>there are drumpfkins right now who think they would stand a chance against liberals in a civil war
>there are drumpfkins right now who think they would stand a chance against liberals in a civil war
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Its not what states have them. Its who has them in those states. The conservatives are the only ones who know how to properly fire a weapon. Weak beta cuck liberals think guns are icky. A war between conservatives and liberals would be a slaughter. Liberals would be ass slaves within 2 weeks.
Sure all four conservative californians. Also keep in mind the only people with actual combat experience are inner city gangsters who are armed to the teeth and overwhelmingly liberal
>civil war
>china, turkey, pakistan, and england
and can only hit children instead of their intended target. Dont forget about the overwhelmingly right veterans community.
How much does CTR pay you?
31% of California residents are conservative
42% are pussy liberals who have had no firearms experience what so ever and would get mowed down by anyone with any tactical training
20% are independent and historically, independents usually split poltically
So its actually like California is 41% conservative.
We tolerate you.
If we want.
We can kill you.
You fucking beta cuck.
Dont forget your place.
Equivalent of
All old as fuck wouldn't stand a chance against the overwhelming number of thugs
Lmfao still 18% more liberals retard you won't stand a chance
tell us about the experience these dangerous fellows have with 500+ yard headshots or even simply feeding themselves when the store shelves are empty.
How is that pre-ban lever action I sent you for Christmas? Still holding up?
War veterans.
People with firearms experience.
Come on buddy
Nothing like that but drive bys and such. They aren't afraid to kill another man that's all you need when your coming up against piss weak conservatives who only ever shot a deer.
Delet this
Nice shitpost mate, almost made up for Kangaroo Jack with that one.
Also fuck New Jersey, all the other states seemed pretty reasonable.
And a huge amount of felons who have actually killed people before
>Implying veterans havent
>Implying the military would be on liberals side in a civil war
>Implying LEO would be on liberals side in a civil war
Put down the bong, its ruining what little brain cells you have left.
>They aren't afraid to kill another man that's all you need when your coming up against piss weak conservatives who only ever shot a deer.
take 15 pounds of stuff, put in in a backpack, then put on thick pants, boots, and jacket, and walk 5 miles in uneven forest
comeback to me and tell me hunters are weak
fucking faggot cuck
Trumps done, buddy. I was a trump supporter but once i saw that the FBI has restated that Hillary is innocent, i realised that he is just full of hot air.
Trump can't win now, he maybe had a shot before they announced Hillary free of all charges, but it's over for him. She will surge in the polls like never before and come out in a landslide.
She's already 5 points ahead pal. You might as well get on the right side of history and support Hillary before its too late.
>old as fuck
we do have a standing military that rotates into combat zones. have you been under a rock for the last 15 years?
More felons than veterans
Military and LEO under control of Obama
Your finished mate admit it vote for Hillary whilst you still can
Trumps done, buddy. I was a trump supporter but once i saw that the FBI has restated that Hillary is innocent, i realised that he is just full of hot air.
Trump can't win now, he maybe had a shot before they announced Hillary free of all charges, but it's over for him. She will surge in the polls like never before and come out in a landslide.
She's already 5 points ahead pal. You might as well get on the right side of history and support Hillary before its too late.
Why are you people responding to this shit tier aussie bait?
ctr not even trying anymore
That's different to killing a man. Beside whitebois are normally skinny desu senpai
Obamas got them on a leash
Because they know it's true
Dude, just stop. We see that CTR is brigading Sup Forums right now. Do you guys think its not obvious? 2 hours ago this board was all pro trump and in general is pro trump and now its all pro hillary out of nowhere?
Listen. President Trump.
Just fucking deal with it.
You guys put forth a corrupt and terrible candidate in Hillary Clinton.
You wont stop people from going to vote on Tuesday.
The silent majority will show you that you dont control the system like you think you do.
And when Trump is president, half of you will be in jail and half of you will be hanging from the gallows.
>he thinks it's strictly a war of attrition
>he thinks three felons with handguns are a match for a single vet with a longgun
>Good goy, give us your guns so the U.N and China can have an easier time taking over your country
>Nothing like that but drive bys and such
gonna be fun watching the hoopties roll over a weak ass conservative IED while attempting a drive by.
The sheer number of felons in the US will mean vets won't be able to pick off nearly enough of them before they're within hand gun range
Just vote Hillary and you won't have your conservative shithole state destroyed by hordes of liberal felons
Hahaha bunch of sissy faggots against hunters, military men and pissed off fathers. You're dead OP. If you're referring to niggers and spics give me a break. No skill no dicipline.
the other thread was full
Wait, Texas only has as many guns as Germany? I thought my state wasn't cucked.
>implying that the captive Republicans in Commiefornia aren't the gun owners
Lol. Libcuck skull fragments would be used to pave the sidewalks.
>pissed off fathers
Yeah someone's fucking dad is going to stand a chance against a two-time convicted murderer and gangster along with him and his inner city Chicago gang. Wouldn't even be able to pull the fucking trigger before hes got a pistol barrel in his mouth
I already voted for Trump in a critical swing state.
Sorry, Im not an emasculated beta cuck. I shoot guns, I grab women by the pussies and generally do whatever the fuck I want with no filter or concern for your widdle feelings.
But please, go collect your 3 cents per post.
Always Australia.
Lmfao trust me none of the inner city thugs are be going to be giving two shits about your feelings as they pump you and the rest of the drumpftards full of lead. You'd stand no chance mate, to make up for it convince some random to vote for Hill to cancel out your vote.
That awkward moment when they realize all those guns in MI aren't in Detroit. AKA the blue part of the state.
Do you know detroits murder rate?
Yeah, the very idea of Elliot Stink with a gun has millions of men quaking in their boots
Or thugs and criminals all of whom are liberal?