Why is everyone here turning on Trump?

Why is everyone here turning on Trump?

CTR pays overtime apparently

We aren't shill.

Because is logical

Because he's gonna lose in like couple hours. Time for damage control and claim Sup Forums never supported him.

I'm ctr but didn't get overtime. Share your shekels motherfucker

Logical is Kek wills Trump's victory your cuntbag has no chance.

CTR in overdrive. This is gonna end up being the most expensive presidential campaign of all time

CTR is all excited about corrupt comey's head fake.

It's smart to abandon a sinking ship before it drowns you with it

get a higher resolution image kike


Sure thing CTR. See you Wednesday, nerd virgins

CTR's final breath
raging against the dying of the light

They're not. It's just the leftists are showing up. They never care to be on Sup Forums or discuss politics until the last minute when it counts.

god bless them

I support him and always will my man

Pls keep it up. CTR here. I need as many of these as possible prior to when Florida is called for Hillary.

I think you're forgetting about certain voting machines, certain people caught ripping up certain paper and a certain thing called the electoral college

Im joining the winning team... in only hours she will be president

Thank you, saved to mock Trump losers when they claim they never liked him in a day and a half from now.

I am waking up my family with classical music at 1 am for Trump. Fuck you.

Because supporting him was a joke, granted, nobody here likes Hillary...

Well, at least it started as a joke, until the alt-right nutters who take it all seriously came along.

Thank you user. I've been working quite a while on it. It is my masterpiece, my Mona Lisa.

> Pepe

Hillary confirmed self-hating evil green frog

kek cant wait for drumfkins tears when we use their threads and posts to mock them in a couple days

>mfw i will never turn on Trump

drumpfkins expected some sort of actual legitimate surprise would come along and disqualify clinton from the race, because they know deep down drumpf can't win on his own merits

they're beginning to realize they got conned

No one is, CTR is just flooding the place

>Tfw they'll all be fired within a week


Because a lot of us aren't from Reddit and really fucking hate what you the_donald cunts have done to this place.
I wanted trump to win but your insufferable shitty forced memes and shitty threads have made it so even when he loses I'll great great enjoyment from watching you fucking children fuck off back to twitch to play your video games or whatever you do.
Consider suicide
