This is my official prediction

This is my official prediction.

I'm only unsure when it comes to NV, NC, and PA. Those are too close to call, but I made my best guess.

New Hampshire is the wild card. It could pick the next POTUS. How does that make you feel Sup Forums?

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I'm looking forward to this places meltdown once Donald loses.

where's the flaw then, buddy?

NE was sick of obama by 2012, i doubt they're gonna split. even in (((polls))) that look grim for trump have him winning NH, and don't forget that electoral voter in washington who says he will under no circumstances vote clinton

it's gonna be close lads

Here are the actual results.

Hillary's ahead in Nevada, Florida, North Carolina, and New Hampshire.

I noticed you accidentally posted the wrong images


Nebraska blue? what? lol

>most of America is red
>Trump is only slightly ahead

What the fuck is wrong with your election process? Who decided that CA was worth so many points?

Nebraska splits its EVs. Two go to whoever wins statewide, while the other three each go to whoever won Nebraska's three congressional districts. In 2008, Obama got one of Nebraska's EVs by winning the Omaha area.

That said, I don't think Hillary is likely to win any EVs from Nebraska. The state Republicans redistricted after 2010 to try and prevent 2008 from repeating itself, and Obama didn't get any EVs from the state in 2012.

People vote.
Land doesn't.

Michigan is most definitely going red, the Clinton hype is almost nonexistent. As long as the nig vote in Detroit doesn't show up to vote then the great white silent majority will reign supreme.

it's based on population but I'll bet there's a fair bit of dirty tricks involved

pa will be red.
I have a long analysis with a totality of circumstances that direct it will be red. I can't even see how it will be a surprise to political analysts, they should be taking all of PA's nature and election history into account. In fact, there's 2 major key points that all the analysts have completely overlooked. When these two alone erupt, I think political analysts will have to seppuki

1) 100k dems changed to republican for the primaries. They did that to vote Trump.

2) 350,000 NEW voter registrations have been filed in PA -since this summer-. Few of those benefitted Philadelphia, they go to the red parts of the state.

Would be incredible if Trump lost Florida but won MI and PA

Nebraska is all red.

Wisconsin and Michigan flip.

>TFW fucking NH could decide the election

>>mfw it goes red

he's going to win michigan as well.

It'll be a wet day in Detroit thanks to our meme magic.

Nevada is basically confirmed blue at this point just from early voting.

They just can't call it until voting concludes, but most of the state votes early and Dem votes are way up already.

only one you might be right on is Florida but since I live here I know you are wrong anyways

Here is how i think it will go

>way up already
>less lead than 2012
ok user time for your pill

no it isn't. thats repubs vs democrats. when you add in independents into the mix hillary is only up by 1% in early voting. and shes down in the polls.

>6% more democrats than Republicans have voted
>hispanic numbers have skyrocketed over recent years
>but all the independents will break right, don't worry

Trump WILL win Michigan retards

>all democrats are voting HRC
>independents do indeed lean heavily Trump
>ignoring that republicans always vote stronger on election day

you are going to be surprised by the southwest spic vote.

Michigan will go for trump, easily

So whats the deal with NM and CO thats makes them stand out. Latinos?
I thought UT and CO were conservative mormon country.

>Michigan red
Yeah okay

Democrats always win early voting. That CTR shill shit isn't going to work when you spout things we already know.

Kek truly does exist.


And don't try to argue that the Senate Race isn't a solid bellwether for Nevada's Presidential pick. If Heck wins then Trump wins.


Yeah i also think he will get 260ish if he can't flip a blue state

Still though that's way better than McCain & Romney, so the GOP can't fucking say people didn't want Trump, but i bet they will & nominate another cuckservative in 2020 & get under 200 electorate votes again & wonder why

No she isn't.

>implying Dems aren't flipping in mass this year.

The ballot may be FROM a Dem, but that doesn't mean the actual vote is FOR a Dem

Legal Hispanics don't like illegal Hispanic

Mexican Hispanics are most disliked by all other Hispanics

>MUHH big crowds = more votes

Tell that to Bernie cucklord

>actually comparing Bernie's micro-crowds to Trump's Woodstock-tier crowds


A state gets more points if it has more people

What they don't tell you is they also count illegals.

>Florida Blue

The dirty trick is that it's a fuck huge state with lots of big cities which completely override the rest of the state's population. If it'd be cut apart into smaller states a lot of it would be competitive and the Democrats wouldn't get as big a share of guaranteed delegates. As it stands now California could still absorb many of the surrounding states and still be a Democrat stronghold.