We're the bad guys Sup Forums?

We're the bad guys Sup Forums?

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>wondering if the white supremacist anti-Semitic neonazis are the bad guys

I'm just standing up for my rights as a consumer desu senpai

Pol is satire

GOAT movie of all time

No it isn't.

>40% satire
dubs say so

Sup Forums is satire bro

>white supremacist anti-Semitic neonazis
Whats wrong with these things?

What posted on here is satire, exactly? That blacks are dumb and violent? That jews control Hollywood, the media and the government? That Hillary is corrupt? All of those things are true. Sup Forums isn't satire, but nice gaslighting tactics JIDF.

Michael Douglas is Ashkenazi Jewish.

pro tip: there is no definite good or evil

literally nothing

Sup Forums is a board of peace

>white supremacist
>pointing out jews are behind almost every rabbit hole is antisemitism

If wanting to exterminate all non-whites from the planet and creating a global European utopia is bad, then I don't want to be good.


I love people who think this movie was about niggers, instead of how the modern world dehumanizes us all.

>The only two people who understand D-FENS at all are an old man on the verge of retirement and the black guy who's NOT ECONOMICALLY VIABLE

>fell for the white supremacist meme
>doesn't know Sup Forums is literally full of liberals
damn son

This. We're all ex-Bernie bros who #shillforthehill now. Follow me on twitter @agreeandamp on twitter for hilarious satire that make's alt-rightards and drumpf supporters go on suicide watch.

Can I post here?

who ever thought it was about niggers?

>>wondering if the white supremacist anti-Semitic neonazis are the bad guys
Nah, my people are white, there's nothing wrong with putting them in the first place.

Also a sensible mix of socialism and capitalism based on strong morals and collaborative efforts makes sense to me.

Women deserve to be in the kitchen. Naked.

This. I'm convinced all the retards here never even watched the fucking movie. Hell, he even has a black kid show him how to set up a LAW.

Anyone that thinks the movie had anything to do with race memes didn't even fucking watch it. Hell, the one Sup Forumsack neo-nazi fedora lord in the movie got BTFO.

>muh buzzwords

Grow up, cunt

I post dumb shit all the time, but I have no real world opinion because i've never experienced the real world, only through the internet

Oh shit are you serious? Ive been posting racist shit for a couple years now. Whoopse

Name of the movie, please?

of course not , the bad guys are in jail

falling down

Do these guys touch each others wee wees?

Define evil, OP.

Sup Forums is chaotic, not evil

newsflash ctr is stuck in the 90s

I'm reminded of a Sup Forums copypasta about it being a lecture on what happens if you fuck with the white man. Can't find it in the archives at the moment, though.

If you want the other side of the coin (for a laugh, or to make you actually go on a rampage):

I couldn't even make it past the first paragraph. What a tool. I like how got completely BTFO by the comment section, too.