Is Australia the last hope for the white man?

Whatever happens, they cannot fall

American and Western Europe are past the demographic tipping point
It's too late to save them

Australia is 92% white and has a "don't come here and if you do we'll send you back" immigration policy
Vast majority of their young people are white unlike Western Europe and America where the vast majority of young people are Muslims and Latinos respectively

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We're doing alright. But you aren't welcome either, you septic tank.

If we are so white why the fuck was the park full of Muslim women and their kids when I went to the bottle shop before

We currently have a multiculturalism policy. But, this is progress.

This whole situation in the middle-east and with political correctness is soon ending.

At least you didn't go to Officeworks.

>where the vast majority of young people are Muslims a

Fox news, ladies

Yeah well I already have speakers and headphones since i'm not a nigger

Now we just need to ban the plane people.

Unfortunately 30% of the population are wiggers.

This policy is needed... but it's clearly the Hanson / Bernadi / 'white inbreeds 4 eva' sector helmed policy -- not from some largess to "save lives" (kek).

Of more import, however, is that when the real AGW shit hits the fan, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS will be fleeing, not a trickle of a handful of hist-skins. When this happens, this policy will be about as viable as pissing into a hydro power plant would be at making electricity.

where do you live?

no matter where white people go, the hordes of mudshit will follow us

Nah we're fucked, we'll eventually be majority Asian. Better than niggers or the bean variety I guess.

92% is garbage, probably around 80% now.


Please let this poster be real


The niggers and sand niggers have already done that

How else is a Drumpftard supposed to get their """news"""?


aus is probably like 60% white in cities now. whenever I head to the stops regardless of where in my city i see more asians than whites

Me too cunt

well thats the problem right there

I know it's hard to believe that Aus is 90% or even 80% white. I wonder if OP means 92% of Aussies are white or 92% were born in Aus.



tfw that shit is close to home, tfw everyone I know now refers to blacks as 'niggers'.

Oh hell yes

It is. But it only counts for illegal immigrants.

Yes the niggers breed like rats.

orc scum

Come to the maccas near the station and i'll fight you cunt

That makes sense then.


Don't be fooled by Australia. Those fucks literally hate everything and everyone. If you're not a White Australian considers yourself Steve Irwin and be prepared to be fucked in the chest. There immigration policy is literally two words FUCK OFF. Don't think you're going to get away with being a non-Australian White you're still going to be classed as nigger scum. Don't be fooled by heathen Australian, you have been forewarned.

that's probably because the suburbs tend to be whiter than the cities, also a lot of the white population are old cunts on the pension who don't get outside all that much

I still don't believe the stats the Government says I believe what I see with my eyes and everywhere you go there is Paki's , Africans and Muslimes fucking everywhere and to make things worse they all come to live in the same main cities and then they breed.

are you by chance a hori that got deported or fired from his mining/ scaffolding job?

went to melb CBD today. probably about 50% white, if that


lowly blacks have always been 'niggers' -- it's the same as fat burger being a burger.

it's just that Generation Porcelain love to fascistically usurp language and use it as a free-bleeder tampon, instead of calling a spade a spade / a radical Islamist a radical Islamist / a warmongering banker a warmongering banker / an autist an autist... and so and so forth


We're slowly being taken over by the Chinese. Since I moved here 20 years ago, my suburb has gone from about 30% asian to close to 80%. There is not a single aussie shop in the shopping centre nearby and I occasionally am the only white sitting in my train carriage



>rapey a drag queens

truly a western 'fenomenon'

nz is fucked, only people breeding are the Maoris (15%) and the Coconuts (8%) and we are flooded with asians as well, Auckland is like 40% asian :( but i dont mind a sxc asian gf from time to time ;)

92% white my fucking asshole the only white people I've seen in five years besides my parents are all from yurop

We'll see if the census results even come out I suppose

>source:think progress

That's a clever trolling tactic, citing a "source" that makes claims without citing their sources

How does it count as rape if she's pre-op?

when will this meme fucking die, we are overrun with vermin and untermensch, why do you think they ousted Based Tones, because whites are dying out here

Any aussie who watches the Bolshevik left wing shit that is the ABC and SBS will know exactly what i'm talking about


>Abolition of the White Australia Policy in the mid-1970s led to a significant increase in non-European immigration, mostly from Asia and the Middle East. About 90% of Australia's population is of European descent. Over 8% of the population is of Asian descent (predominantly Chinese, Vietnamese, Filipino and Indian).[34][35] The total indigenous population is estimated to be about 520,000 individuals, including people of mixed descent.[7] The population of Queensland also includes descendants of South Sea Islanders brought over for indentured servitude in the 19th century.

