Assuming you had the abilities and resources to pose a serious threat, what Superhero(s) would you arch?

Assuming you had the abilities and resources to pose a serious threat, what Superhero(s) would you arch?

Fucking superman.

That asshole always thinks he is always right. And I will his boy in front of him or turn him gay.

Mr. Terrific.

Thinks he's so great because he's a genius.

Well, he is, but I bet I could chuck a rock at him and hit him now and then.

Batman. That sanctimonious fuck needs to get taken down a peg.

Batman to maximize my chances of a movie deal.

At the very least, I'd get an appearance on TV and a video game.

Stardust the Superwizard - someones needs to stop it.

>Stopping Stardust

Enjoy your cruel and ironic punishment

Spider-Man is my favorite super hero to be honest, was since I was a kid....however, I am a weird dickhead as well. For one thing I'm a bit jealous of him, I've always wanted his spider powers and while I always related to him for being something of a loser, he's still not more of a loser than I am, and some small part of me has always resented Peter for that, like when some hot chick is wanting to bang him all the time. Also I know he is a better person than me, a more righteous person anyway, the way he started his career being petty and self serving but then becoming a better person after his uncle's death, I've always admired it but also angered by it, because I am deep down a bitter, vengeful piece of shit, and I know I've never been able to make myself a better person in life.....some part of me would want to prove him wrong, prove that his self righteous morality is false and useless. In a weird way I also want to be Peter's best friend, but I also want to bully him, I want him to be angry at me and hate me because he probably wouldn't want to hang out with me or like me anyway.

Wow, You sounds like a villain in the making.

I mean I have to be on the same powerlevel than it otherwise I would arch Kamala by taking a dose of Extremis and go full Mallen on her ass.

Batman is objectively the best hero to arch.

>guaranteed to never die no matter how implausible your survival would be
>will be powered up in crossovers
>city contains an infinite source of henchmen seemingly from nowhere
>basically guaranteed to get in a video game and TV show at the least just by virtue of being a Batman villain
>can probably become the main villain of one of the dozen Batfamily spin-offs

>thread summons user from the marvel universe

>any scantily clad female who likes to fights physically

Super Mario and his sidekick, Regular Luigi.

Nigga, you could be the new Vemon.

I'd be a Red Lantern and I'd dedicate my time to coming up with various ways to piss Guy Gardner off so he'd turn Red and become my partner.

This is approaching Thawne levels of nemesis.

Plastic man, but only if I get similar powers.
Our battles would be amazing.

Superman. I'd try to gain godlike powers, specifically target Superman- threaten Lois, the Kents, whatever- to try and grab his attention.

When he's thrown me to the moon, and we're duking it out, I'll stop and tell him how sorry I am. How empty I am inside and how I'm only doing this to compensate for feeling so empty inside. Really grab his sympathy. Then I'll ask for a hug.

Then Ihug him back.

There is no twist here. I just really want a hug from Superman.

This cunt. I wouldn't even have to set up a scenario that isolates her from the avengers, SHIELD, or Tony's family and friends since she already did it to herself. All I have to do is hit her with a thing that fries all of her electronics and armor, paralyze her, and then dump her in the middle of a desert tied up. But before I leave her to her fate, I would whisper in her ear:

>You wanted to be the next Tony Stark. Wish fucking granted.

Just don't let Bruce see it, he might get jealous

Punisher. The man is a menace at this point, and his fans are obnoxious as hell.
Granted, if I could kill him, I would probably terminate a couple crime barons so the underworld doesn't get too comfy, and then I would follow the same slippery slope as Frank.

Now choose your powerset, villainon.

Dude at this point you just need your villain name. I suggest some insect to stay thematicall close to your nemesis. I think a Centipede ould work well since the theme is how disgusting you feel and they do hunt spiders.

I'd arch against Booster Gold and get my entire family across generations to surgically alter themselves to look like me so that whenever he travels forwards and backwards in time he'll find "me" and we'll all tell him that "You look so young now, younger than you were back when we last fought, oh a great battle is coming for us Booster, soon for you and so long in my past, and I win, no matter what you do you've already lost. My plan is flawless!"

So he'll spend years waiting for this fight in his future that kills him and it will never come.

Unironically these fuckers.

Every confrontation would be a riot, and spying on them planning their demise would be like watching a sitcom, one that I can influence by getting them in worse situations knowing they would fucke themselves up with just the slightest intervention from my plan.

Best part is that since one member is the peak of immortality in a multiverse full of immortals and another is an angel of death, I can be as rough as I want to keep myself threatening, and that's not mentioning the free killcount bonus from Grasshoppers. Of course, I would need to fail multiple times in ridiculous ways to keep this game going, making me the butt of all jokes for losing to the fucking GLA, but I don't care for reputation, god knows what happens to Marvel characters with too much spotlight is worse than death.

A centipede theme is actually a pretty good idea.

>Now choose your powerset, villainon.
Typically, I just would want Spider-Man's powers, but the other user now has me considering how centipede powers might work.

I imagine lots of those big spindly iron spider legs except organic coming from the back. Peter gets to live a normal life when he wants, you have horrible freak arms.

>not going after female capes so you could rape them
Anyway, I pick Catwoman

Poison would probably be the best way to go for offense. Wall crawling woud probably still be a thing as it fits the insect theme, with a focus on quick movement and stealth to enhance that creepy aura of a fucking centipede moving around.

But before anything else, you should decide if you're going for the technological enhancement, the accidental superpower, or the mutant/inhuman approach.

I imagine this character, when put inside the Marvel universe and not knowing Peter's identity, would have lived seeing Spider-Man being a selfless hero constantly attacked by the people he protects, but at some point needs to somehow get an understanding of Peter's temptations and flaws in order to resent him for surpassing them and make him feel even lower as a result.

Hello Jonah

I will trash talk him and call him names online,
He will live in fear from the one called The Hacker Known as Sup Forums..
Or The Troll, I'm still working on a name to be honest.

That's terrible in the best way.

Not a hero but...

Let's do a team-up

Wonder Woman,Power Girl, Ravager.

Carol Danvers. She's in need of villains enough that I could get a decent amount of attention and become lasting, she probably wouldn't go for a kill on someone who acts as an obsessed fan who bipolarly switches between wanting to kill her and desperately wanting her to love him, and she's broken enough that I mat be able to change her for the better. Or a way that's ultimately for the worse but lets me be with her. I'm fine either way.

this but with a inhuman that looks like a skrull

>Sorcerer supreme Tony Stark teleports her to safety and gives her a power up

I would steal her panties almost constantly