John Oliver urges you to stop Donald Trump from destroying the world

Wow, it really makes you see things from a different angle, doesn't it ?

> Now, in his final HBO show before Election Day, Oliver pleaded with his audience to vote on Tuesday to not only prevent “the human equivalent of a clear plastic bag filled with cheeseburgers and Confederate flag belt buckles” from assuming the highest office in the land, but also to have a say in important down-ballot initiatives, from minimum wage to legalizing marijuana to the death penalty. To prepare, you can Google “view my ballot,” type in your address, and see who or what is on the ballot in your area.

> And look, who knows if this new information about the emails will change any minds. The truth is, if you’re still undecided, I don’t know if I can help you.”

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its so easy to tell who is bought and paid for these days.

>americans still let brits intrude in their politics

>He should stop.


always get triggered when he refers to Americans as "we" in his fucking limey accent

John, buddy..

you created this. You and your ilk. You refused to believe us when we talked about how you were destroying our communities. "It's not us," you said. "It's the Republicans." Well, the shoe is on the other foot now. Get bent.

slimey shit from a limey twit

He's not even american wtf

Why has no one assassinated him yet? Or more importantly, why aren't others, like Bill Maher and SNL, being stopped?

Hey Britain, Could you kindly fuck off with sending your twats and imbeciles over here?

Americans get weak in the knees when they hear your obnoxious accents and normies would listen to a crazy homeless person if he had your accent.

I-I guess drumpfing for c-clinton now

seriously though, he completely misunderstood kellyanne conway. 4/10, i smiled once or twice

Trumps done, buddy. I was a trump supporter but once i saw that the FBI has restated that Hillary is innocent, i realised that he is just full of hot air.

Trump can't win now, he maybe had a shot before they announced Hillary free of all charges, but it's over for him. She will surge in the polls like never before and come out in a landslide.

She's already 5 points ahead pal. You might as well get on the right side of history and support Hillary before its too late.

Man, I like John oliver but he's either not aware of all the underlying bullshit, or he's on the wrong side. Yes trump is a bad mannered shitty option for a president, but fuck, it's not about him. It's about righting the corruption within the government, and he's the only one who's not going to be motivated by their incentives.

This election has shown just how miserably fucking corrupt the US government is, and offered a peek into the lives of the people who make it all happen, I don't know how anyone can turn a blind eye anymore unless they're literally eating up all that MSM propaganda. Maybe that's John's problem, or maybe he doesn't care because he's relocating to the UK after regardless of the results.

guaranteed replies: the post

to be honest.... trump looks like he staged this

I've been a lifelong trump supporter ever since he went down those escalators, but he's looking desperate and doing whatever he can to gain attention. Very narcissistic. He lost me.

>Current Year Man

I have no idea why they're putting up with his shit and nobody told him to back off. I hope Trump wins if only to spite smarmy cunts like him all over. I want to see him assblasted just like after Brexit.

if I have to shoot through a crowd of people to defend myself, im not gonna be happy about the devastation, but I will be happy that I defended my own life

can't wait for this little asshole to get deported

Also his stand-up act sucks ass.

Mate he is a bought and paid for shill. Money is put into his bank account and in turn he spits hate at trump relentlessly, just like all others like him. The media is controlled friend. Have you not noticed the unnerving bias against trump?

I don't know who the fuck would watch his show that wasn't already With Her

He's still human, and I know he's smart enough to know better if he were to have the facts laid out for him.

I hope you burgers deport his sorry ass.

Is John Oliver the number 1 globalist shill in the world? There are a fuckload of them but goddamn does he come off as the most obnoxious. Why do we only get like, ten popular names across the whole planet on our side?

>Why do we only get like, ten popular names across the whole planet on our side?

The money is always on the side of keeping business running as usual. You can't disrupt anything without making powerful people unhappy.

God this asshole has the most puncheable face in the planet

OMG, if Trump doesn't become president - the liberals and feminists will be so fucking insufferable for YEARS.

Stop her, America. You're our only hope.

> Stop Trump from destroying the world, vote for nuclear holocaust and extinction of humankind!
Wow, really makes sense, I'm team #ArmageddonHillary now.

There's a silver lining here. When Killary inevitably ends up impeached or ends her 1-term presidency with half the world on fire we'll at least be able to call Waleed Aly out for being a stupid virtue-signalling faggot who backed Reptillian Prime.

american liberals worship yuropoors and think we should emulate them

>Waleed Aly

He could have ridden that high horse of his in the Melbourne Cup.

