Tax Returns

Why hasn't he released them, Sup Forums?

what could he possibly have to hide? he's just a good businessman and never broke any rules

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He's been audited every year since the 90s now.

and supposedly nothing criminal was found, so what's he hiding?

Okay but there's nothing that says you can't release them whilst being audited.
He just doesn't want to do it.


Because he doesn't have to . Why would you release something personal like that if you dont have to? If trump losses it wont be because of that, so theirs no reason for him to show to information to the public.

he doesn't have to no, but I find it difficult to see how you trust your country in the hands of somebody who doesn't trust the public

Why would you assume he's hiding anything? You wear clothes, what are you hiding?

REEE appeal to nature is not a fallacy some things are ideal because they are natural
Just like the slippery slope

But why NOT if every other political candidate before him has? If he releases them, and it's fucking nothing (a la emails), wouldn't that only be positive yuge publicity for trump?

I hope he doesn't pardon the White House turkey either. It's time to end these stupid traditions.

my penis and two testicles, which is the usual reason for wearing clothes unless you are a gril

the usual reason for hiding your tax returns are because you donate to causes that aren't american or good for america, or you have committed tax fraud or aggressive tax avoidance



I was saying that his fallacy was an appeal to authority, stupid jew.

Why doesn't he relaese his birth certificate, Sup Forums? He is a natural born American, what does he possibly have to hide?

he did release his birth certificate lmao

But he did you mongloid

Because he is not legally obliged to do so.
But if you really want to make a strong case about him releasing his taxes, then present the tax returns of the last 5 presidents AND the candidates and that ran for presidency and their donors. It's called leading with example.. Then you'll have a good talking point, until then just stfu


here is every presidents tax returns back to 1937 my indian friend, can you find me donald trumps please?

>implying i don't genuinely think he should release his tax returns

His true wealth. I don't think he's a billionaire anymore.

he is under audit, oh wait, that makes no sense. I know, he is a crook and once his taxes are reviewed his mob and Russia ties will be exposed.

don't know if you're being sarcastic cos you actually said what i think

>It's called leading with example

I know but you included appeal to nature and my autism went wild

>aggressive tax avoidance
literally nothing wrong with that
>paying more tax than you have to
lmao what a cuck

nice argument, isn't he also a long term donor of russian oligarchs?

If he were, that wouldn't make Hillary any better. Uranium One, remember that company.

yes, the canadian mining company which donated some money to clinton was sold to russian businessmen, legally

whereas trump most likely violated un sanctions against russia in his supporting of russian oligarchs

>pay for play is legal

you're just throwing meme terms around, she was investigated for that and cleared of all criminal wrongdoing


>literally just going through all of HRCs' talking points
You think you're clever don't you?

cleared by the DOJ directed by (((Loretta Lynch)))
using echoes not to signal kikery but lack of impartiality

>announcing sage
doubt the janny would be happy about this were he to hear

and yes it's interesting hillarys talking points can be backed up by evidence whereas trumps support relies on tin foil maga hat wearers on Sup Forums trying to decipher "codes" about hot dogs and make it into a scandal

does it matter

it's not like you would care if he was or wasn't a crook

Trumps done, buddy. I was a trump supporter but once i saw that the FBI has restated that Hillary is innocent, i realised that he is just full of hot air.

Trump can't win now, he maybe had a shot before they announced Hillary free of all charges, but it's over for him. She will surge in the polls like never before and come out in a landslide.

She's already 5 points ahead pal. You might as well get on the right side of history and support Hillary before its too late.

sage goes in all fields telltale nigger

don't forget to go go vote for her...

damn autocorrect, meant to say tattletale
and announcing a report is against the rules too chap

It's generally a good idea to listen to your lawyers.

but user i'm not going to report anyone, i was merely suggesting that IF janny heard about the announcement of sage, he wouldn't be happy, i didn't suggest in any way that i plan to report either of you

doesn't fucking matter. Its because there are huge losses on his tax returns, he uses all the loopholes to make maximum gains (aka pay no fucking taxes)
But this is nothing new, all people involved in big money use the same loopholes. The reason why Trump has to dodge the audience with this question is because his name is directly tied to his wallet.

Why hasn't she released her tax returns for the clinton foundation in 2015, is a better question.

that veiled threat is 3rd grade tier

Duh ... because hes a fraud.


no user i'm just familiar with the rules as i was using this site before /r/the_donald sent your redditor cancer over

1. He's not paying taxes
2. His foreign policy is paid off by Kremlin

its not though is it
why hasn't donald trump released his tax returns despite it being a long standing convention to encourage openness of the presidential candidate

what could he possibly have to hide?

>Why hasn't he released them, Sup Forums?
Because the MSM would have spun it like they did with his tax breaks.


Well obviously his team thinks that releasing the returns that would hurt his electoral chances or else they would have done it already.

It's probably not even a big a thing, but his team clearly thinks the bad press and speculation around not releasing his taxes doesn't outweigh whatever it is he's hiding.

IMO he didn't release them for tactical purposes. I'm sure theres some questionable items in them, he was a businessman out for himself, of course he exploited loopholes.

But they wanted those, bad. And this is war, never give an enemy what they want, even if it wont't hurt you.

It's psychological warfare, you think he brought those women bill raped and the lady who was raped by Hillarys client for fun?

t. redditor
I'm not even a full blown trumpist even if he's a breath of fresh air and much welcomed. I'm a natsoc.
Try again plebbit.

>gets accused of being from /r/there
>goes full counter attack claiming to be a nazi
ah yes, very interesting

please go back to /r/eddit

more like back to stormfront, nigger

It's an equally valid question. For someone who constantly brings up Trump's tax returns, shouldn't Clinton be willing to release the Clinton Foundation's taxes? Oh wait, of course not because she's a lying hypocrite.