Maby were about due for Cronulla riots 2.0.

Depends which section you go to. I'd put my usual area is 20% at best
Depends which suburb. Some have been completely overtaken by a minority group

>1 in 500,000 chance of being hit by a meteor

Yeah I think we'd hear about it more often if this were the case.

who raped who?

Australia is where we put all the subhuman muslim tier white people in the first place.

If Australia EVER becomes the last, best hope for the white man, the white man is truly fucked.

trust me, m8 -- been to Thailand and Philippines (often), and the 'trap-on-female' dynamic stems from (i) porn / male titillation, and (ii) late-transitioning traps that are more blokes with periwigs than anything approaching a chick with a cock

Do you mean "Who raped whom?" ?.

A lot of that 92% is aged m8, demographic trends world wide for whites are on a consistent trend down.

Just to hope the civic nationalist meme can pull us together.

>Work in Oil and Gas
>Meet heaps of Americans (From Houston, BHP Petroleum headquarters)
>Mostly good dudes who love fishing and drinking piss.

Yeah I dont have a problem hey.

> I occasionally am the only white sitting in my train carriage

I've been the only white guy in a class when I was in uni

white person*

Yes whites welcome, otherwise fuck off we're full

but it hurts my brain

At least the Maoris have pride in their nation. I heard your PM has Moari blood so the leftists can't do their typical identity politics and it is driving them mad.

Dandnong here
Kill me now pls

We're going to be 50% white when all the old people die.
We're doomed 2bh

>pom: Prisoners of Her Majesty

shit-poster land is 50% chink and 30% 'other' -- there's likely no one here with even six degrees of separation from your inbred island

They are lazy and entitled, they stop economic growth.

>At least the Maoris have pride in their nation.
depends what maori you mean, some are just out to bludge
>I heard your PM has Moari blood
John Key is a jewy jew jew, you might be confusing him with uncle winny who hates immigrants

I work as a roughneck myself actually

ditto lads
lets meet up and fug
im not apex i promise

what -- that some cross-dresser who's really a faggot who saw an asian trap once, thinks they, too, can be passable... but then is overcum by their ball sack and rapes some sarlacc...?

stranger things happen every second of the day, m8...

What if I have arachnophobia?

"92 percent right" i think you need to visit us

>not apex
they're in Keilor area now -- move from Danydong / Somali Park

they're running amok there in the Westfields, kong-hitting security as they try to apologise for standing in their way and pussy-grabbing the white devil's sarlacc...

all white the muds dawah their diabolical nihilism to shoppers

it's all PC / SJW good, brah

Just live in the ocean of Oz and get eaten by a shark. Or killed by a jellyfish. Or a cone shell. Or a stonefish. Or a lionfish. Or a blue-ringed octopus.

Ye cunts

Dude just move to Iceland. They're literally all white there and there's no crime. Everyone is friendly. And there's elves.

Is a school shooter a "right wing terrorist"

Or is it a police officer?

who /brighton/ here

>tfw these niggers are doing carjackings evem here now

dip it in some batter and cook up a sumptuous shit-poster snack, that's what!



depends on the school


Crimebourne is a shithole, i'd rather even live in the western suburbs

>Australia is 92% white
boy have i got some news for you...


>Vince Foster was the only person the Clinton's killed



bring it on, "invader"

Have you been living under a rock?

Even if it is true, it hardly matters if all your cities aren't. Who the fuck wants to live in the middle of the desert.

I went to Sydney last year and holy fuck it makes Auckland seem like it's 100% white NZ.

>tfw 6'4 and built like a brick shithouse

if everyone on Sup Forums was put in a steel cage and forced to fight to the death I would easily be the last man standing, genuinely

i sit here sometimes looking at the smart arse posts you little redditors and neets make and just chuckle to myself because if you ever said anything like that to my face (as if you would dare) you could literally be eating pavement in under a second

think on

I live in the western suburbs, you don't want to live here

have I got some portent for you

This is for


This is out new national anthem.

5'9" 82kg cage fighter here. i'd kill you mate. sorry it's a fact. your shitty lanklet knees would be snapped first then as you cry like a bitch on the floor i'd just curb stomp your fat faggot head in
nothing personal, poof. just tellin ya like it is...
busted my share of coconuts if u know what im saying mate

Could be true i never go out west, i live in bayside and work white collar in the city

It's actually "if you come here, we'll ban you from Australia for life" policy