Can't wait for the look on this piece of shits face when Trump wins

fuck this fat pig shill.

>shows TWO seconds of trump talking
>he sounds like a stalker at cinnabon hurr

its 2016 guys if you arent voting for hillary..etc right??

dude needs to chill on the shill

Should have thought of that before you send Obama round to threaten us

These people are obsessed with their perceived intellectualism and social status. It's really amazing.

>he actually did that
>he actually thought it would work
why did you have to remind me of this

The subject of john oliver came up when a colleague (fellow psychologist) and I were discussing politics a few months ago. Although we were both in agreement regarding the general shitlib inanity of the HBO show, my friend was surprised when I explained that the real insidiousness of it is its unmistakably hypnotic structure and pacing.

I ended up pulling up an episode or two off of youtube to show her what I meant. All of the segments I've ever seen from this show follow the same repetitive format: present some "argumentation" and "facts" for about 10 seconds, then quickly follow these up with a snarky quip (which themselves overwhelmingly take the form of complete non-sequitur or otherwise absurd metaphor) before any rational processing of the preceding argument can take place in the mind of the viewer. Further telling is that the only 'beats' or mental pauses in the show's pacing exist solely to highlight the approving laughter or applause of the studio audience. Repeat this basic formula without variation 20-40 times in a row and you have one of the 12-20 minute 'segments' that form the backbone of the show.

The end effect is (obviously) not to deliver information, but rather to literally teach the viewers -- on a subconscious level -- to mentally associate derisive laughter with any person or opinion that is at odds with the narrative's take on the chosen issue. And it accomplishes this by maintaining a strict adherence to a roughly 20-second cycle in which a stimulus is presented, and a response is cued. This is the sense in which the show is fundamentally hypnotic in effect -- even moreso than its precursors in the genre (Daily Show, Colbert, etc).

To my mind, oliver's show is representative of the media's increasing mastery of the methodologies of mass conditioning; in fact it is almost such a perfect technical accomplishment that I would almost have to admire it on technical grounds, which moreover is in the hands of the entirely wrong people.

he did the same thing for brexit and lost

I don't want to hear these already smug fuckheads be even smugger fuckheads if Hillary wins.

Americans, go and fucking vote

you get to bring friends

"Trump is going to start a nuclear war, vote for Hillary, you'll only have WW3"

I fucking loathe this bastard.

>Our president went over to our oldest ally, getting involved in their politics and threatening them in no uncertain terms with punishment if they voted one way.

If not for the race card he would go down as the Carter reference for the future - except Carter was at heart a decent man thrust into the indecent and ruthless role of president, and has done well after he left office. I can't imagine Obama is going to be doing a lot of habitat-for-humanity/try-to-extinguish-godawful-diseases humanitarian efforts in the world after he's out of office.

More likely if Trump wins it'll be a lot of backseat driving that is unseemly for a president to do and which Clinton was respectful enough not to do to Bush Jr, and Bush Jr. did not do to Obama.

but will they fly good?

the dude is literally one of the richest people in the world. the level of richness he can go up is negligible. for example, going from 1 million in the bank to 10 million is a whole different level. from 10-50 million. 50 million-150 million. 150-500million...1 billion, now this is a huge step (three comma club) but from 1 billion+ it's all quite the same. you can buy anything you want. losing 50 million in a sitting sucks, but it's not going to stop you.


Why do you continue to listen to our cadre of professional liars?

It's far fetched but I tend to agree. His jokes are shit, he's all about timing and familiar delivery letting know his audience when to laugh. Without the laughs his performance would be creepy as fuck, just watch Trevor Noah bombing every time.

Or perhaps he's wondering how Clinton can win a presidency....despite losing in a blowout....

its all just passive-aggressive insults. its 1st graders arguing. oliver doesnt argue his point, he just tries to make the opposing sound less damaging. the irony is that he tries to call trump childish

it will be a big landslide

This is bullshit but I believe it.

>Without the laughs his performance would be creepy as fuck
The man plays his little game in an echo chamber.


Shouldn't that be in arabic?

What did Obama do?

>entertainment industry millionaires all want to vote hillary

>media all biased for hillary

gee I wonder why

>Man, I like John oliver but he's either not aware of all the underlying bullshit, or he's on the wrong side.
First day on Sup Forums?