Trump has nothing to hide, he colored within the lines, he probably just never had any taxes to pay (there are a fuckload of loopholes, it's conceivable that he could have used accounting measures like depreciation to have a massive accounting net loss in one year (despite still making money) so he would be exempt from taxes for several years). He never broke any rules or did anything wrong, he just used a broken system (the same could almost certainly be said of Clinton). The problem is that to the average idiot it sounds bad when they hear he paid no taxes (because let's face it, the average person doesn't understand accounting and tax law all that well). These are many of the same kind of idiots that really swallowed the financially illiterate bullshit Bernie Sanders had to say.

I'm not even sure it's his team that don't want them released. What I think it boils down to is that the tax returns simply show he isn't worth as much money as he claims.
Trump is extremely protective of how much he's worth.

Also, he doesn't give a shit to charities.

but shes released her own tax returns? shes only asking that trump do the same?

It is, it really really is.

What could she possibly have to hide?
Well, actually, we over here are quite well aware of what it is she DOES have to and IS hiding in the Clinton Foundation which is why it has yet to ever be audited.

pic related, you thought you were dealing with a plebbitor like you, couldn't be further from the truth

Because he's a business man. His taxes are going to reflect that, which isn't public friendly. He was not a politician so he did not pad them like all the other politicians to make them look decent.

they're two sides of the same coin actually aha

you're probably worse than reddit, even less interested in hearing different opinions

He probably lied about the extent of his wealth. He also likely doesn't want voters to see that he's paid no taxes for a couple decades now.

He doesn't want his HRC donations found.

Is autism common with Jews? Like are there special segregated places like schools and housing projects that you send them off to?

He's not worth as much as he's claimed.

He also hasn't paid taxes for years now.

Also he owes a lot of money to foreign banks.

Actually I became a natsoc after hearing different opinions. While growing up I had this cartoon evil nazi concept of natsocs. After I found out about the fabrications around the Holocaust myth, I became open to the ideology. I came here for the anonymity and the freedom of expression. It's no wonder that a site where freedom exists becomes a refuge for forbidden ideologies.

(((donald trump)))

See that's not an argument.

>fabrications of the holocaust myth

*tips tin foil hat*

What are his lawyers telling him to hide from the American people?

Trump demanded to see Obamas birth certificate. Seems fair people want to see his personal documents. He perpetuated the idea that demanding personal documentation was a thing we did

So did the clinton campaign. Seems fair people would want to see the emails. Her campaign perpetuated the idea that demanding personal documentation was a thing we did.

And we've gotten thousands of her emails though she didn't want that to be the case.

Now, deflecting to Clinton isn't really a valid argument in the first place because we are talking about Trump. Saying "Clinton bad" isn't an argument in support of Trump.

But y'know I agree with you. I'd be great if Trump released his taxes and WikiLeaks hacked Trump and released his emails.

No reason to give them ammo. He can just deflect, and he has, every time someone asks him

>Trump won't release his tax returns
>Hillary broke federal law, destroyed the middle east and attacked her husbands rape victims
>D-drumpf btfo again

>disconnected chimneys
>numbers that don't add up
>lack of Prussian blue on the "gas chamber" walls
>serial outlandish fabrications like using diesel exhaust to kill, making human skin lampshades or killing by using masturbation machines
>sections of the diary of Anne Frank written with a fucking ballpoint pen
The Holocaust is largely fiction. "Death camps" were actually labor camps. And the goal was deportation, not extermination. Sure, some jews got shot, others starved, others got typhus (more zyklon b supply could have saved those) . Nowhere near 6 million.

They secretly meeting is. You're probably uninformed.

Bears are natural

nice LARPing as a stormnigger

Who's talking about trump? I'm talking about transparency from government, or soon to be ex and ex governemnt, officials.

It would be great if Hillary Clinton would release the emails that she was hiding from our government. It would like it even more if she disclosed all the money she was receiving from foreign countries, that actively oppress women and gays/lgbt, like Qatar and Saudi Arabia.

But as he said in the debate, he considers it proof that he's smart. So why not release the tax returns? It would be proof of his genius.

>good businessman

There's an oxymoron for you

Former stormfronter, if you will. Haven't posted in years as you can gather from my post. Posting here helps me hide my power level better in meatspace. I'll eventually show it once I'm in a better position to do so.

Because it's not padded to be politically correct/acceptable like carer politicians. Even geniuses are not safe from the PC monsters taht act based on emotion and not reality.

He doesn't pay them because he's smart. I dont pay taxes so, i have nothing to show you. What is the conversion of GBP to US dollar anyway?

you don't pay taxes because you are poor, donald trump doesn't pay taxes because he pays people to hide his money and perform various techniques out of you or any normal persons reach to pay a much lower rate of taxation than working people

user, if all jumped off of a bridge, would you?

>hide his money
That's not how tax avoidance works.

His accountant thought that Trump taking credit for his work was pretty hilarious.

Yeah, pretty smart really.

the second bit is, for the uk anyway, i know the usa have got that all income is taxable wherever you earn it thing so he probably does something more complicated

Because Hillary hasn't released the 33,000 deleted emails herself.

well this is all conjecture anyway, if only there was some way we could see what he filed for his tax returns? that would help stop this needless conjecture

shes released her tax returns, donald trump should release his :)

I've never heard Hillary called a turkey before but she definitely is built like one.

There are a few years of his tax returns that are available from court cases he was involved in.

Forgot my obligatory. Taxation is theft.

all 20 layers of it, lmao