Hilldawgs thread

Tomorrow will be the biggest shitstorm since the cuckening.

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they're already starting to crumble

such an air of defeat for the drumpftards on this board


Number one Hilldawg is here!

>Says election results are tomorrow
>Results on 8th

Try again, LARPer.


It's gonna be delicious to watch Sup Forums burn.

Rend your flesh apart. I command it. The hand of Caullicht now binds your blood to its destiny.

If I weren't banned this would be an anzu thread


What a fag

I am looking forward to triggering drumpfkins.

tommorow i will taste your salty tears cuck and it will only get my dick harder

screencap this post

We will see... kek


Get your ass handed to you on Hillary facts
on Facebook or Twitter.

Come to Sup Forums to troll.
what a douche.
what a douche

what U.S time zone do you live on

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

American women deserve this win.

What some American men do their women is unacceptable and Trump is the poster boy.

Need more hilldawg pepes

fucking kek.

Yah you do, especially in Michigan.

don't really like any of the candidates but jumping on the hilldawg wagon just to trigger drumpfkins because i'm always on the winning side

I'm switching side now, since Hillary greeted Manny Pacquiao

Congratulations USA, you have your own first female president!


What are your predictions for based Hillary?

No it won't. Tomorrow is Monday.

Looks like Madam President is going to win ;-) I'm not going to bother dragging my ass to the embassy to vote

We need every vote. I'm voting for her in Texas just to increase the popular vote total.

You sound like a quality human being whose doing great things with his life.

Let's hang out.

I'm switching to hillary's side if she wins.

I'm gonna watch twitter if Trump wins though, that shit will be fucking glorious.

You mean Tuesday you nig fucker

The rant will be better if he loses

NYT accidentally released early calling it for Trump

She will win Ohio. Superior ground game.

that's the spirit!

and love Manny

also the president i voted also hates Trump and the poeple voting trump

based José "Pepe" Mujica


jajajajaja why u mad son, mad that Drumpf gonna lose?

Trumps done, buddy. I was a trump supporter but once i saw that the FBI has restated that Hillary is innocent, i realised that he is just full of hot air.

Trump can't win now, he maybe had a shot before they announced Hillary free of all charges, but it's over for him. She will surge in the polls like never before and come out in a landslide.

She's already 5 points ahead pal. You might as well get on the right side of history and support Hillary before its too late.

Tomorrow is Tuesday, oh wait you westerners are a day behind.

says the Muslim in year 1438

This is exactly my prediction as well.

Tomorrow night is going to be so fucking glorious. I can't wait.

I love election night. It's so comfy.

