People who will be dead to you if Trump loses.
People who will be dead to you if Trump loses
The white race
redpilled burgerfats
Tuesday will either be a great day or a horrible day for American posters here. Their country will either be an example for everyone else to follow or it will pass Germany and the UK in terms of being cucked.
I'll probably stop coming onto this website. It hit me today how weird and Sup Forums tier this board has become, especially the Trump threads. I question if most of the people here are even old enough to vote
Western world
correction:People who will be dead if Trump loses.
It won't be a big deal either way. Not like a wall is going to stop inevitable financial collapse.
Scott Adams.
Trump will win though, stop polluting our meme magic.
A financial collapse we can recover from, massive demographic swings we cannot.
>Trumpfags and CTR shills will probably stick around on this shit board forever instead of going back to R*ddit
>I predicted
>it's very very funny
>that's about all
>peace out
Kinda makes me wonder if people will become dejected to trump and alt-right like activism by this? I was thinking abefore that maybe trump losing would be a huge kick to keep on whining but maybe it'll get quiet if there isn't a carrot win tickling the ego?
>Clinton camp
my very own soul
It'll fizzle out. I'm curious how much damage trump will ultimately end up doing to the republicans and how easy it'll be to recover
Don't worry. Hillary will not control senate or house
but she will control the supreme court
>libertarian discussions are gone for good, the left wont even bother entertaining such thoughts
oh well it was fun
>let's be honest
Just say when. You know he's not winning
kek will be seen as a false god
>lamestream media
Dead to me if Trump wins or loses:
I keep my eye on the ball.
>Screwed the pooch
I will make plans to sell everything and live off the grid.
Live a humble life in the woods.
Die alone or with my dog.
If trump loses and there's no repercussions you tubby fuckers will forever be known as impotent pussies.
just a heads up
>what is essentially
My own countrymen
Every time I start doubting a Trump victory, this fucking guy appears in my recommended list and I'll watch his vid that restores my confidence each time.
He has such a matter of fact tone, I hope he hasn't just been reeling me in the whole time.
this. the deterioration of relations between sexes will culminate with this. I will literally become gay because of this.
Oh GOD, this.
When the draft is reinstated people will start turning on the gov't.
I'm ineligible for reenlistment and I've already served.
Good luck, liberals.
The fucking left is dead to me if Trump loses.
good riddance!
this right here
We will be more cucked than the UK. They at least voted for Brexit, though it's still to be seen how that will go.
It's like this every election you dumbass, romney posters were the hillary posters of yesteryear, same cringey ironic shitposting that has actual supporters come out and think they are in good company.
That's exactly how I read the op.
Sup Forums
He'll probably be as disappointed as you.
>legacy media
>not demons
Sup Forums
Serously. I'm coming here so much that it's ruining my life.
My fellow countryman. I truly don't know what to do if she wins.
t. Texas
It doesn't matter who wins.
It doesn't matter if the vote counting is honest or manipulated.
It doesn't matter if the Russians are blamed, or Assange, or the FBI, or my great-grandmother.
This time, it is very likely that there will be large bloodshed.
"You are either with us or against us" was successfully implanted in people's brains by the mass media. There's no longer an in-between or outside of it all. Only them versus us.
And guess what? If that really happens, you will finally taste your own medicine, that your people in power brought all over the world in the past decades.
all my love, styxxers
If women vote against him (the white man who spoiled them to begin with). Then i will hate them.
Tastes like world control so powerful even Germany will be taken down if we collapse. Even if we fail I will still drink your tears.
Goddamned right!
At this point, Germany is on its last leg anyway
Hahaha, good luck, fatty.
So sorry our people are able to benefit off of your cucked nature
Get rekt kid.
Yup. Same if in the far future Sadiq Khan ever ends up Prime Minister of my shit country
Hey, how could I take you serious when you forgot to call me "Hans"? Not your best day today, no?
I love Styx. Been a big fan, even before he made the new channel under the name of Styx it was actually botany101 before. Good times.
I personally don't hate Germany myself so I've no reason to insult your genetics, just the place where you live. Also Hanz was a 10/10 troll on /x/ And I shall not defile his name as an insult.
>t. Tarl
You better be right.
Whatever you say Styx
Kike! Look everyone!!
He is so popular he answers 2 questions at once! Subvert and mock!xxi
Yeah, they're already pretty bad to be around but I can stomach and ignore most of their bs. If Trump doesn't win though... fuark. I'll save up for a sex bot.
Golden Formula
Make viral. I shit on Styxnigger too and hate his thread spamming but he isn't entirely a faggot.
All of us.
virus link. don't click
Can confirm, scan didn't even finish before it red flagged it.
This. Mostly women I hear psycho babbling non arguments about Trump.
enjoy being gay then