>Post YFW you realise that everything you dumb kids have been doing is futile and Clinton will win regardless
You act as if anything that you do will have an effect, she's already decided for you. You realise that for every 100 you have we have 1 staffed professional? You do comprehend, that she has and will quell you. Just give up and save yourselves the time.
Post YFW you realise that everything you dumb kids have been doing is futile and Clinton will win regardless
Other urls found in this thread:
When Trump loses, the Sup Forums tears will sustain me for weeks, maybe even months. I shall descend upon this board like a wolf upon a lamb, and bask in the unending impotent rage that this board will pump out. I will gaze upon the suicide threads and rage posts, and drink deep of their whining. When they actually start livestreaming their own suicides and self-mutilation, I'll know true ecstasy.
I don't think my penis will ever be harder than it will be when a million Sup Forums tards cry out in itty bitty white boi penis fury simultaneously.
They'll try to convince themselves it was a rigged election. They'll try to convince themselves that the Jews had pulled a fast one on them.
"We will riot!" They will say. "Race war!" "Day of the rope!" they will cry.
Time will pass, and they will do nothing because they only talk. They are too cowardly and weak to do anything
But best of all, none of their bitching will balm the pain of knowing that their God Emperor, their hero, will go down in history as an embarrassment, as an amusing footnote at best, as the loud obnoxious asshole who lost to the first WOMAN president. The entire nation KNOWS that Hillary is a literal criminal, that she's practically bathed in the blood of 4 dead Americans, intimidated Bill's rape victims into silence, and her administration will surely be mired in constant scandals and ethical breaches. But all this only drives home just how little the American people think of Trump. After all her bullshit, her crimes, her lies, they STILL see Hillary as being superior to Trump. When the denizens of Sup Forums come to this realization, they shall know true, soul-crushing, all-encompassing despair. Exquisite shall be their pain. I will look into their eyes and watch their spirit break, and won't reach my climax a moment sooner.
we'll actually just form together like a transformer and REVOLT!
You won't do shit you basement dwelling retard. Normies do not care about your white nationalism or your WW3 happenings. Get fucked.
A bunch of fat virgins getting together in a sweaty ball of autism.
I'd love to see that.
I don't care about Hillary winning, I'm more interested in what Trump and all his supporters will do if he loses. It should be interesting either way though
That pic gave me a good chuckle. Holy fucking shit, reminds me so much of old Sup Forumsacks. We don't care about Hillary or Trump, we just like to make fun of anyone stupoid enough to get triggered by shit like this.
It used to be the SJW and the feminists, then we realized the Drunpfkins are even worse with getting triggered so we put our aim on them. Shitposting has reached new heights. This shit is glorious!
There was a really interesting front line on turnip and hilldog. It talked about trumps religious upbringings and how the sect of Christianity he went into put so much value on winning and positive thinking. Really gives light into trump, as he really cannot handle losing and attempts to ignore it. An example being his realtor scandle where he countersued the group of African americans, lost, then claimed he won..
the day of reckoning is coming. ive awaited to taste these alt right tears for over a year, and now that you've grown in numbers, i will be supplied with many, many of those tears. seeing Sup Forums implode will be my first treat, then seeing these inbred hicks across the country scream and yell in pain and anguish will be my second treat, then watching trump give his concession speech, will be my final and the most delicious treat. im wishing for him to cry live, and make all his supporters cry along with him. i will violently masturbate to all of it. i will bask in the never ending glory of his defeat. and then when the news breaks out of mass suicides, i will have ascended to a other worldy euphoric state
>he ACTUALLY screencapped his own post
not my post, i saved it from another user
Nov 8, the day kek dies
sure you did lol
whatever man
>staffed professional
thanks for the motivation, shitposting OP
You honestly think a bunch of turbo autists would spend their time productively on something else?
We're on Easy Street And it feels so sweet 'Cause the world is but a treat When you're on Easy Street And we're breaking out the good champagne
Fucking newfag, Sup Forums will blow up when Clinton starts a war with Russia!
A win for Trump is a win for Russia
I wonder who the MH17 victims and the 10,000+ Donbass War victims would be voting for if they were American citizens, hmmmm?
If it's over. I have a confession.
I've always wanted to be a girl