why does Sup Forums hate refugees?
Why does Sup Forums hate refugees?
do you have to ask
Because did you know that sweet potato is a remarkable plant. It’s a staple food of many traditional cultures. NASA has considered it a potential crop to be grown on spaceships for long term missions. In terms of energy production it’s only 3rd behind sugar cane and cassava. It produces the most food value (a combination of edible energy and nutrition) of any crop per unit space and time. A study of Fijian farms using manual labour showed that ratio of energy put into farming vs yield of energy was 1:17 for rice and 1:60 for sweet potato. It grows on marginal soil and doesn’t require much nitrogen to grow. It takes a relatively short growth period of 3-4 months to yield. All parts of the plant can be eaten including the leaves which provide additional protein and nutrients.
yes he does because he's a board sliding kike
because of the ideology of islam
most don't actually need asylum and are just coming for the benefits.
collectively they are a permanent burden.
You mean migrants.
There are no refugees to hate.
There are only illegal immigrants.
Fuck you, Australian nigger! Everyone knows African Yam > Butternut Squash > Sweet Potato > The Irish > Every other potato is the true chain of greatness
did...did you steal this from the description of that video the innawoods guy posted on youtube of him planting a sweet potato patch
they think that the new country they are coming to is meant to give up it's territory, culture, women and children to them to create a new version of the country they left.
assimilation, starting a new culturally is completely foreign to them and not an option.
they're there to colonise.
>the irish
this guy?
They dont commin and they dont stop commin They dont commin and they dont stop commin They dont commin and they dont stop commin They dont commin and they dont stop commin They dont commin and they dont stop commin They dont commin and they dont stop commin They dont commin and they dont stop commin They dont commin and they dont stop commin They dont commin and they dont stop commin They dont commin and they dont stop commin They dont commin and they dont stop commin They dont commin and they dont stop commin They dont commin and they dont stop commin They dont commin and they dont stop commin They dont commin and they dont stop commin They dont commin and they dont stop commin They dont commin and they dont stop commin They dont commin and they dont stop commin They dont commin and they dont stop commin They dont commin and they dont stop commin They dont commin and they dont stop commin They dont commin and they dont stop commin They dont commin and they dont stop commin They dont commin and they dont stop commin They dont commin and they dont stop commin They dont commin and they dont stop commin They dont commin and they dont stop commin They dont commin and they dont stop commin They dont commin and they dont stop commin They dont commin and they dont stop commin
Personality, I hate refugees because 99% of them are male. It should be 99% female.
Stuff like this
A guy is found without eyes, they are laying a bit down the street
Police has no leads but think it's related to a rivalry between african tribes
First world problems?
Dont forget that fucking gang war in melbourne involving ape refugees from Somalia. They wanted to leave the violence behind right?
If they bring it with them then just tell them all to fuck off!
We have our own poor people who get pushed to the background when immigrants arrive.
Kek, you mean illegal migrants. Put em in camps and kill em. How isn't important
Because you onl need refugee from a fucking shithole.
>your country is in turmoil, instead of standing up and change it for the good, you decide to leave
>go to a new country, expect new country to completely change for YOU, refusing to assimilate and ass blast new country because it is not good enough
It's American's fault, lads.