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I blame jews

Trumps done, buddy. I was a trump supporter but once i saw that the FBI has restated that Hillary is innocent, i realised that he is just full of hot air.

Trump can't win now, he maybe had a shot before they announced Hillary free of all charges, but it's over for him. She will surge in the polls like never before and come out in a landslide.

She's already 5 points ahead pal. You might as well get on the right side of history and support Hillary before its too late.

Wow Hillary clearly set this up...

I was a lifelong Hillary supporter since she was a partner at Children's Defense Fund, but I'm not voting for her anymore

why do you hate america?

Why do you reply to copypasta?

The right simply can't plant save their lives. Innuendo won't stick until they learn this.


i only read the first part you cuck


we seem to be close to having the illumunati exposed. i'm not sure i can handle this.

Because all her crimes are just made up bullshit in your head. Sorry user, but you fell for the Trump Meme. Come back to reality. You will feel a lot better.

Because Trump is that bad to normal people. You guys are so lost. So deep in the shit. I'll pray for you.

Safest assumption ever.

because the joos?

Trumps done, buddy. I was a trump supporter but once i saw that the FBI has restated that Hillary is innocent, i realised that he is just full of hot air.

Trump can't win now, he maybe had a shot before they announced Hillary free of all charges, but it's over for him. She will surge in the polls like never before and come out in a landslide.

She's already 5 points ahead pal. You might as well get on the right side of history and support Hillary before its too late.

test post please ignore

Is Sup Forums dying for anyone else?

lying her ass off, destroying the evidence, bribery, murder and being a women

I think blackmailing has a huge role too

>FBI says there's some new emails which might amount to something
>FBI concludes there was nothing significant to them
It's almost like you refuse to accept anything that doesn't conform to what you want to be true.

Really makes you think...

anyone having issues posting?
502 errors?

Fuckoff cuck


Man who finds the joke wins the internet.

with what?

Hillary was playing 8 D chess while you were all shitting your diapers.

>calling first world citizens "cucks"
How dare you, Abdul

Took them months to go through 30,000 emails, days to go through 600,000. I probably got baited, but seriously this is corruption at its finest.

she gets away with it because the media refuse to do their jobs and the branches which should be doing something have been infested with their surrogates over the last 20+ years.

You're the one on the verge of a woman president and 283747293628376 rapefugees pouring in

I know, deep down, someone will take the hit for kek and assassinate her.

8==================D Chess

You cucks with your shitty furniture shouldn't even be allowed to post. And on the verge is a lot different than getting completely turned out which is what happened to your little joke of a country.

Name one person who was assassinated and deserved it

i fear for my Amerifags

Sorry but your country is already owned by shitskins like the Saudis at least there are still hot girls in my country that don't vote for devil worshipping globalists

Martin Luther King

Yeah I forgot about that nignog lol

>FBI doesn't prosecute Hillary
>FBI finds new information in the case
>FBI doesn't prosecute Hillary


Why your country hates itself?


First off, considering they already spent so much effort to go through emails pain-stakingly, they should have experience and ability to work faster this time.

Secondly, most of those 650k were completely unrelated and could be filtered out. Only a small subset of a subset were relevant, basically, so it's no shock they could go through them expeditiously. Especially since they allocated a significant amount of resources towards it.

They said most of the relevant emails were duplicates of ones they'd already seen, that'd also make it faster sorting through them.

But hey, if you're convinced it's all a conspiracy it doesn't matter what they say. Gotta be fact resistant eh.

We were at peace for too long and it made our leaders naiive and weak. eventually there will be an awakening though and we will purge all the durkas

Yeap I agree with this.
Trump can't win.
Also this whole wikileaks thing has just been for Assange's book release.
There is literally nothing in any of the leaks that can possibly stop her at this point there never really was.
It's over. I feel ashamed for supporting Trump this far but now I know the best answer is to not even vote.

Do you have any bolognaise to go with that pasta?

its funny cause its true


Thank you correcting the record.
0.3$ have been deposited into your account.

because she is part of the establishment

How will he die?

She is shady as fuck, but I'm yet to see a smoking gun that could really take her down. Donald is even more fucked up, imo.


How is donald more fucked up?

Don't reply to ctr

Good night, sweet Republic

15 gunshots to the back of the head from 300 feet away with a shotgun all the while his hands and feet were tied

Man Must have a Sup Forums bible. Because he's speaking the truth.

What could people possibly set her up to? The FBI is in her pocket.

Shillary could kill a man in broad daylight and walk away free.

How is Hillary evil? FBI can't find anything to indict her :).
Please post actual proof and not conspiracy theories!

> birther
> antivaxxer
> sham businessman
> a populist
> peddling for the lowest common denominator
> anti science
> climate change denier
> contradicts himself all the time

Generally acting like a geriatric old man who thinks is a player.

We need to rise up ourselves to get something done.

You first I wanna keep looking at dank meems

Donald Trump is a maniac, his ego is so twisted that he will go back on things he directly said like in the debates and he's always been like that.


I like how you're implying that being part of the establishment is a bad thing. So many baseless accusations flying around.