Why do the other boards hate us so much Sup Forums?
Why do the other boards hate us so much Sup Forums?
Because you're retarded?
cause they ain't us
Sup Forums is the US of Sup Forums, most relevant, most powerful, got the most shit going on
Because you keep trying top trick everyone into hating each other.
Sup Forums is the new Sup Forums
Why do you give a fuck what those faggots think? we own this site lol
Because Sup Forums reminds them of themselves.
They want our tendies nz.
There's nothing more annoying than getting bothered with politics when you don't care about politics
because we're incapable of using logic or making well reasoned arguments, and our board moves fast so it trains us to make quick, poorly reasoned posts.
fuck them though jews and hillary did 9/11
know it alls hating others who act like know it alls
Because you don't stay in your containment board
Because you can't lift 3pl8s.
They can't handle the bantz
Because we're like furrys, we inject our drama and bullshit where ever we go with little to no prompted
because you're alll massive faggots and reddit users
Because paper craft and origami are for autistic faggits?
cause op is a faggot
Probably because they ain't us, they have no world relevance and can't have fun with the memes because they believe in loser democrats and oligarchs.
pol is doing big boy things, in big boy sneakers, they are too big to fill by small feets
We gained the respect of the FBI, CIA, NSA, Anonymous and Reddit copies all our shit because they know they could never do it as well as us.
The other answer is we get all the blame for the conservative politics becoming the normal opinion whereas the liberal old boys club got overshadowed especially Jew Central aka Sup Forums
because they're offended
anything else is an excuse
They're mostly bluepilled faglords who unironically want to be little girls.
Because you leak everywhere and bring up your opinions even when it's not relevant
we're spooked the fuck out. You know, we're basically the new fedoras of the internet, except we got coverage from mainstream media, so instead of a few neckbeards laughing at fedoras it's the whole world laughing at us and our dumbass views that could be debunked in 5 minutes, but we never take those 5 minutes to listen because everyone that argues against out point of view is a cuck.
The picture you posted is one reason.
Why? Beause Sup Forums is a filthy kike board. 75% of your population is JIDF reddit kikes. Keep the fuck off of Sup Forums.
because you go out of your way to shit up every board with your obnoxious drama?
I'd never go to Sup Forums. Anime has been terrible for years
because you won't shut the fuck up about your retarded conspiracy theories
seriously, I just wanna have one fucking thread about history and humanities that doesn't get hijacked by your "red-pill" bullshit
Because Sup Forums is mostly reddit newfags who don't understand how to keep on topic in other boards. They basically act like rapefugees, going around spreading Sup Forums culture where it's not wanted.
name 1(one) thread that does this
I don't hate you. Moving there soon. Kiwis are nice.
>A term created by a man who's wife was fucking niggers on the regular, so he could cope with the fact he got cucked.
Gas yourself.
>some politics discussion randomly happens in some board
>some fool think it's Sup Forumsack infiltrators showing up to shitpost
Paranoia, really. Unlike whatever their board of choice is about, everybody has some amount of interest in politics
any thread involving Judaism or Islam, for starters
Because you invade other interest boards acting like a redditor
Trumps done, buddy. I was a trump supporter but once i saw that the FBI has restated that Hillary is innocent, i realised that he is just full of hot air.
Trump can't win now, he maybe had a shot before they announced Hillary free of all charges, but it's over for him. She will surge in the polls like never before and come out in a landslide.
She's already 5 points ahead pal. You might as well get on the right side of history and support Hillary before its too late.
I noticed there's a lot of paranoia on Sup Forums in particular. I won't deny some threads do get hijacked on other boards but Sup Forums cries the /pol boogeyman over nothing
because everytime they come here they get blown the fuck out. they can't handle it. so they go back to their safespace where they cry about how butt devastated they were by the Sup Forums boogeyman
and yet here you are
Ah the eternal leaf and his pasta
Why do you carr? fuck those autists
This mentality has taken over Sup Forums. Nobody is willing to accept responsibility for the actions of their own boards
Yes there is. Being annoyed with anime.
>You know anything about Max Stirner
New Zealand stop acting like you even belong here, your posts are all snoozefests, who do you even know here? Our views are what is driving the entire Right Wing movement in the United States, without the spread and dissemination of the various memes, Wikileaks, #SpiritCooking, we would have no chance to stop the tide of Hillary into power.
We fought and won against every force sent to destroy us. We defeated the best debaters Reddit had to offer. We defeated Correct the Record and made this place the only mainstream place on the internet liberals feel scared to go.
I notice posts from Canada, Japan, Australia, Germany, UK, USA, New Zealand has never ever once had a get, meme or post worth spreading.
You are only barely worth this post dismissing your sheep fucking, Hobbit hole building ass country which you only live in because it isn't relevant enough to nuke and you are a coward ass sheepnigger.
GTFO and stop acting like you have any meaning toward the USA elections and stop shitting up every thread with your negativity and useless opinions.