I went to his stand-up show in Chicago on new years and he pretty much called us all drunkards when we vote for mayor.



the audience are basically seals that make sound on command.

To me, this election cycle should have been a journalists wet dream. Hillary has so many skeltons in the closet. The whole wiki leaks alone should have been a new orleans cemetary parade. yet, it's entirely ignored. Well, Mr. Olive is owned by HBO which is owned by Time warner, which donated to Hill. sooooo...shills gotta shill. I mean, how many hill shills could a hill shill, shill, if a hill shill could shill, hills?

Fixed, didn't take out the background a herp a derp a derp a derp di titlie derpie derpie dumb.

Tried to force them to vote Remain

What hurts the most is that he apparently thought people would listen to him, instead of voting Leave purely out of spite if they weren't doing so before.

Confound their politics


Sup Forums is just as bad of an echochamber, it's just we don't get broadcast on a worldwide platform


Yanks vote according to how the media tells them to.
Brits take who the media tells them to vote for, and then they vote for the other candidate specifically because you had the gall to to do that, even if the result is self-destructive.

How is Trump going to destroy the world? Is he going to trigger it to death with micro aggressions?

john oliver can lick the shit from my ass

The dude who goes on 3AM Twitter rants against beauty pageant contestants has nuclear codes.

I've been saying that, le current year man and similar shows are not a comedians, they are leftist televangelism.



>"he's the human equivalent of a donkey bumbag radiowave poobum taco skeleton bouncy castle"
>audience laughs but they have no idea why

he does have valid points and he absolutely does educate on many topics, but you have to be a master debater in order to realize sometimes how he throws something in that doesnt make sense, that is made up or pure speculation and presents it just like the fact he talked about 2 seconds ago.
most people have nowhere near that ability, im sorry to say this as arrogantly as I'm saying it but unless you spent years debating people ad nauseum you probably cant tell how and why he is making stuff up and when.

>"Hey, America, if you're thinking of voting for a third party FUCK YOU"
>Audience howls with laughter
>"That's like trusting an aardvark with your tax returns!"
>Audience laughs so hard it cracks John Oliver's glasses
>"I'm sorry Mr. Aardvark, I'm sure you've got some great ideas about claiming an ant hill as an expense, but you're just not cut out for this job!"
>Audience laughs so hard it shakes the studio foundations
>"I mean-"
>The audience laughs so hard the entire building collapses, killing most them instantly, the rest laugh harder and harder to compensate
>"Come on-"
>The laugher causes a magnitude 11 earthquake, destroying the entire east coast
>"IT'S 2016!"
>Life on Earth ends


Trump is a populist, he's a vehicle for the little guy saying "fuck you" to the political establishment. Who ever told you a wrecking ball needed subtlety ?

He holds no political or intellectual merit.
He is a comedian.
He doesn't "make me think".

Oh god the Smugness is going to be unbearable.

I'm probably going to stay off Sup Forums for a couple weeks it will be so bad.

However, if he does win Twitter and Tumblr are going to be funny as fuck at all the libcuck tears.

And we can watch the public suicides of CTR

Clinton scandals are now so boring it does not matter. Should have saved that shit for this election.

That is why this election was over as soon as Trump secured the nomination.

Gotta kill time flying between 5 rallies in a day somehow.

I could buy that as a real quote.

always funny


Weird that Trump holds no political or intellectual merit, he's a failed businessman :^)

>maybe he doesn't care because he's relocating to the UK after regardless of the results
Please no, we don't want him back.

fuck off retard

you probably vote for provincial liberals

>I could buy that as a real quote.

I just like to send it towards people who put up stupid shit he's said, or that obviously false Trump image.

Great for the banter.




>trump a life long New York democrat

>somehow he is now a cartoon hillbilly

This is just honestly insulting

Oh yah. So failed he holds millions of dollars worth of capital. How's Canada doing?

>browse the thread
>see a whole lot of leafs

This bong has got to go back.

Not an American

Is there anything worse than way he stops what he is saying to say some unfunny overly forced joke. I just skip ahead whenever I hear him about to say one

I'm legitimately going to write in Vermin Supreme. I love the memes amd the shitstorms but I can't give a shit about any of these idiots.

Just a list of buzzwords and catchphrases, mate. Are you mad that a dozen or so words can sum up everything you and the Trump campaign is about?

How many have you used unironically? Too many it sounds like...
