is.

This wasn't her email or email server. All they had to do was check the ones addressed to and from Hillary. Then you would expect most of those were duplicates because they already had a shitload of her emails.

Some of you fags need to pipe down if you've never done investigative (or any) work with actual humans. It's not sitting around reading files. You have to talk to people involved for it to be an actual investigation (which it wasn't).

Notice how these articles always follow a formula? "Yes, Donald Trump, X"

They can easily scan for classified info and then say "There's none here".

Then they can read those emails for the CF investigation which in ongoing.

The GOP is going impeach Clinton her first day of office anyway

>you people act like she's taking money from terrorist organizations or something
Clinton Foundation took money from Qatar, which has funded Hamas.

>The GOP is going impeach Clinton her first day of office anyway

Lmao yeah fucking right.

You really think somebody like Paul Ryan has any testicles whatsoever?

650,000 in 8 days is 3,385 emails an hour or 56 emails a minute, almost one a second.

If this is not true, re-open the crooked investigation. If this is true, promote the FBI to take over all government departments because they are the most efficient government entity in the known Universe. Start with taking over the DMV

>Implying she will win

There are roughly 680,000 seconds in 8 days.
Let that sink in.

>Start with taking over the DMV


Lol, well THAT'S already been proven without doubt. Those who fund ISIS and Al-Qaeda also donate millions of dolpars to the Clinton Foundation. It's just nobody has the balls or authority to indict her.

So basically it's legal to have national secrets on my still shiny Asus 5000 Win XP if i'm an American?

Fuck off Alex Jones

>run dupe test against existing emails
>all dupes

The petrol in your car comes from a country which has funded Isis.


Even if Trump wins all the boarderline states, Hillary will have 274.

Trump won't flip any blue states.

There's more than one way to do it. Use Perl.