Sup Forums is the board of peace.
On my recent travels our influence is felt.
Some whore getting called out for being a coal burner. Turned out she fit description. Fat,tats and an absent father.
You'll be suprised
>Sup Forums
It's a gateway to here
opinion discarded.
triggered /leftypol/?
Just remember as your gf is getting dicked it's all a spook if you are even bothered. :^)
Is this why I lost all my childhood friends?
Is it really that surprising? Look at the front page:
>celebrity twitter thread
>"kek pls give me dubs"
>Redpill me on Jesus
>more twitter threads
>"guys look at my stream I'm gonna get drunk" thread
Jesus Christ man, reading this even I kind of hate us right now. If you want to talk about celebrities and twitter, just go on fucking twitter. If you want dubs, go to Sup Forums.
You shouldn't get surprised if you see anime on a predominantly anime themed website. But people interested in politics actively bother others with it, "you have to vote don't be a sheep you need to have an opinion! and btw your opinion should align with mine"
because they know were right.
>spooks can be tangible
Someone hasn't read St. Stirner.
Leftypol is spooked the fuck out almost as bad as here.
>He doesn't agree with me so his gf must fuck blacks
nice one. No, really.
Sup Forums is that drunk uncle in the family you know is right and makes you feel uncomfortable.
Because you keep coming to our boards and shitting all over discourse
the one that diddled you when you were a toddler?
I know a guy who constantly spouts politics shit everywhere, most people blocked him on facebook and if he starts talking about it everyone starts to have blank looks and walk away. If you can talk about politics with people interested then cool but if they don't then they'll rather keep a 20 m distance.
>pol is doing big boy things, in big boy sneakers, they are too big to fill by small feets
What a wanabee! Get out of your bubble.
And yet here you are kike
My bad, tell your sheep I was rude.
I don't hate you Sup Forums i sometimes come here to get up to date on news and shit, i think you guys are alright
Sup Forums here
and canadians & australians make this board desu senpai
i'm tired of autistic redneck trailer trash w/ internets shitting this board up with faggy trump memes
Because you keep being obnoxious as fuck in other boards, you only shitpost in there while trying to impose your views and you end up being annoying.
No that was the Podesta Brothers.
Yeah I wanted to see how much you guys were panicking in the face of trump's impending loss, and I was not disappointed, some hardcore reaching going on.
No...was talking more mentally stimulating. Also... you are projecting.
>country ad hom
Nice spook, turbopleb.
Because New Zealand is just a shitty replica of Australia, where your only past times are fucking sheep and following more relevant nations.
The only reason your kind isn't hated here is because of the leaf.
Meh, 2007 was a long time ago. Look at the number of anime boards compared to non-anime boards. Shit, Sup Forums has fallen to like #7 busiest.
because nothing is more annoying than autists popping up during a completely unrelated conversation and starting a rant about niggers.
they hate us cause they ain't us
This guy gets it. Stay the fuck off the big boy boards.
red pills hurt while they're going down
>most relevant, most powerful,
Impotent Trumpcuck delusion.
I pity you.
>Everything I don't like is a spook.
That's the real spook there. :^)
t. Ackmood Al-Hasayam
>be me, on /his/
>cool discussion about the Songhai
>Sup Forums arrives and begins to unironically say that the Songhai were Arab and that black people never had any countries
I wonder why
Political ignorance and apathy has a long tradition in our country.
So the implication here is that his wife is in on the clinton conspiracy? that's interesting
>mfw Staya can't handle the bantz
But seriously, do you really want to discuss things, especially the humanities, without ever being challenged on your point of view? Do you need a safe space in your college too, snowflake?
then why do you come here?
face it, you know we're right
They are there to escape reality, we are here to expose reality.
Sup Forums is worse than Sup Forums
until Wednesday when the tears are rolling
>not reading Stirner
Why am I not fucking surprised this board can't identify a spook or understand a voluntary egoist's reaction to spooks. protip: It's not always aversion, that would indeed make spooks as bad a spook as nationalism, sexuality, or lifelong political affiliation.
>Falling for a meme
Do you have autism lad?
Because only the worst elements of each board crosspost, but since crossposters from Sup Forums are arguing about an ideology instead of just some inane bullshit like anime or vidya it is that much more annoying and autistic.
>Sup Forums is worse than Sup Forums
In what way?
>responds to a Stirnerpost with the nationalism spook
You can't make this shit up.
>being spooked out of memes because they're memes
hahahahhaha nice spook fag kys
Let them hate us so long as they fear us.
They don't. Sup Forums is influencing all of the other boards, and the rest of the internet.
Praise Kek.
because I am a pollack
I just dont talk about politics or be racist outside of Sup Forums at all.
Sup Forums is a fucking laughing stock. I mean this retard actually takes himself seriously.
Stirner is fucking retarded.
Sup Forums cries in pain while it swings
stay spooked, cuck